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Die Inflation ist die einzige Steuer, die nicht vom Parlament verabschiedet werden muss.

— Milton Friedman

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Einheitspartei fordert Plansoll-Erfüllung in Sachen Organspende

Von Mathias Nikolaidis Do, 27. Juni 2024 Es ging wieder einmal um das absolut Gute und Böse, diesmal in Gestalt der Organspende. Die ganz große Einheitspartei fordert einen Feldzug gegen die spendenunwillige deutsche Bevölkerung – natürlich bei voller Wahlfreiheit. Heraus kam ein gespenstischer Auftritt wie aus dem sozialistischen Lehrbuch.




Visa-Affäre im Auswärtigen Amt- „Falscher Pass hin oder her“: Baerbock gerät in Erklärungsnot

Annalena Baerbocks Ministerium machte Druck auf die deutsche Botschaft in Islamabad, bei der Aufnahme von angeblich gefährdeten Afghanen nicht so genau hinzusehen. Ein besonders ………………….



Warner Brothers & CNN Disaster

Mr. Armstrong, Socrates has been so bearish on CNN’s owner, Warner Brothers, and the dabate is so rigged that other networks are even up in arms over CNN’s rules. We sold down all our institutional holdings in Warner Brothers, thanks to Socrates. Do you think this stock …………………



Comments on the Debate



The International North-South Transport Corridor

The Environmental Protection Agency wants to decimate the fossil fuel industry in the US. The European Environment Agency has planned to eliminate its fossil fuel industry as well, as has Environment Canada and every nation following the green agenda put forth by the World …………………



Iran Moves Into Somalia

by Daniel Greenfield June 27, 2024

Current reports suggest that the Houthis, an Iranian Shiite terror group, is negotiating to provide weapons to Yemen’s Al-Shabaab, a Sunni Jihadist group allied with Al Qaeda, to ……………………



The Very Model of a Modern Major Bidenomics Economist


A June 27 FOX News online headline announced that sixteen left-wing Nobel prize-winning economists had signed a petition declaring that if Donald Trump is elected there will be increased inflation, while praising “Bidenomics” to the treetops. Apart from the fact that there ………………………



The Collapse of Real Savings Caused the Great Depression


The leading monetarist, Milton Friedman, blamed the Federal Reserve System’s policies for causing the Great Depression of the 1930s. According to Friedman, the Fed failed to pump ………………………



Ukraine’s Zelensky Singing a Different Tune

27 June 2024 by Larry Johnson

If you’re looking for a post on the Biden/Trump debate, sorry to disappoint. I watched a few minutes and, to put it bluntly, it is a horror show for Democrats backing Biden. The ……………………..



Biden’s five biggest fails of the first Presidential debate



We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition

Examining the causes and treatments of the common neurological injuries caused by vaccination.




German CDC Documents Show Politics Drove Covid Response, Not Science

The health authorities deliberately lied the public about COVID because they didn’t want to lose the respect of the lawmakers. They knew that COVID was LESS dangerous than the flu!!

By Steve Kirsch Steve Kirsch’s newsletter June 28, 2024




ESCALATION: Biden to officially deploy American military contractors to Ukraine as WWIII looms

06/27/2024 Ethan Huff

Supposedly to help speed up the maintenance and repair of the American weapons systems being used by the regime of President Volodymyr Zelensky, the administration of President Joe Biden is planning to …………………………..



10 Geopolitical / Financial Risks to the Global Economy

June 27, 2024

Perhaps the most apt metaphor to describe the decade ahead is that investors, consumers and ……………………….



Project 2025: Heritage Foundation Blueprint for President Trump

By Helena Glass HelenaGlass.net June 28, 2024

Project 2025 is a proposal written by various authors within the Heritage Foundation as a blueprint for how a Trump presidency might radically alter our current




Myanmar’s Civil War… Will the U.S. Escalate a Proxy War Against China?

By Finian Cunningham Strategic Culture June 28, 2024

The civil war in Myanmar is set to become a lot more bloody and chaotic – if the United ………………….



11 Signs That the U.S. Economy Is in Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think

By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse June 28, 2024

Unless you are living under a bridge or you are eagerly drinking the kool-aid that the …………………



It was the media, led by the Guardian, that kept Julian Assange behind bars

26 June 2024

The media’s villainy will soon be erased because it writes the script telling us what’s going on in the world

It is only right that we all take a moment to celebrate the victory of Julian Assange’s release from 14 years of detention, in varying forms, to be united, finally, with his wife and children – ……………………



Wie weit darf die US-Regierung bei der Zensur gehen?

Vor zwei Tagen urteilte der Oberste Gerichtshof der Vereinigten Staaten, wie weit die Regierung dabei gehen darf, durch mehr oder minder subtile Drohungen bei den sozialen Medien die Löschung unerwünschter Äußerungen zu erwirken.




Zu manipulierten Einreisegenehmigungen angewiesen?

Do, 27. Juni 2024 Ermittlungen gegen leitende Beamte des AA

Wurden Mitarbeiter in deutschen Botschaften und Konsulaten von leitenden Beamten des Hauses Baerbock dienstlich angewiesen, Antragstellern mit unvollständigen oder offensichtlich gefälschten Papieren die Einreise in die Bundesrepublik zu genehmigen?




Insider Trading… Why Politicians Can Do It and You Can‘t

By Doug Casey International Man June 27, 2024

International Man: What exactly is insider trading? Is it inherently unethical?

Doug Casey: The term insider trading is nebulous and as open to arbitrary interpretation as the Internal Revenue Code. A brief definition is to “to trade on material, non-public ……………………



Julian Assange: Free at Last, But Guilty of Practicing Journalism

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture June 27, 2024

The ruthless, all-powerful U.S. Intel Apparatus will go no holds barred and take no prisoners to punish anyone, anywhere, who dares to expose imperial crimes.

The United States Government (USG) – under the “rules-based international order” – has de ……………………



Israel and Hezbollah on the brink of war

By Steven Sahiounie June 24, 2024 Middle East

By: Steven Sahiounie, Journalist and political commentator

The Middle East is sitting on a powder keg, and every minute that passes brings heightened ……………………..



Banning Fossil Fuels Will Make Heat Waves More Dangerous, Not Less

06/26/2024  Connor O’Keeffe

On Sunday, activists from the environmentalist organization Extinction Rebellion stormed the green in the final, pivotal moments of the Travelers Championship, a professional golf ……………………..



The World’s Most Dangerous Delusion: Biden Thinks China Wants Stability

by Gordon G. Chang June 26, 2024

Americans may think they are at peace with China, but China’s ruling organization has already announced otherwise.

[I]n May 2019, People’s Daily… carried a landmark editorial declaring a „people’s war“ on …………………….



There Is No such Thing as Legitimate or Moral Government, Rule, or Authority, and There Has Never Been

By Gary D. Barnett June 27, 2024

“The way people speak of those in power, calling their commands “laws,” referring to disobedience to them as a “crime,” and so on, implies the right of “government” to rule, and a corresponding obligation on the part of its subjects to obey. Without the right to “rule,” (“authority”) there is no need to call the entity “government,” and all the politicians and their mercenaries become utterly indistinguishable from a giant organized crime syndicate, their “laws” no more valid than the threats of muggers and carjackers.”

Larken Rose (The Most Dangerous Superstition)




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