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Eine Finanzkrise ist nicht ein Marktversagen, sondern ein Versagen des Staates, seiner Gesetze, seiner Verordnungen und seiner Aufsichtsaufgaben.

— Fürst Hans-Adam II. von Liechtenstein

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die FDP wird noch gebraucht

Wer den Rund-um-sorglos-Vollkasko-Staat als Ideal anstrebt, kann es kaum erwarten, dass die FDP aus dem Bundestag fliegt. Denn es ist ihre originäre Aufgabe, Alternativen zur Regulierungswut von Rot-………………….





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A Congressional investigation committee released an extremely concerning report this week entitled: …………………..



Warum ist eigentlich der Strom in China so billig?

Während Deutschland unter prohibitiven Strompreisen ächzt, zahlt man in China nur ein Drittel davon. Grund: China nutzt pragmatisch alle Energieformen, Deutschland entleibt sich durch ideologische …………………..



Can Trump Save the Dollar?

12/11/2024 J.R. MacLeod

During his 2024 presidential campaign Donald Trump repeatedly and in grave terms highlighted the possibility of the US dollar losing its world reserve currency status. This occurred at summits with business leaders at the New York and Chicago Economic Clubs.




Death of Syria

By Eric S. Margolis December 13, 2024

What is clearly a joint US-Israeli plan to remake the Mideast map is now well underway.  Changes will be seismic.




Al-Qaeda Rides Again… in Syria

By Daniel McAdams The Ron Paul Institute December 13, 2024

As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate Christmas, a hell has been unleashed inside Syria with the seizure of the country by the re-named “al-Qaeda in Syria” now called Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS). ………………..



After US ATACMS Strike on Strategic Target Russia Announces To Retaliate

Moon of Alabama December 13, 2024

Just five days ago I postulated that the U.S. Has Stopped Ukrainian ATACMS Strikes On Russia.

Today that claim turned out to have been premature:




The Geopolitics of Elite Insanity: Teetering on the Brink of Armageddon, The Danger of Nuclear War

By Robert J. Burrowes Global Research December 13, 2024

As the world simultaneously teeters on the brink of nuclear war in Central Asia, shatters any remaining sense of ‘international justice’ by taking no effective action to halt the televised genocide in Palestine (let …………………..



A Dramatic Change in the Correlation of Forces

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org December 13, 2024

“There is a genuine question whether Syria actually exists anymore.” — former UK Ambassador Craig Murray.  The Israelis are taking more and more of Syria.




Death of a Nation: Black Flags, Masscres, Land Grabs as Vultures Feed on the Carcass of Syria

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture December 13, 2024

Will the collective West rise to defend the remaining Syrian Christians when the Black Flags come to purge them?




Collapse of the $ 5 Trillion Green Energy Scam

By Doug Casey International Man December 13, 2024

International Man: Governments worldwide have spent over $5 trillion in the past two decades to subsidize wind, solar, and other so-called renewables.




The Second Trump Term and the “Sanctions Industrial Complex”

12/12/2024 Hekmat Aboukhater

As the Washington drawbridge lowers for a second Trump administration, the world attempts to glean any insights that might indicate the direction of his second term. At the top of the list of concerns is the …………………….



In Europa wächst der Ärger über Deutschlands Energiemangel

Von Holger Douglas Fr, 13. Dezember 2024

Die aktuelle Dunkelflaute wirkt sich auch negativ auf andere europäische Länder wie Schweden und Norwegen aus. Die Kritik an der deutschen Energiepolitik nimmt zu. Schwedens Energieministerin Ebba Busch ist „wütend auf Deutschland“, weil das Land seine Atomkraftwerke stilllege und dadurch die ………………………….



Beware Last 2 Weeks of December – Something is Not Right

You said the computer does not support a bullish view of Trump taking office. Do you know why the computer is showing so many indexes are rolling over to the downside?




Syrien in Trümmern – und was die Medien verschweigen

  1. Dezember 2024 Von: Karin Leukefeld

(Red.) Unsere Nahostkorrespondentin Karin Leukefeld – sie schreibt nicht aus dem bequemen Büro in Deutschland, sondern lebt im Nahen Osten – macht in einem hochaktuellen Bericht deutlich, wie die …………………..



Biden Takes Credit for Syria Regime Change He Tried to Prevent

by Daniel Greenfield December 12, 2024

There are lots of mostly bad things that President Joe Biden can justly take credit for, but the fall of Syria is not one of them.




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