Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Konservatismus ist nicht ein Hängen an dem, was gestern war, sondern ein Leben aus dem, was immer gilt.

— Antoine Comte de Rivaról (1753 – 1801)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

„Müsste auch weiterhin zum Leben reichen“ – Saskia Esken belehrt finanzschwachen Rentner

Mi, 22. September 2021, Bei Altersarmut in Klimaschutz investieren

Saskia Esken will „soziale Kälte“ nicht hinnehmen. Als dann ein Rentner darüber klagt, wie er als kleiner Vermieter den von ihr geforderten CO2-Preis zahlen solle, reagiert Esken kalt …………………



Annalena Baerbock schreibt wohl schon seit Jahren ab

Von Max Roland Di, 21. September 2021 Plagiatsjäger Weber dokumentiert

Schon 2014 und seither immer wieder hat die grüne Kanzlerkandidatin ausgerechnet zu ihrem Kernthema Klimaschutz in Reden und Pressemitteilungen Formulierungen anderer wörtlich ………………….



Ivermectin in India Has Defeated COVID

MSN Showcases the Amazing Uttar Pradesh Turnaround—The Ivermectin-based Home Medicine Kits” has been reported, yet we have the Biden Administration outlawing doctors from prescribing this for ……………



We Are Winning

In Romania, 70% of the people remember communism and authoritarian rule. They have REFUSED to take the vaccine and the government has been forced to back down. This video is NOT related to this news, but it merely shows that massive protest about corruption …………………



Carl Mengers bleibendes Erbe (Teil 7)

  1. September 2021 – Dies ist der letzte Teil der Reihe zu Carl Mengers „Grundsätze der Volkswirtschaftslehre“ (1871). Die vorhergehenden Teile behandelten Mengers Theorien zum Gut, zur Wirtschaftsaktivität und seine Erklärungen von Wert, Tausch, Preis und Geld. Dieser letzte Teil gibt eine Zusammenfassung des theoretischen Kontexts von Mengers Meisterwerk.

Antony P. Mueller




„Flüchtlingskrise könnte fast eine Billion Euro kosten“

Veröffentlicht am 25.11.2015 Von Jan Dams Ressortleiter Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Immobilen

Lassen sich die Flüchtlinge schnell am Arbeitsmarkt integrieren, rechnet Raffelhüschen mit Kosten in Höhe von 17 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr .

Die Zuwanderung kostet Deutschland 17 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr. Das rechnet der Ökonom Bernd ……………………



The Prospects for Soft Secession in America

Jeff Deist

1930, Columbia professor Karl Llewellyn published The Bramble Bush, his famous tract on how to think about and study law. Llewellyn urged readers to consider both law and custom when seeking to understand a society, to recognize the difference between the black letter …………………..



There is no God on Capitol Hill

The Democrats simply hate the way society and the economy function. Like Karl Marx, they think they can play God because they cannot believe that there is even a God. Marx saw the world in anger. Anyone who has read his work can feel the hatred between the words. Under ……………….



La Palma Volcano & 6th Wave

Marty, if I understood your forecasts on volcanos, you said this would increase post-2020 but the big one was not until after 2032. Is this all hype about La Palma Volcano? GV




Austria Denies Social Programs to Non-Vaccinated

Dr. Alexander Van der Bellen, who was inaugurated as the Federal President of the Republic of Austria on January 26, 2017, has taken another undemocratic, authoritarian position that anyone unemployed because of the state’s lockdowns who refuses the vaccine will lose ALL ……………………..



3rd Attempt to Publish This Google Interferes

You spread disinformation. Climate change exists and if we have to all lockdown to save the planet for two or three years, then that’s what we have to do. You are destroying our future.






It has become obvious that Google is now interfering in what I publish. I tried publishing what I entitled  C l i m a t e  C h a n g e & C O V I D = O n e W o r l d P o w e r  at  the  UN

What is clear is they have an algorithm that looks at phrases and when I tried two times to ………………………



Pfizer Admits: Israel Is Massive Experiment For mRNA Gene Therapy Shots

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola September 21, 2021

Pfizer is under exclusive contract with Israel to conduct a giant lab experiment for its mRNA ………………..



Former FDA Commissioner: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary’

Posted By: Hannah Bleau via Breitbart September 21, 2021

Former FDA Commissioner, Scott Gottlieb, admits that the 6 foot figure for social distancing was completely arbitrary and had no science behind it whatsoever. This is why schools were …………………….



Scientists: Edible Plants Being Altered To Carry mRNA Vaccine Payload

Posted By: Chris Malore via Studyfinds September 21, 2021

GMO Lettuce and spinach could carry the mRNA vaccine directly into humanity’s food ………………..



Biden Brims With Bromides at UN, But Iran, for One, Is Unimpressed

By BENNY AVNI, Special to the Sun | September 21, 2021

In the whole history of the United Nations it’s hard to think of a speech brimming with emptier bromides than President Biden’s today at the General Assembly. “Let’s get to work,” …………………



Why „Natural Immunity“ Is a Political Problem for the Regime

09/21/2021 Ryan McMaken

Since 2020, public health technocrats and their allies among elected officials have clung to the position that absolutely every person who can possibly get a covid vaccine should get one.




Wer dem Zeitgeist nachrennt, kann nur verlieren: Deutschlands Bürgerliche wollten am Katzentisch der Progressiven sitzen – und stehen jetzt aussen vor

Als Angela Merkel Kanzlerin wurde, dachte man, gesellschaftspolitisch sei das Ende der Geschichte erreicht. Was für ein Irrtum! Alexander Grau 22.09.2021




Who is Controlling the Biden Presidency?

by Chris Farrell September 22, 2021 To answer the question of who is controlling the Biden presidency, we should consider the Biden administration’s disastrous policy decisions. „Cui bono?“ – Who benefits?




From Diseases to Recessions, Government Failure Is Endemic

09/20/2021 Mihai Macovei

Massive government intervention in the aftermath of the global financial crisis has not prevented the Great Recession, but had actually deepened and prolonged it until the covid-19 ……………………….



Realty vs Gaslighting: The Vaccine Failure Stares Us Straight in the Eyes

By Vasko Kohlmayer September 22, 2021

It has now become obvious that the vaccines being injected into populations worldwide are a failure.




Mit Passivimpfung gegen COVID und ADE?

Gegenwärtig steht die Zulassung weiterer Arzneimittel im “Kampf” gegen das Corona- Virus an. Die EU-Kommission will im Oktober mindestens drei neue Arzneimittel gegen COVID zulassen. Das ist die Aufgabe der Europäischen Arzneimittelagentur EMA, doch übt die ………………….



An Eye on Canada

By Ira Katz September 22, 2021

As an American I never thought much about Canada except for a few years when I was young to follow the National Hockey League. However, over the last few years I developed a real ……………….



Abolish FISA, Reform FBI, & Break Up CIA

Angelo Codevilla How to defend the Republic against the Deep State.

This is the first in The American Mind’s new Rethinking Policy series. Throughout 2020 we are publishing essays that boldly reframe, reorder, and reprioritize our political goals in order to directly address the real challenges of our time. These essays are intended to spur ………………



Die Tagesschau in Platons Höhle

Durch Lockdown und Zwangsgebühren ist ein Großteil unserer Gesellschaft zu Höhlenbewohnern geworden – so wie sie Platon in seinem berühmten Gleichnis beschreibt. Das ist heute noch so wie vor 2.500 Jahren.

Vor Kurzem telefonierte ich abends von meinem Zuhause in Kapstadt mit einem Bekannten in Deutschland, da hörte ich im Hintergrund unseres Gespräches eine weibliche Stimme: …………………



China’s Vast New Nuclear Build-Up

When „China is ‚Untouchable‘ in Terms of Military Power“

by Judith Bergman September 21, 2021 „China’s explosive growth and modernization of its nuclear and conventional forces can only be what I describe as breathtaking. Frankly, that …………………..






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