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Der Neid galt einst als eine der sieben Todsünden, bevor er unter neuem Namen zu einer der am meisten bewunderten Tugenden wurde. ‚Soziale Gerechtigkeit‘.

— Thomas Sowell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

„Heute ist der Moment, in dem der rumänische Staat die Demokratie mit Füßen getreten hat“

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 11. Dezember 2024 Widerstand in Bukarest – Brüssel schweigt

Die Liberale Elena Lasconi verteidigt die Werte der Demokratie gegen den Angriff des Verfassungsgerichts Rumäniens, gegen den Gewaltakt der Judikative gegen die Legislative. Von EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen hört man keine Forderung, die Demokratie zu wahren. Auch das Auswärtige Amt schweigt.




Greater Israel Is on the March

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 12, 2024

Syria no longer exists. The Russian news service RT reports that Israel has launched the largest attack on Syria in history with Israeli warplanes hitting more than 250 military targets.  Other reports put the number at 300.  The Israeli Defense Force reports it has destroyed 80% of Syrian military capability. This ……………………



Are We Doomed to Forever Wars?

After Biden’s Regime Change in Syria, Trump Can Still Save the Middle East from “Forever Wars”

Jason Jones 12 24




2024 Election: Voters Mind Controlled by Moralism and Altruism

By Wayne Lusvardi December 12, 2024

Morality is always the product of terror (and panic); its chains and strait jackets are fashioned by those who dare not trust others, because they do not dare to trust themselves, to walk in liberty. — Aldous Huxley author of the novel Brave New World




Hunter Biden’s Pardon Is Exactly What We Should Expect from the US Regime

By Ryan McMaken Mises.org December 12, 2024

On Sunday night, President Biden issues a broad and sweeping pardon for his son Hunter Biden, covering “those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from January 1, 2014 through December 1, 2024.”




Wer hat uns verraten? Christdemokraten

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 11. Dezember 2024 Das politische Vakuum der Mitte:

Politisch verwaist ist die Mitte, seitdem die Union nach links und grün marschiert. Die Unruhe, die das politische Vakuum der Mitte erzeugt, wird die Brandmauer-Parteien dazu zwingen, zu postdemokratischen Methoden zu greifen. Es ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass man interessiert nach Bukarest schaut.




Progressivism and the Murder of a Health Insurance CEO

12/10/2024 Connor O’Keeffe

Last week, UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was shot to death on a New York City sidewalk in what was clearly a thoroughly planned-out attack. Over the next few days, as authorities hunted for the killer, online progressives did not try hard to hide their delight that a millionaire health insurance executive ……………………



“Nebenwirkung Tod” – das Impfchargen-Roulette

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Das Paul-Ehrlich-Institut hat Ende November einen Datensatz zu den gemeldeten Nebenwirkungen der „Corona-Impfstoffe” einschließlich der jeweils zugehörigen Chargennummern veröffentlicht. Wer den Datensatz näher betrachtet, dem wird schlecht.




Eine Verfassungsschutz-Altlast zum Regierungswechsel?

Vielleicht löst Mario Voigt (CDU) heute den Ministerpräsidenten Bodo Ramelow (Linke) ab. Der Innenminister bleibt weiterhin Georg Maier (SPD), und so wird wohl auch Stephan Kramer Verfassungsschutz-Chef bleiben, obwohl die CDU einst seine Absetzung forderte.




Russia, Per Protocol, Warned the US and is Going to Strike with Oreshnik

11 December 2024 by Larry C. Johnson

Russia must now put up or shut up. After almost a two-week hiatus, the United States helped Ukraine fire ATACMs at a Russian military base in the city of Taganrog, which is located midway between Mariupol and Rostov-on-Don on the shores of the Sea of Azov:




After U.S. ATACMS Strike On Strategic Target Russia Announces To Retaliate

Just five days ago I postulated that the U.S. Has Stopped Ukrainian ATACMS Strikes On Russia.

Today that claim turned out to have been premature:




Argentina’s First Budget Surplus in 123 Years

Argentina has posted its first budget surplus in 123 after President Javir Milei took office and demanded an abrupt halt to government spending. Governments worldwide should carefully take note.




Critical Race Theory and Racial Polylogism

12/09/2024 Wanjiru Njoya

Many people are familiar with the divisive concepts of Critical Race Theory (CRT). The best-known examples are the notion of “white privilege” and the redefinition of racism as “power plus privilege.” These concepts have been widely rejected, and even banned from public schools in some states. ……………………..



Baut Kathedralen

Von Cora Stephan Di, 10. Dezember 2024

„Wir haben wiederentdeckt, wozu große Nationen in der Lage sind: das Unmögliche zu schaffen. Diese Kathedrale ist ein glückliches Sinnbild dafür, was eine Nation sein kann und was die Welt sein sollte“, …………………….



Cycles & the Next Generation

When I ask someone about your theories, they claim you are unconventional. They said the same thing about Einstein and even Kynes in the early 1920s. It seems that anyone who thinks outside the box is labeled unconventional, but in the end, they adopt the very theories and become conventional. They seem …………………….



Syria’s Collapse Signals an Alarming Fate for the Middle East w/ Martin Armstrong




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