
Europa wird christlich sein oder es wird nicht sein.

— Otto von Habsburg


„[T]he humanitarian crisis that is developing as the Taliban returns to power is likely to become a genocide against Christians if the Biden Administration does not act….“ — Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, American Center for Law and Justice, August 27, 2021.

„[T]he possibility of there being a genocide against Christians in the wake of this withdrawal is extremely high. Already, the Taliban is compiling lists of known Christians and their communities. They are going door to door searching Afghan homes for Bibles, even searching smartphones for Bible apps.“ — Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, American Center for Law and Justice, August 27, 2021.

„We allowed the Fulani Muslims who are migrants to settle among us on our lands for free. Now, Christians who welcomed and accommodated them have become targets of their attacks.“ — Dominic Gambo Yahaya, local leader, Morning Star News, September 29, 2021, Nigeria.

„A human rights activist [Patrick George Zaki, a 30-year-old Christian graduate student] who wrote about his experiences as a Coptic Christian in Egypt has gone on trial on the charge of spreading false news.“ — BBC, September 28, 2021, Egypt.

Anas Khalifa—for 20 years one of the most influential Salafist preachers in the nation—now calls Salafist Islam (fundamentalist Islam) „a cancer“ and „a worldview that is spreading rapidly among young people.“…Anas also said that „They [Salafists] spread hatred against Christians and Jews, strong prejudices about other groups. The basic message is hatred.“ — Anas Khalifa, influential Salafist preacher,, September 22, 2021, Sweden

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