Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Der Deutsche gleicht dem Sklaven, der seinem Herrn gehorcht ohne Fessel, ohne Peitsche, durch das bloße Wort, ja durch einen Blick. Die Knechtschaft ist in ihm selbst, in seiner Seele; schlimmer als die materielle Sklaverei ist die spiritualisierte. Man muß die Deutschen von innen befreien, von außen hilft nichts.

— Heinrich Heine

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

“Dangerous Man’?

Editorial of The New York Sun | November 7, 2021

News that the White House is asking Senate Democrats to meet with Jerome Powell suggests that President Biden is considering nominating him for a second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve but ……………………



Some investors have not got Evergrande unit’s bond interest due Nov 6: sources

By Clare Jim and Andrew Galbraith

HONG KONG/SHANGHAI, Nov 8 (Reuters) – Some holders of offshore bonds issued by a unit of developer China Evergrande Group (3333.HK) had not received interest payments due on Nov. 6 by Monday morning in Asia, two people familiar with the matter said.

Scenery Journey Ltd was due to make semi-annual coupon payments on Saturday worth a combined ………………..



Es riecht nach Gas und spät dämmert eine Erkenntnis…

So langsam dämmert es unseren großen Denkern im schwarzrotgrünen Berlin: Gaskraftwerke müssen her und zwar möglichst viele und möglichst schnell, bevor die Lichter ausgehen. Doch da ist wohl eher der Wunsch Vater des Gedankens. Von Ralf Willenbuecher.




Folge dem Grinsen. Zur Arroganz der Macht

„Klima-Gipfel in Glasgow: Zurück in die Steinzeit?“, so lautete das Thema des Talks im Hangar 7 bei Servus TV. Auch der Journalist und Achgut-Autor Ulli Kulke saß in der illustren Runde. Eine Rezension.

Von einer Talkshow sollte man nicht erwarten, dass sie richtungsweisend ist und vor laufender Kamera ……………….



„Drachenlord“: Ein YouTuber und seine Hater

Sowohl der selbstverliebte YouTuber Rainer Winkler als auch der Mob, der ihn seit Jahren online wie offline nervt und quält, sind Produkte einer orientierungslos und infantil gewordenen Gesellschaft.

„In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes“, lautet eine berühmte, meist dem Künstler ………………..



Kinder, Hunde, Loser: Weg mit den Subventionen!

Die Ampelkoalitionäre wollen „klimaschädliche Subventionen“ abschaffen. Dazu zählen unter anderem Dieselprivileg und Pendlerpauschale. Da geht noch was, meint unser Autor. Ein Fahrbericht.

Vor einigen Tagen auf der Autobahn: normales, also dichtes Verkehrsaufkommen, dazu die üblichen …………………



Hineingetrieben in Ruinen

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mo, 8. November 2021 Grüne gegen Deutschland

Die Grünen wollen ein Klimaschutzministerium, das allen anderen Ministerien, auch dem Finanzministerium, vorsteht. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, hat die Partei ihre NGOs aufgerufen, …………………….



Weißrussland weitet illegale Migration aus

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 8. November 2021 Doppelt so viele Flüge aus Nahost

Das Spiel um die irreguläre Migration in Osteuropa geht in die nächste Runde. Immer mehr Flieger aus ………………….



Corona-Gesetzentwurf: Ampel scheint Merkel die Lockdown-Suppe zu versalzen

So, 7. November 2021

Die Ampel-Parteien bereiten einen Gesetzentwurf vor, der schon kommenden Donnerstag im Bundestag beraten werden soll. Dieser würde Merkel das Lockdown-Ruder entreißen und einen Lockdown für …………………….



Hat Deutschland eine historische Klimaschuld?

Von Marco Gallina So, 7. November 2021 Vergangenheitsbewältigung mal anders

Deutschland sei, so betont Greta Thunberg, unter den Top 4 der historischen CO2-Emittenten. Deutschland, nunmehr neuerlich angeklagt, dieses Mal also wegen seiner historischen Klimaschuld – Vergangenheitsbewältigung mal anders.




China builds mockups of U.S. Navy ships in area used for missile target practice

By Yew Lun Tian

BEIJING, Nov 8 (Reuters) – China’s military has built mockups in the shape of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and other U.S. warships, possibly as training targets, in the desert of Xinjiang, satellite images by …………………….



Will the far-Right win Italy’s Covid war?

Tobias Jones lives in Parma. His Ultra: The Underworld of Italian Football won the 2020 Telegraph Football book of the Year. Protesters feel scorned by their allies on the Left. October 21, 2021




Britain’s forever war with France

Peter Franklin is Associate Editor of UnHerd. He was previously a policy advisor and

November 5, 2021

Every man has two countries — his own and France.” For me, this is literally true. I am both a British ………………….



Scoop: Senate senses Powell pick

Hans Nichols, author of Sneak Peek

The White House is asking Democratic senators to meet with Federal Reserve chair Jerome Powell before Thanksgiving — leading some to believe President Biden will renominate him this month, people …………………..



Where Might Hillary Clinton Have Learned the Political Dark Arts?

By JAMES S. ROBBINS, Special to the Sun | November 6, 2021

Special counsel John Durham’s indictment of Igor Danchenko for lying to the FBI details how the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative was developed and fed into the American political ecosystem. The ……………………..



The American Right’s civil war

Mary Harrington is a contributing editor at UnHerd. They agree on nothing except being anti-woke. November 6, 2021

“We can’t stop here, this is bat country.”




Schock nach Messerattacke durch Syrer im ICE: Drei Schwerverletzte, Tatmotiv unklar

Von Euronews Zuletzt aktualisiert: 06/11/2021

Bei einer Messerattacke in einem ICE zwischen Regensburg und Nürnberg am Samstagmorgen sind mehrere Menschen verwundet worden, drei davon offenbar schwer.




The Madness of Taxing Unrealized Capital Gains

11/04/2021 Georg Grassmueck

President Biden’s proposal to require roughly seven hundred US billionaires to pay taxes annually on unrealized capital gains has garnered wide support from Democrats as another step to make the rich pay ……………………….



There’s Nothing Hawkish about the Fed’s New Tapering Plan

11/04/2021 Ryan McMaken

The Federal Reserve concluded its November meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) on Wednesday.




Industrial Policy—a.k.a. Central Planning—Won’t Make America Great

11/05/2021 Lipton Matthews

Across the political aisle pundits are suggesting industrial policy as a tool to contain the ascent of China. Commentators worry that failure to do so might result in China eclipsing America as the world’s economic superpower. Without doubt, the tantalizing arguments abetting industrial policy are gaining traction because defenders of markets have failed to make their case in a way the public can understand.




Why Do They Want to Vaccinate Children?

By Vasko Kohlmayer November 8, 2021

“FDA advisory panel OKs Pfizer vaccine for children 5 to 11,” announced a recent NBC News headline.




Youngkin Won by Campaigning on Cultural Issues

By Paul Gottfried Chronicles Magazine November 8, 2021

There are a number of lessons for those of us on the real right—not the GOP establishment—to learn from Tuesday’s election in Virginia.




Dr. Igor Shepherd: Covid is a Global Military Operation, We’re Facing Genetic Genocide

November 8, 2021



Die Linke ist tot – Nachruf auf eine Frau, die ihre Freude an Steaks im Flieger und bösen Witzen hatte

Jan Fleischhauer Montag, 08.11.2021, Erinnern wir uns, wofür die Linken einmal angetreten waren: gegen das Moralinsaure, gegen die Prüderie, gegen das Bigotte in den Verhältnissen. Wenn nicht alles




Dr. Fauci testifies before Senate committee on the COVID-19 response



European Army: Rhetoric versus Reality

by Soeren Kern November 7, 2021 The call for a supranational army, part of a push for Europe to achieve „strategic autonomy“ from the United States, is being spearheaded by French President Emmanuel ……………..



Iran: What’s the Point of a Deal?

Editorial of The New York Sun | November 7, 2021

Talks with the Iranian camarilla over the country’s nuclear program are now set to resume on November 29 at Vienna. One wonders what the point is. President Biden’s envoy, Robert Malley, would like to see …………………….



How Xi Jinping Will Mousetrap the Red Chinese Central Committee

By PHILIP LENCZYCKI, Special to the Sun | November 7, 2021

Behind closed doors within the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Monday, the 19th Central ……………………..



Full Interview: Archbishop Viganò Warns Against Vaccine Mandates and ‘New World Order’

November 2, 2021 By NEWS WIRE Only a few short years ago, who could imagine a high-ranking member of the ecclesiastical community taking to the global media to warn the public about the danger of ………………..



MONOPOLY by Tim Gielen – Who owns the world? [MUST SEE]



The Germ Games – Coming Soon!



Neom: Saudi Arabia Breaks Ground On World’s Ultimate Global Smart City

Posted By: via Arabian Business November 5, 2021

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is leading humanity to a full-blown Technocracy with the ground-up construction of a 105 mile long “futuristic tech hub” that “encapsulates the major elements of his so-




World Economic Forum Embraces Metaverse Future

Posted By: Stefan Hall via World Economic Forum November 5, 2021

The author concludes that the metaverse is “the next major computing platform” and is “expected to have ………………..



How Media and Tech Elites Seized Control of Elections

11/04/2021 David Gordon

Mollie Hemingway, an editor of the online magazine The Federalist, calls our attention in this well-researched book to a problem of vital significance. She is a supporter of Donald Trump, though not an uncritical one, and writes from this point of view, but whether you like the former president or not, you ……………………….



Why Did George Soros Receive a Stimulus Check?

Yet another example of government mismanagement at its finest. According to a new report by ProPublica, at least 18 billionaires received stimulus checks last year, although they were only to be received by individuals making under $75,000 annually. The stimulus checks did nothing to truly help the ……………………



Die Koalitionsfrage der FDP: Wie sagen wir es dem Wähler?

Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Fr, 5. November 2021

Die Hauptarbeit in den Koalitionsverhandlungen besteht darin, dass die FDP einigermaßen das Gesicht wahren kann. Die Medien inszenieren einen Kampf der Giganten zwischen Habeck und Lindner um das …………………….



The 4th Covid Shot: Could Vaccine Failure be Any More Obvious?

By Vasko Kohlmayer November 6, 2021

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in updated guidelines Tuesday that some immunocompromised people who have received either Pfizer or Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines will be ………………….



US Health Policy Is in the Hands of Sociopaths and Psychopaths

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org November 6, 2021

Fauci Must Be Fired and Arrested




Biden Admin Silent as EU, Iran and China Freely Violate US Sanctions

by Majid Rafizadeh November 6, 2021 The Trump administration sent a robust message that violating sanctions would not be tolerated. But since the Biden administration came to power, it seems that almost ……………….



Schröder: „Zeit über eine Impfpflicht für alle nachzudenken“

05.11.2021, Kgl, t-online

Ex-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder bringt eine allgemeine Impfpflicht ins Spiel. Er sei sich der ………………………



Employer Vaccine Mandates: When the Feds Pay the Piper, They Call the Tune

11/04/2021 Ryan McMaken

Advocates for vaccine mandates—led by the Biden administration—are apparently unconcerned that the mandates are likely to drive down total employment and reduce access to government services. In many cases these are the same services that mandate-pushing politicians have always insisted are utterly …………………..



Resist the Unique Patient Identifier!

11/02/2021 Ron Paul

If people who torture animals are psychopaths, then what are government officials who use taxpayer dollars to fund animal torture? Many are asking this question in the wake of revelations that the National …………………..



Widerspruch gegen die Bundestagswahl 2021

Gastautor: Atlas Initiative für Recht und Freiheit e.V., 5. November 2021

Markus Ross, Prof. Dr. Hanns-Christian Salger




‘Fully vaccinated’ were the majority of COVID deaths in Sweden, UK in September

Over 2,000 ‘fully vaccinated’ Brits died of COVID-19 last month, public health data recently revealed.

Raymond Wolfe Wed Oct 20, 2021 –

LifeSiteNews has produced an extensive COVID-19 vaccines resources page. View it here.




Elections – Dems’ Post-Election Plan: Send More Immigrants to Virginia

Ann Coulter November 04, 2021

But critical race theory isn’t taught in Virginia schools!

The Republican sweep in Virginia Tuesday night has nullified that claim. Glenn Youngkin beat Terry McAuliffe in the governor’s race. Republicans took the lieutenant governor’s office and, most important, …………………..



Creepy Pfizer Ad Tells Kids they are ‘Superheroes’ for Taking Jab, Ignores Injuries of Others

By Matt Agorist The Free Thought Project November 5, 2021

The multi-billion dollar pharma giant with an incredibly tainted past, who has seen exponential profits during the pandemic as a result of taxpayers being forced to pay for the jab, has also enjoyed billions ……………………..



„Propaganda für die Elite“: Djokovic rechnet mit Medien-Lügen und Impfdruck ab!

Starke Ansage des Weltranglistenersten

Dem serbischen Weltranglistenersten Novak Djokovic eilt der Ruf voraus, seinen eigenen Kopf zu haben. ………………..



Money, Funny-Money and Crypto

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney November 5, 2021

That the post-industrial era of fiat currencies is coming to an end is becoming a real possibility. Major economies are now stalling while price inflation is just beginning to take off, following the excessive …………………….



Hammer-Studie zeigt drastischen Wirkungsverlust der Corona-Impfungen

Eine neue Studie aus den USA zeigt den drastischen Wirkungsverlust der Corona-Impfungen. Demnach fällt der Schutz vor einer Erkrankung bei Moderna auf 58 Prozent, bei BioNTech/Pfizer auf 43 Prozent und bei Johnson & Johnson in sechs Monaten auf gar nur noch 13 Prozent. Auch beim Schutz vor einem ………………..



The Democrats‘ Self-inflicted Wound

by Alan M. Dershowitz November 5, 2021 The recent Republican victories were not so much a vindication of Republican policies as a rejection of the extremism of Democratic leaders and their ………………………………….



‘Absolutely forbidden’ to give COVID shots to kids, young men and women, Jewish court rules

Promotion of the vaccines is also prohibited, and pregnant women are warned not to take them.

Tue Nov 2, 2021 – NEW YORK (LifeSiteNews) – A Rabbinical court in New York City ruled that “it is absolutely forbidden to administer or even to promote this (COVID-19) injection to children, adolescents, ………………………….



Liberalismus 2.0 – Wie neue Technologien der Freiheit Auftrieb verleihen

  1. November 2021 – von Olivier Kessler

Unangebrachter Techno-Pessimismus: Warum wir optimistisch in die Zukunft blicken dürfen

Derzeit kommt es auch in der sogenannten «freien Welt» zu einer Beschleunigung jener Entwicklungen, ………………….



A Constitutional Food Fight Could Lie Ahead

Roscoe Filburn, Call Your Office

Editorial of The New York Sun | November 5, 2021

One of the little-noticed things that happened on election day is that voters in Maine ratified the nation’s first state constitutional amendment enshrining a “right to food.” It puts the hay — so to speak — down ………………….



The ANC destroyed South Africa

Brian Pottinger is an author and former Editor and Publisher of the South African Sunday Times. He lives on the KwaZulu North Coast. Corrupt politicians care little for the fracturing nation.  November 5, 2021

A hinge moment happened this week in South Africa. The country finally transitioned from rainbow utopianism to reality.




Prince Charles has finally won

Will Lloyd is UnHerd’s Staff Writer. All it took was the end of the world. November 5, 2021

Until this week, until the world’s leaders saluted him at COP26, hardly a day would pass without the ………………………



China’s Weaponization of Space

by Judith Bergman November 5, 2021 Space satellites have become strategic assets and therefore valuable military targets.

„Beijing is working to match or exceed US capabilities in space to gain the military, economic, and prestige benefits that Washington has accrued from space leadership.“ — 2021 Annual Threat ……………………..



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