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Freiheit kann nicht ohne Moral errichtet werden, und Moral nicht ohne Glauben.

— Alexis de Tocqueville

Aktuelle Beiträge

Laschet beginnt den Zweikampf gegen Söder

Von Ferdinand Knauss Di, 16. Februar 2021 Laschet setzt sich von Merkel ab

„Man kann nicht immer neue Grenzwerte erfinden, um zu verhindern, dass Leben wieder stattfindet“: Mit einer Absetzbewegung von der bisherigen Lockdown-Politik bringt sich der ……………………..



Uups: Bill Gates, Elon Musk und finnische Grüne für Kernkraft

Achgut.com berichtete bereits vor einem halben Jahr, dass der Dual-Fluid-Reaktor (DFR) die völlig vergurkte Energiewende retten könnte und dafür vielfach Widerspruch geerntet hat. …………………….



Rot-Grün kann verfassungstreu – in Schweden

Am 20.Januar erschien auf Achgut.com ein Artikel, in dem ich über die schwedischen Erfahrungen (privat und wissenschaftlich) mit den durchgehend offenen Schulen im ersten ……………………..



Warum der Stern an Strahlkraft verliert

Mi, 17. Februar 2021 Monovokale Regierungsflüstertüte zieht nicht

Ein kreuzbraves, rot-grünes Kampagnenblatt ist der Stern geworden: Deutschlands größte Illustrierte und einst erste Adresse für Reportagejournalismus stürzt ab in die ……………………..



Corona-Langzeitfolgen – wie sieht es wirklich aus?

Die vom RKI gemessene Anzahl der COVID-Toten pro Tag sinkt, wir erreichen trotz des medizinisch sinnlosen Lockdowns in Deutschland endlich die Herdenimmunität gegen die ………………….



Zurück in den Plattenbau?

Di, 16. Februar 2021 Grünes Feindbild Einfamilienhaus:




Blackout: Die Zukunft hat begonnen

Von Steffen Meltzer Di, 16. Februar 2021 Wenn das Gemeinwesen implodiert

Steffen Meltzer zeichnet ein gruseliges Szenario der Zukunft, wenn die Entwicklung in den ………………………



Is A Revolutionary Movement Developing in Europe?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org February 17, 2021

US media provides little news of Europe. What is provided is strictly “narrated.” Consequently, Americans are unaware of what seems to be a spontaneous, leaderless, popular uprising against mandated …………………………



Now Even Classical Music is Racist

A scandal involving an obscure music journal confirms that the crusade against whiteness is out of control. By Frank Furedi  Spiked February 17, 2021




5 Questions to Ask Your Friends Who Plan to Get the Covid Jab

By Kit Knightly  OffGuardian February 17, 2021

Many of us have friends or family who plan on getting the vaccine. Maybe they truly believe they are in danger. Maybe they think it’s better safe than sorry. Maybe they just want to be able to go to the pub ……………………



Electric Buses in Germany Stop Working it was Too Cold & Gates Tells Germany Build more!

Bill Gates has decided to tell Germany how to run a nation. He said that solar and wind power ………………..



The Strange Events of Chance Behind Economic Revolutions

This is an engraving with a modern watercolor of machines making cotton thread by performing mechanical versions of carding drawing and roving in a mill in Lancashire …………………….



Amsterdam Has Retaken Financial Capital of Europe? Was this Cyclically on Time?

EURONEXT has now beaten out London retaking back the financial capital insofar as stock trading is concerned thanks to Boris Johnson and of course BREXIT. The numbers are in and Amsterdam surpassed London with an average of €9.2bn shares a day traded on Euronext in …………………..



Rural Electric Companies Hit Hard by Keystone XL Cancellation

By Bowen Xiao February 16, 2021

This is part one of a series exploring the effects of President Joe Biden’s cancellation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline.




Trump Says GOP Won’t Win With McConnell, Plans to Back MAGA Primary Candidates

By Jack Phillips February 16, 2021

Former President Donald Trump, in a strongly-worded statement, criticized Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-Ky.) leadership and said the Republican Party won’t be ……………………..



Biden Is Tested By Attack at Erbil That Injured a GI

By BENNY AVNI, Special to the Sun | February 16, 2021

Monday’s injury of an American GI and the death of one of our military contractors working with American forces at the heart of Iraqi Kurdistan should be seen as an early Iranian test of President Biden.




Everything They Don’t Like Is Now a Public Health Emergency

02/15/2021 Kyla Hatcher

Last summer, infectious disease experts at the University of Washington wrote what they called an “[o]pen letter advocating for an anti-racist public health response to demonstrations …………………



Harris Takes Customary Role Of President by Calling Several Heads of State

By Zachary Stieber February 16, 2021

Vice President Kamala Harris has recently called multiple heads of state, a task that is …………………..



Mercola: The Web Of Censors Behind The Censors

Posted By: Joseph Mercola, DO February 16, 2021

Finally, some clarity to the network of censors around the world who control what gets censored and what does not. The network is relatively small in number, but well funded and able to leverage themselves many times over through more traditional media. This network is 100% intentional.




Urgent: Peer-Reviewed Study Exposes Massive Corruption At CDC

Posted By: Patty McMurray via Gateway Pundit February 16, 2021

The CDC controls COVID-19 policies in the United States, and yet has been busted for …………………..



The Fight over Economics Is a Fight over Culture

02/15/2021 Ryan McMaken

The Left long ago figured out how to get ordinary people interested in economic policy. The strategy is two pronged. The first part is to frame the problem as a moral problem. The second part is to make the fight over economic policy into a fight over something much bigger than ………………….



Both Theory and Praxis: Rothbard’s Plan for Laissez-Faire Activism

11/13/2020 Ryan McMaken

The United States has not had a large, organized laissez-faire political movement since the 1890s, when the Democratic Party explicitly embraced an agenda of low taxes, restrained foreign policy, political decentralization, and opposition to a central bank. Certainly, since …………………



Why the Free Market Liberals Underestimated the Socialists

11/07/2020Ludwig von Mises

The masses, the hosts of common men, do not conceive any ideas, sound or unsound. They only choose between the ideologies developed by the intellectual leaders of mankind. But …………………..



Sen. Johnson: Capitol Breach Didn’t Seem Like an ‘Armed Insurrection’ to Me

By Janita Kan February 15, 2021

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) said on Monday that he doesn’t think the Jan. 6 breach of the Capitol was an “armed insurrection,” while pointing out that the Democrat’s rhetoric was …………………..



«Frauenfeindliche Motive spielen bei Säure-Attacken eine wichtige Rolle»

Die 24-jährige Ex-Miss-Kandidatin L.M. wurde mit Säure attackiert. Verhaftet wurde ein Tatverdächtiger afghanischer Herkunft. 20 Minuten sprach mit dem Islamexperten Reinhard Schulze über die ………………………



Deutsche IS-Zelle pflegte Kontakt zum Umfeld des Wien-Attentäters

Stand: 15.02.2021 Von Ibrahim Naber  Freier Mitarbeiter Investigation und Reportage

Im Irak und in Syrien baut sich die Terrormiliz IS aus dem Untergrund heraus wieder auf. Auch in Europa sind die Islamisten weiterhin aktiv.




Central bank’s $440bn ETF trove leaves it exposed to bear market

BOJ tops pension whale as Japan’s largest stockholder

KOJI OKUDA, Nikkei staff writer February 6, 2021 06:00 JST

TOKYO — The Bank of Japan has surpassed the country’s Government Pension Investment Fund as the largest holder of Japanese equities for the first time.




Bank of Japan concerned that years of cooperation risk turning backward

Myanmar coup removes central bank chief, alarming global financiers

Myanmar soldiers walk near the legislature in Naypyitaw. The military junta has replaced …………………..



Bill Gates and the Dopopulation Agenda. Robert F. Kennedy Junior Calls for an Investigation

By Peter Koenig  Global Research February 15, 2021

For over twenty years Bill Gates and his Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) …………………….



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