Cultural psychology: How Islam managed to stay medieval for 1,400 years

Nimm vom Staat das Recht weg, was bleibt dann als eine große Räuberbande?

— Hl. Augustinus von Hippo (Kirchenlehrer)

Cultural psychology: How Islam managed to stay medieval for 1,400 years

October 30, 2013 4:55 pm By Nicolai Sennels

While almost all other cultures changed from primitive and medieval to democratic and egalitarian societies, one culture managed to keep even its most brutal and backward traditions and values for 1,400 years until today. Still today, the majority of Muslims prefer to live by values that can be traced all the way back to the desert tribes in which the founder of their religion lived. Getting to know life in Muslim families and societies is like traveling back in time to the time of Muhammad. Here one finds shocking laws and traditions that are obviously criminal and inhumane — but for some reason accepted — in our otherwise humanistic culture.



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