Poland – The Next Crisis for the EU – Independent Sovereignty is the Issue

‚Der Fehler des Kapitalismus besteht in der Ungleichverteilung des Wohlstands, der Fehler des Sozialismus besteht in der Gleichverteilung des Elends.‘

— Winston Churchill

Poland – The Next Crisis for the EU – Independent Sovereignty is the Issue

Posted May 3, 2017 by Martin Armstrong

Poland represents a major threat to the EU. The entire idea of the EU was the propaganda that

Member States would successively grow into a real Union through a longer integration process. GDP was supposed to grow, not decline, and the threat of war would vanish by surrendering sovereignty to Brussels. In reality, the exact opposite has unfolded. GDP has progressively declined and the risk of a European war has been increased with the idea of surrendering sovereignty to Brussels.




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