The Rise of the Left

Eine zynische, käufliche, demagogische Presse wird mit der Zeit ein Volk erzeugen, das genauso niederträchtig ist, wie sie selbst.

— Joseph Pulitzer

The Rise of the Left

Hi Marty I work as a Professor of Surgery and read your blog every day. I’ve worked all over the world and remain intrigued by the changes your model is now predicting. Here in Ireland, we’ve seen a massive move towards the left with the recent general election results. Capital is fleeing in advance of a new left-wing government. Do you see this throughout Europe or will Britain remain immune from this change? Many thanks J

Yes. This shift to the left is really coming to a head and has been a primary mover for a capital flight to the dollar. The general view has been that Trump will win and this has given support to the US dollar, which is why the US economy has been the only thing to hold up right now.


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