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Nur die Lüge braucht die Stütze der Staatsgewalt, die Wahrheit steht von allein aufrecht.

— Thomas Jefferson

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Mehrere Tote nach extrem starken Regenfällen in Japan

Rekordmengen an Regen verursachen in Japan Überschwemmungen und Erdrutsche. Auch nach dem Nachlassen der Niederschläge drohen weiterhin Gefahren.




Mehr als 23.000 Ärzte sind aus der Impfkampagne ausgestiegen

Stand: 15.08.2021 Von Laurin Meyer, Curd Wunderlich

Mehr als 23.000 Ärzte in Deutschland sind aus Corona-Impfkampagne ausgestiegen. Das sollte man nicht überbewerten, sagt Virologe Prof. Klaus Stöhr. Gefühlt werde fast nur über ………………



Taliban färben die Gesichter ihrer Feinde schwarz und treiben sie durch die Stadt

Die Taliban sind in Afghanistan weiter auf dem Vormarsch. In Herat stellen sie ihre Feinde öffentlich bloss, im Osten rücken sie bis auf wenige Kilometer nach Kabul vor.




China’s Xenophobic Plan to Shut Out the World

by Gordon G. Chang August 16, 2021 Moreover, crackdowns in Xi Jinping’s China never really end. They are more than just „wiggles,“ as superstar hedge-fund manager Ray Dalio called them in a July 30 LinkedIn posting, as he attempted to explain away Beijing’s harsh ………………..



Profits and poppy: Afghanistan’s illegal drug trade a boon for Taliban

By Jonathan Landay

WASHINGTON, Aug 16 (Reuters) – The United States spent more than $8 billion over 15 years on efforts to deprive the Taliban of their profits from Afghanistan’s opium and heroin trade, from poppy eradication to airstrikes and raids on suspected labs.




Can the Taliban bring peace?

Aris Roussinos is a former war reporter and a contributing editor at UnHerd. America couldn’t bring stability — perhaps its enemies can, August 16, 2021

It is unnecessary here to labour the main point about the rapid collapse of the American state-……………….



How America became a mad house

Christopher Caldwell is a contributing editor at the Claremont Review of Books and the author, most recently, of The Age of Entitlement: America Since the Sixties.  A debauched Sixties novel might put you off booze, August 16, 2021




All Major Cities in France Erupt with Protests



Die Zäsur des 15. August 1971

Vor 50 Jahren wurde nicht nur „das Goldfenster geschlossen“

Peter Boehringer, zum 15. August 2021




Für „Hochrisiko-Personen“: US-Behörden planen Quarantäne-Internierungslager

14 Aug. 2021 Während einige Politiker auf „Impfpässe“ drängen und sich Angst vor einer neuen Art medizinischer Apartheid breitmacht, tauchte ein Dokument des US-Epidemieschutzes wieder auf, das Internierungslager für „Hochrisikopersonen“ befürwortet – ………………



COVID-19 Outpatients – Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc plus Low-Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin: A Retrospective Case Series Study

Published: Oct 29, 2020

By Roland Derwand, Martin Scholz, Vladimir Zelenko
Conclusion: Early treatment of COVID-19 in high risk patients with „The Zelenko Protocol“ ………………..



COVID-19 outpatients: early risk-stratified treatment with zinc plus low-dose hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin: a retrospective case series study





Only Overwhelming Resistance Can Stop Technocarcy’s Demonic Assault On Humanity

By Leo Hohmann  Technocracy News August 16, 2021

Digital health passports are no longer the stuff of conspiracy theories, they are here, with New ………………….



Hold the Generals Accountable This Time

By Ray McGovern AntiWar.com August 16, 2021

If, after the horrors of this week in Afghanistan, the 4-Starry-eyed generals responsible for this 20-year March of Folly are not held accountable, there will be still worse to come. None ……………….



Food Shortages Continue

Food shortages are again starting to appear. But the new round of restrictions because of COVID variants is sending the world into an economic tailspin. Even in Thailand, the food ………………..



“The stupid will believe it and ask to be treated” Pandemic to DePopulate 1981

Jacques Attali is a well-known French economist and social theorist. He has been a political adviser but also a senior civil servant, which is in itself a distorted term for they never see …………………….



The Real Reason Why Blackstone Is Courting The Pentagon

By Whitney Webb  The Last American Vagabond August 16, 2021

The sudden push by Wall Street’s largest private equity firm to heavily lobby the Pentagon ………………….



Afghanistan-Desaster mit Ansage Das todbringende Versagen in Berlin

Ein Kommentar von Nikolaus Blome 15.8.21

Das deutsche Personal kann vermutlich aus Kabul gerettet werden, für Tausende afghanische Helfer gilt das womöglich nicht. Eine Notlage, die die Regierung in Berlin selbst heraufbeschworen hat. Der Preis dafür ist politische Demütigung, die Außenminister Maas den Job kosten könnte.

Vor zehn Tagen hieß es, die Taliban kämen erst in Monaten bis vor die Tore von Kabul – ……………..



The Pandemic Within a Pandemic

By Bill Sardi August 16, 2021

 Modern Medicine Isn’t Going To Tell You What Is Really Causing All The Deaths.

When The Public Realizes Vaccination Is Futile, The Public May Confront Themselves With ……………………..



Obituary for Afghanistan

Editorial of The New York Sun | August 15, 2021

The first thing we did when the news came in that the capital of Afghanistan had fallen to our enemies was reach for our dog-eared copy of Peter Kann’s “Obituary for South Vietnam.” It ………………….



COVID & the Trojan Horse

Sometimes, there is a tendency in any group to believe that they are smarter than those outside their group. This is not confined to any particular group. The classic example was that in …………………….



CDC Approves Internment Camps

The vast amount of people will line up to surrender all their constitutional and human rights and those of the family for decades to come simply on the world of those in power. The …………………..



Argentinien gibt Nazi-Akten frei, Deutschland mauert

  1. August 2021 Gaby Weber Argentinien gibt Nazi-Akten frei, Deutschland mauert




Am Montag geht es los„Extinction Rebellion“ will Berlin lahmlegen: „Wir werden bewusst Regeln brechen“

14.8.2021 – „Extinction Rebellion“ und andere Initiativen planen eine große Protestaktion in Berlin. Diese soll bunt und laut werden, kleinere Gesetzesverstöße sind dabei inbegriffen. Der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel rechtfertigt das aus Sicht der Organisatoren.




Hauptstadt Kabul ist umstellt – Taliban erobern kampflos Masar-i-Scharif

Die Taliban scheinen nicht zu stoppen zu sein: Sie kontrollieren nahezu die Hälfte aller Provinzen und erobern fast alle größeren Städte. Nun stehen sind nicht mehr weit vor der Hauptstadt Kabul. Auch der frühere Bundeswehr-Standort Masar-i-Scharif fällt.

Die Taliban haben nach Angaben eines Provinz-Vertreters und von Anwohnern die Stadt ……………….



British Press



Hungary Interview



BBC: Leading the World Against Israel

by Richard Kemp August 15, 2021 Following accusations of slanted reporting of the second Palestinian intifada, which began in 2000, and the rise in Jew-hatred caused by it, in 2004 the BBC was pressured to open an inquiry into its coverage, by Malcolm Balen, former BBC ……………….



Covid isn’t the end

Niall Gooch is a public sector worker and occasional writer who lives in Kent. An elegy to vanished kingdoms shows this is not how civilisations collapse August 11, 2021

The world is always coming to an end, for someone. “Never morning wore to evening but ………………….



Lessons in lockdown from a psychiatric ward

Frances Wilson is an author, academic and critics. Her new biography of D.H. Lawrence will be published in May. A re-issued memoir from the sixties feels eerily familiar, August 9, ………………..



The Secret Ronald Reagan Told Me About Gold and Great Nations

Ron Paul, in Part Seven of Beyond Bretton Woods, Writes on Fifty Years of Fighting Fiat Money. By RON PAUL, Special to the Sun | August 14, 2021

Today marks 50 years since President Richard Nixon closed the “gold window,” ending the …………



Dr. Zev Zelenko SLAYS Globalists, Exposes „Global Genocidal Event“

Stew Peters Show Published August 14, 2021 Rumble — Dr. Vladimir „Zev“ Zelenko is the Doctor who recommended that President Trump take hydroxychloroquine




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