WISO recherchiert über den Druck einer neuen DM, Info oder Desinfo, 2014
Putin: Haben in der Ukraine noch gar nicht richtig angefangen
Bei einer Veranstaltung im Kreml stellt Kremlchef Putin wieder einmal seine Sicht der Dinge dar. Dabei provoziert er nicht nur den Westen, sondern behauptet auch, dass Russland Friedensverhandlungen mit der Ukraine keinesfalls ablehne.
Marionette Theater: BoJo resigns, as U.K. searches for next globalist puppet
A once promising nationalist leader ends tenure as WEF-approved, ESG-compliant marionette, Jordan Schachtel, 7.7.22
I can’t think of a single world leader who has done more damage to humanity, since 2019, ………………………..
Nigel Farage on Johnson’s Resignation
Lufthansa streicht fast ein Fünftel der Flüge – Kofferchaos in Frankfurt
Flughafen-Chaos in Deutschland: NRW, Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein sind in die Sommerferien gestartet – und läuten den Chaos-Start an den Flughäfen endgültig ein. Die Lufthansa muss nun noch mehr Flüge streichen als bisher bekannt.
EU parliament declares fossil fuel to be “green” energy as climate change narrative self-destructs
Thursday, July 07, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The EU parliament just announced a decision that’s causing the fraudulent climate change narrative to self-destruct. “EU parliament backs labeling gas and nuclear ………………………….
Something Has Happened to Americans and It Is Being Blamed on Guns
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org July 8, 2022
My generation grew up with guns. We never shot anyone or any farmer’s cow or mule. We focused on cottonmouth moccasins to keep the creeks clear for swimming holes, and we tried …………………..
Pfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of “Graphene Oxide” or “Nanotechnological Elements”
By Jim Hoft July 4, 2022
Failing States and Strangled Economies
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney July 8, 2022
Fickle markets have stopped worrying about inflation and begun to worry about recession. Both the financial establishment and investors seem incapable of understanding that it is not …………………
Are US Weapons Supplied To Ukraine Ending Up On DarkNet Marketplaces?
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge July 8, 2022
The lack of oversight for billions of dollars in US weapons pumped into Ukraine has concerned the Pentagon. They’re worried about anti-tank missiles and explosive drones ending up in the “wrong hands.”
In Austria, the finger-pointing has begun!
In Austria, the Minister of Health acknowledges the problems with the vaccines, so he throws the Austrian docs under the bus. Why? Because denial is no longer working and you have to blame someone! Steve Kirsch, 5.7.22
Billionaire Climate Elites Have Their Own Rules
Paul Driessen Jul 02, 2022
Progressives have long wanted to tax unrealized gains from billionaires’ stocks, bonds, land holdings, homes, artwork, cars, yachts and other property. As appealing as this sounds, the ………………………
Latest Symptoms of a Disintegrating Nation
By Patrick J. Buchanan July 8, 2022
In Stephen Vincent Benet’s “The Devil and Daniel Webster,” the tale is told that if you approached Webster’s grave and called out his name, a voice would boom in reply, ………………………..
More Evidence Vitamin D Is Effective in Preventing Covid-19
By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com July 8, 2022
Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic, it became apparent that vitamin D played an important role and could help reduce incidence of positive tests, infection severity and the risk of hospitalization and death.
The Georgia Guidestones Destroyed
Who is the mysterious R.C. Christian who erected the Georgia Guidestones in March 1980? These four nearly 20-feet monuments were mysteriously built decades ago before they were destroyed this week on July 6, 2022. After the initial bombing, the government destroyed the …………………….
Putin: G7 Leaders Undressing Would be a “Disgusting Sight”
Here is a bit of humor on a Friday. The G7 Summit turned into a middle school playground when world leaders began mocking Russian President Vladimir Putin for taking numerous shirtless photographs. We have all seen the horseback riding photo and others depicting ……………………
The Unending Farce of US Sanctions against Russia
07/07/2022 Joseph Solis-Mullen
Rather than working diplomatically to resolve the civil war in Ukraine that it played a principal role in precipitating (by backing the unconstitutional transfer of power in that …………………….
Federalism, Not Centralization, Is the Way out of the Current Conflicts
07/06/2022 Vibhu Vikramaditya
The overturning of Roe v. Wade is a historic decision, upholding the highest principle of a republic. A republic is born through freedom of association in the same manner as individuals …………………….
The Real Aggressor
07/06/2022 Murray N. Rothbard
A sign of our time is the split-personality of the conservatives. Many to the right of center are off on a schizophrenic pursuit of both liberty and collectivism.
Hidden Camera VIDEO: Nurse at Abortion Clinic ‘House of Horrors’ Reveals Chilling Truth to Undercover Investigator
By Michael Wing July 5, 2022
An undercover investigator has obtained hidden camera footage from an abortion clinic in Washington, D.C., that raises grave ethical concerns.
Expert: Green Agenda Causing US Power Grid to Be ‘Incredibly Vulnerable’
By Jack Phillips July 4, 2022
Every U.S. region could be at risk for significant power outages this summer as companies rush to convert to non-fossil fuel and non-nuclear energy sources, an analyst says.
Millions Of Barrels From US Emergency Oil Reserve Sent Abroad, Including To China
by Tyler Durden Jul 07, 2022 –
With a growing number of people realizing that the Biden administration has drained more oil from the US strategic petroleum reserve, which is meant to be used during real emergencies ………………………
Ausgestoßene der Woche: Die Biologie
Die Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften ist eine Berliner Tradition, bei der sich die lokalen wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen mit Einblicken in ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte ……………………..
Dürre durch Windräder?
Führt auch die immer größere Zahl und Dichte von Onshore-Windkraftanlagen zu Klimaveränderungen? Eine zunehmende regionale Erwärmungstendenz, verbunden mit erhöhten Bodenfeuchtigkeitsverlusten wirft Fragen auf.
Facebook vorsätzlicher Rechtsbrecher
Facebook/Meta Platforms darf man jetzt auch mit oberlandesgerichtlicher Billigung einen vorsätzlichen Rechtsbrecher nennen. Heute, am 07.07.2022, hat das Hanseatische Oberlandesgericht in Hamburg eine fehlerhafte Entscheidung der Zivilkammer 22 aufgehoben ……………………..
Lauterbach: Legalisierung von Haschisch steht kurz bevor
Von Mario Thurnes Fr, 8. Juli 2022
Die Regierung arbeite „auf Hochtour“ an der Legalisierung von Cannabis, hat Gesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) über seinen Twitter-Account mitgeteilt. Obwohl das in der Ampel eigentlich alle befürworten, ist es für die Regierung ein schwieriger Spagat – wegen Corona.
Die böse Frau Merkel und der arme Herr Habeck
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Do, 7. Juli 2022
Robert Habeck gerät offenbar unter Rechtfertigungsdruck. Den versucht er ausgerechnet auf die Ex-Kanzlerin umzuleiten. Aber hat die nicht getan, was die Grünen sich wünschten?
Gold Discovery in Uganda Rocks the World
- How did Socrates know that they would find 31 million tonnes of gold in Uganda to create a bear market? I really want to hear this one. Thanks DH
A Great Endeavor
By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com July 8, 2022
This birthday of the republic we are on track to going medieval, or something that at least rhymes with it….
Boris Johnson broke Britain
Aris Roussinos is UnHerd’s Foreign Affairs Editor, and a former war reporter. July 7, 2022. He squandered a revolutionary mandate for reform.
Pity the poor columnist attempting to write The Case for Boris: a blank screen sits before him, ……………….
Dirk Müller: Wir stürzen ab – gewollt und ungebremst
Big Pharma Paid $24 Million to 1 Percent of US Oncologists, Many in High-Profile Positions: Study
Authors say findings identify risk of ‚real conflict of interest‘, By Marina Zhang July 6, 2022