One in Five of Americans Broke Before Payday
Inflation is at a 40-year high with no indication of slowing. People are feeling the lower ……………….
Judge Rules Biden’s Vaccine Mandate for Navy Unconstitutional
A federal judge shot down Biden’s absurd request to mandate vaccinations for Navy personnel with religious objections. Judge Reed O’Connor from Texas is the same judge who ………………….
REGIME CHANGE now under way in the USA: Biden on the chopping block as intelligence community activates emergency self-preservation actions
Thursday, March 31, 2022 Mike Adams
European Environmentalists Have Made Energy Independence Impossible
03/30/2022 Daniel Lacalle
Europe is not going to achieve a competitive energy transition with the current interventionist …………………
Clarence Darrow vs. the State
03/30/2022 Doug French
Describing attorney Clarence Darrow, the great H.L. Mencken wrote, “The marks of battle are all over his face. He has been through more wars than a whole regiment of Pershings. And ………………………..
Rising energy prices will make us poorer but we don’t blame climate policies, say consumers
Only 13% of those questioned blamed climate policies for rising energy prices. 30 Mar 2022
Douglas Broom Senior Writer, Formative Content
BILD: General Vaccine Mandate A Dead Letter in the German Bundestag
Scholz’s government will now seek an Italian-style mandate for those aged 50 and older.
Eugyppius, 31.3.22
It is just failure after failure for health minister Karl Lauterbach, one of Germany’s most disturbing ………………….
Edging Towards a Gold Standard
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney April 1, 2022
Commentators are trying to make sense of Russian moves. However, there is a back story which differs from much of the speculation, which this article addresses.
„Regime Change“ Doesn’t Work, You Morons
How many examples of "regime change" blowing up in our faces do we really need before realizing that it's a disastrous policy? Will we really try it with a nuclear-armed adversary? Matt Taibbi, 31.3.22
Senator Ron Johnson is a Truth Warrior and COVID hero
Send a signal to Dr. Fauci and his cabal that the American people demand accountability and truth. Robert W. Malone, 31.3.22 “The truth is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.”
―Saint Augustine
The Time I Caught Eliot Spitzer With His Pants Down
By Allan Stevo April 1, 2022
“The Cronut — a reminder of why you just need to ignore the sheep.”
Once upon a time, I was a proper New Yorker. I hardly left my neighborhood without good cause. It was hard to get me above 14th Street unless something truly special was going on. I …………………..
The Worst Kept Secret of the US Regime
By Tom Woods April 1, 2022 From the Tom Woods Letter:
Like many of you, I remember watching Schoolhouse Rock explain to me how a bill became a law.
Insult Diplomacy: Does Biden’s Vilification of Putin Help?
By Patrick J. Buchanan April 1, 2022
Several weeks into the war in Ukraine, ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked President Joe Biden if he agreed with those who call Russian President Vladimir Putin “a killer.”
“I do,” said Biden.
Energie- und Wirtschafts-Realismus: Lernen von Namibia!
Von André D. Thess.
Wer in die ehemalige deutsche Kolonie reist, findet ohne Mühe Elefanten, Naturwunder, Armut und Korruption. Doch wer genauer hinschaut, entdeckt Unerwartetes: Freiheit,
Gesundheitsämter drohen Impfunwilligen
Fr, 1. April 2022 Einrichtungsbezogene „Impfpflicht“
Das Infektionsschutzgesetz spricht ausdrücklich von „Verordnungsermächtigung“ für einen Impf-, Genesenen- und Testnachweis bei Covid-19. Gesundheitsämter machen jedoch aus der …………………
Warum Putin die Gasrechnung in Rubel beglichen haben möchte
Von Georg Gafron Do, 31. März 2022
Der Wunsch Putins, die russischen Gaslieferungen von westlichen Käufern nicht mehr in Euro oder Dollar, sondern in Rubel begleichen zu lassen, hat weniger mit den Käufern zu tun, als vielmehr mit den Empfängern, den sogenannten Oligarchen.
Die Heimkehr von Nadine, Fatiha, Gülseren und Emilie
Vor einigen Jahren brachen vier junge Frauen, die in Deutschland sozialisiert wurden, auf, um den Islamischen Staat und seine kämpfenden Männer zu stärken. Jetzt sind sie zurückgekehrt.
Vor einigen Jahren brachen vier junge Frauen auf – drei Deutsche mit und ohne sogenanntem ………………….
Leaders have committed Crimes Against Humanity in the name of Covid-19
By The Exposé on March 24, 2022
One of the attorneys assisting Reiner Fuelmich in proving world leaders have committed crimes against humanity in the name of Covid-19, has been arrested in France on suspicion of …………………..
‘Cashless Society’ Would Leave Millions Struggling – Report
PETER MUHLY/AFP via Getty Images31 Mar 2022414
A report into the potential effects of implementing a ‘cashless society’ has found that millions of people would be left struggling, with many vulnerable people being heavily reliant on physical tender.
Central Banks: Who Needs Them? No One
03/31/2022 Vibhu Vikramaditya
As the Federal Reserve hikes its lending rate to a range of 0.25–0.50 percent, murmurs are heard around the world, with financial pundits predicting doom due to the increased pressures …………………….
White House Ignores Inflation
No one expected the recent 25-basis point rise in rates to curb inflation in a meaningful way. There are numerous variables contributing to this situation that are simply out of the Fed’s ……………………..
The Risks of a Russian Ceasefire Offer
Mar 31, 2022 – Press ISW Nataliya Bugayova
Ukraine may soon face a new threat in this war—Russia’s ceasefire offer. It seems odd to say that a ceasefire is a threat. Once war begins, the default position in the West is to seize the earliest opportunity to “stop the fighting.” But while some ceasefires lead to peace, others ……………………..
Does Prince Andrew deserve forgiveness?
Giles Fraser is a journalist, broadcaster and Rector at the south London church of St Mary’s, Newington. There’s nothing moral about a mother’s love. March 31, 2022
The Queen must have known that choosing Prince Andrew to accompany her down the aisle …………………