US Bioweapon Labs in Ukraine, What will Russia Find?
Russia’s military operation in Ukraine seems to be going very successfully. Of course, the initial reports should be taken with a grain of salt. But the question arises, what will the Russians find in Ukraine?
Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer
Germany, in Historic Reversal, Abandons Pro-Putin Russia Policy
by Soeren Kern March 1, 2022 The measures represent a complete reversal of Germany’s post-Cold War Russia policy — which focused on pursuing economic ties rather than confrontation with Moscow — and mark a definitive end to the era of former Chancellor Angela Merkel.
All Hitler All the Time – Pathetic Politicians
The Z Man February 28, 2022
In the middle of the last century, architecture critic Sibyl Moholy-Nagy coined the term “Hitler’s Revenge” in an essay of the same title. She was pointing out that the flow of talent ……………………
The Plandemic Enters Final Stage, Real Purpose Exposed
By Dr. Joseph Mercola March 1, 2022
February 21, 2022, the Canadian Parliament approved Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act, with 185 votes for and 151 against, in response to the ………………..
The Next Empire
By Jeff Thomas International Man March 1, 2022
Throughout history, political, financial, and military leaders have sought to create empires. Westerners often think of ancient Rome as the first empire. Later, other empires formed for a ……………….
Did We Provoke Putin’s War in Ukraine?
By Patrick J. Buchanan March 1, 2022
When Russia’s Vladimir Putin demanded that the U.S. rule out Ukraine as a future member of the NATO alliance, the U.S. archly replied: NATO has an open-door policy. Any nation, ……………………..
The Collapsing Covid Narrative Is Being Replaced With Putin and Ukraine
By Vasko Kohlmayer March 1, 2022
Game-changing news has emerged out of Iceland.
As of this week, Iceland is the first country in the world to completely drop ALL Covid …………………
Don’t Look Now
By James Howard Kunstler March 1, 2022
Ukraine is a manageable localized problem in a distant part of the world and Russia is going to manage it. The American crisis of confidence in its own operating system is something …………………..
The Land Where History Died, Part I
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner March 1, 2022
In light of the grotesquely one-sided Ukrainian war news on the MSM, it can be well and truly said that America circa February 2022 has become the land where history died.
Düngerpreise steigen weltweit dreistellig – Panik nach Kriegsausbruch
Nach einem Preisrückgang in den letzten Wochen sind die globalen Harnstoffpreise über Nacht um über 200 Dollar pro Tonne nach oben geschossen. Auch bei anderen Düngemitteln wie Kali und Phosphor …………………..
Herrschaftsformen – Woher kommt der Totalitarismus?
- Februar 2022 Robert Grözinger
Von der Entchristianisierung und von der dem Staat erteilten Erlaubnis, seine Bürger zu „bilden“
Ukraine über Nacht kein Corona-Hochrisikogebiet mehr – bei nur 34,5 Prozent Impfquote
28 Feb. 2022 Das Robert Koch-Institut stuft die Ukraine und auch einige unmittelbare Nachbarländer nicht mehr als Hochrisikogebiete ein. Das erleichtert die Einreise von Flüchtlingen. Weißrussland und die ……………………
Britischer Premier Johnson zur Causa RT: „Politiker sollten keine Medienorganisationen verbieten“
28 Feb. 2022 Boris Johnson kritisiert die aktuelle Berichterstattung von RT und unterstützt weiterhin eine Überprüfung durch die britische Medienaufsichtsbehörde Ofcom. Beim Besuch der ukrainischen ……………………
It All Comes Back to NATO
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute March 1, 2022
When the Bush Administration announced in 2008 that Ukraine and Georgia would be eligible for NATO membership, I knew it was a terrible idea. Nearly two decades after the end of both the Warsaw Pact and the Cold War, expanding NATO made no sense. NATO …………………..
The People’s Convoy
As the world looks to the tyranny occurring in Europe, a group of protestors has formed to …………………..
Hackers Join the War
Russia’s media has promoted the “military action” in Ukraine as a necessary measure in an attempt to mislead the people from seeing this as an all-out invasion. Russia’s
Russia’s Central Bank Aims to Prevent Bank Runs
(Image of Americans lining up to withdraw cash during the Great Depression)
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is speaking carefully and confidentally to prevent ………………
Cancel the Mandates, Leave the Workers Alone
02/26/2022 Gilbert Berdine, MD
President Joe Biden recently extended the US national emergency for covid-19. A confrontation between truckers protesting Canadian covid mandates and the government in ……………
Cold War Thinking Isn’t Working
02/25/2022 José Niño
With Russia launching a military invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the corporate press has grown shrill in its calls for punishing Russia with draconian sanctions, supplying ……………………..
Canada’s Freezing of Protesters‘ Finances Shows How the „War on Cash“ Ends
02/26/2022 Robert Fellner
The Canadian government is now freezing the bank accounts and personal assets of those who donated to support the Freedom Convoy, which is an organized political protest of the vaccine mandates. The deputy prime minister announced that they will retain these so-called …………………….
Puppeteers and Puppets: America’s Dark Money Masquerade and Other Questionable Conduct
by Lawrence Kadish February 28, 2022 Are union moguls, puppeteers, power-players and profiteers assaulting the Constitution and US election laws?
Dividing the World Economy = Economic Decline
Do you think Putin is losing? JK
I really think the rhetoric is dangerous. People are ignoring that the world is dividing. This is creating a dangerous new cold war that can easily turn very hot. If Putin was losing and his position would be in jeopardy, then he would get much more aggressive.
A Quick Decisive Vitory Can Prevent a Wider War
By Paul Craig Roberts March 1, 2022
I am beginning to think Russia will lose the war, and her credibility with it, to negotiation. For the third time the Kremlin has taken the negotiation bait. According to the ……………………
The Real Backdrop Nobody Will Discuss
The only way to avoid World War III is to listen to both sides. The refusal to listen ensures ……………………..
Gen-Stich erhöht Risiko von Nebenwirkungen bei Genesenen
Experten-Druck auf US-Gesundheitsbehörde: Natürliche Immunität muss anerkannt werden
- Februar 2022
Biden’s Political Myopia Endangering Europe: Allow the EastMed Pipeline
by Burak Bekdil February 28, 2022 Biden surprised EastMed partners by abruptly withdrawing U.S. support for the pipeline on January 9, thereby effectively killing the project, preventing a diversified supply of energy to Europe, and further assuring even greater …………………….
Europe must prepare for war
Aris Roussinos is a former war reporter and a contributing editor at UnHerd. The odds are still stacked in Russia’s favour. February 28, 2022
At dusk on Hungary’s Beregsurány border crossing with western Ukraine, a small, but ………………
Sanctions won’t save Ukraine
Lee Jones is Professor of Political Economy and International Relations at Queen Mary University of London. Fractured China: How State Transformation is Shaping China’s Rise, co-authored with Shahar Hameiri, will be published in October with Cambridge University Press. They are a comforting illusion in a leaderless war. February 28, 2022
A reality check on Ukraine and the potential for real all out war
Larry Kudlow: Biden has made an ‘enormous mistake,’ handed Putin financial power