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Eine Finanzkrise ist nicht ein Marktversagen, sondern ein Versagen des Staates, seiner Gesetze, seiner Verordnungen und seiner Aufsichtsaufgaben.

— Fürst Hans-Adam II. von Liechtenstein

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Pfizer & the Numbers

Hi Marty, I read your blog every morning. Here’s some interesting math for you.
Number needed to vaccinate is 142 for Pfizer. (Moderna is 88 but I’ll use Pfizer for the ………………….



Are the Police Really on the Other Side?

If you listen to this clip, there is an important revelation here.

PROTESTOR: “Why are you doing this? Policies are killing people.”




Fauci Lying Again? Media Covering up?

The evidence keeps coming out that Fauci has done nothing but lie. Now it has emerged that both Wuhan and US scientists were planning to release enhanced airborne coronavirus particles into Chinese bat populations. They were looking to inoculate them against diseases …………………



COMMENTS on the Future

Hi Marty, It does not feel like we are winning at all here in Canada. In Ontario, as of today, the unvaxxed cannot go to a restaurant, concerts, gym or any indoor event deemed by the ‘authorities’ as not essential. Soon enough, we will not be able to buy a loaf of bread without ………………..



The Next Afghan War?

Editorial of The New York Sun | September 22, 2021

Could the next big story out of Afghanistan be the emergence of a full-scale civil war? We ask because new reports suggest that the long-running struggle between the Taliban and ISIS-Khorasan, the Islamic State’s branch in Afghanistan, is heating up. And a full-scale civil war ………………….



Voluntary Servitude

By Andrew P. Napolitano September 23, 2021

Two weeks ago, President Joseph R. Biden announced his intention to order the Department of Labor to compel all employers of more than 100 persons to require all their employees to ………………….



Medizinerin geht davon aus, dass nicht alle Impftoten erfasst werden

Antje Greve ist ärztliche Mitarbeiterin eines Gesundheitsamtes. Sie geht von einer „erheblichen Untererfassung von Impfkomplikationen inklusive Todesfolge“ aus.

Antje Greve, 21.9.2021




The Squalid „Squad“ Is Trying to Destroy Bipartisan Support for Israel

by Alan M. Dershowitz September 23, 2021 The fact that the Squad picked on the Iron Dome to make its stand against Israel is significant. The Iron Dome is a system developed jointly by the United States and Israel that is purely defensive. It does not kill, injure, or threaten ………………….



Der historische Absturz von CDU und CSU

Von Oswald Metzger Do, 23. September 2021

Wenn die Union jetzt in die Opposition muss, ist nicht ausgeschlossen, dass die einstige Volkspartei komplett implodiert. Die Olaf Scholz-SPD wird am Sonntag triumphieren. Und ……………………..



Bundesregierung verschweigt genaue Zahl der aus Afghanistan eingeflogenen Vorbestraften

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Do, 23. September 2021

Allmählich kommen Fakten zur Luftbrücke aus Kabul ans Licht. Das Bundesinnenministerium widerspricht sich selbst in der Frage der Sicherheitsprüfung. Die ………………….



Bericht zur Coronalage vom 23.09.2021: Antwort auf die Post von Spahn

Die Corona-Politik wird ein Lehrbeispiel dafür sein, was man alles bei einer saisonalen, mittelschweren Atemwegsepidemie falsch machen kann. Analyse einer Stellungnahme des Gesundheitsministeriums.




Kleiner Positivrekord beim arktischen Meereis

Man könnte in diesem Jahr beim Meereis in der Arktis sehr wohl von einem kleinen Positivrekord sprechen, doch in den Altmedien herrscht dröhnendes Schweigen oder weiter ………………..



Saudi king tells U.N. kingdom supports efforts to prevent nuclear Iran

DUBAI, Sept 22 (Reuters) – Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz told the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday that his kingdom supports efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, as world leaders prepare to resume talks with Tehran to reinstate a 2015 nuclear pact.




Changing China: Why Xi Jinping is leading a way back to socialism

By Stephen McDonell BBC News, Beijing

For decades life in China had evolved around its home-grown version of let-it-rip capitalism.

Despite being technically a „communist“ country, the government had put its faith in trickle-down economics, believing that allowing some people to become extremely rich would benefit all of society by ……………….



Jahrelange Kostenexplosion – Gorch Fock? „Neubau wäre besser gewesen“

Von Kevin Schulte

Die „Gorch Fock“ ist mit einigen Unterbrechungen seit 1958 im Dienst der Deutschen Marine.

Fast sechs Jahre lang wird die „Gorch Fock“ saniert. Die Kosten explodieren, die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt zwischenzeitlich wegen Korruptionsverdachts. Ein Neubau des Segelschulschiffs wäre deutlich ……………..




Eine Woche voller Antisemitismus

Wenn es in Deutschland eine Aktionswoche für Antisemitismus gäbe, dann hätte diese in der vergangenen Woche stattgefunden.

Zu Beginn der Woche kam der Skandal um die Beinahe-WDR-Wissenschaftsmoderatorin ………………..



Europe Faces a Fragile Economy as the Merkel Era Ends

09/22/2021 Brendan Brown

As Angela Merkel prepares her exit from the chancellery in Berlin, a false alarm is ringing in Europe about an imminent danger of “stagflation.” This phenomenon, like dragons, belongs to




Vaccine Mandates: Who Will Comply, and Why?

09/21/2021 Jovana Diković

The presumption of venality, as it is inscribed in new measures against the pandemic, is extremely interesting, at least from an anthropological point of view. The measures implemented over large parts of Europe include, most notably, covid certificates. Elsewhere, ……………….



Why Bureaucrats Are Sitting on So Much Money-Losing Real Estate

09/21/2021 Doug French

The very size and scope of the United States federal government is likely something that Ludwig von Mises could not have imagined, despite writing the book which foretold the …………………..



With Clinton lawyer charged, the Russiagate scam is now under indictment

Aaron Maté·September 20, 2021

In accusing Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann of lying to the FBI, Special Counsel John Durham offers new evidence of the fabrications behind the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory.




Witches Brew Starts To Bubble in Communist China, as Xi Jinping Edges Into Maoism

By LAWRENCE KUDLOW, Special to the Sun | September 22, 2021

In case you missed it, the Wall Street Journal features on its front page a blockbuster scoop, written by Lingling Wei, a veteran Chinese reporter. It runs under the headline: “Xi Jinping Aims to Rein In Chinese Capitalism, Hew to Mao’s Socialist Vision.” In other words, Mr. Xi ………………




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