Leviathan – Korporatismus, Korruption, Protektion

Europa wird christlich sein oder es wird nicht sein.

— Otto von Habsburg

Leviathan – Korporatismus, Korruption, Protektion

“Greedy businessmen work through the state to achieve their ends. .. In a free market, businessmen must always worry about their competitors because they cannot force consumers to do business with them. Competition forces them to please customers. Unable to get special treatment from consumers, greedy businessmen turn to the state and buy the politicians. Only the state has the power to force people to do something they normally would not do. Greedy businessmen lust for that power to free them from the pressures of competition. They get it by bribing politicians to pass laws that favor them and reduce competition. Today, most business regulations do little more than protect large corporations from competition by smaller companies.”

Roger McKinney

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