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The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.

— Albert Camus

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

BASF-Chef Brudermüller warnt vor einem Import-Stopp von russischem Erdgas. Es hätte verheerende Folgen für die Wirtschaft

Pierre Heumann, 4.4.22




Biden öffnet USA für Massenmigration: Bis zu 500.000 Asylforderer pro Monat

  1. April 2022 „Einmarsch“ von 12.000 bis 18.000 illegalen Einwanderern pro Tag befürchtet




Sprung in sibirisch-kaltes Wasser

Roman Zeller, 4.4.22

Jasmin Kosubek moderierte sechs Jahre lang eine Sendung für Russia Today Deutschland.Sie sei in dieser Zeit «komplett unabhängig» von der Moskauer Zentrale gewesen

Sie war «Putins schönes Gesicht für Deutschland» (Münchner Merkur), das «optisch auffälligste …………………



WHO: COVID Vaccine Can Cause Hearing Loss

The skeptics were concerned about the long-term effects of the mRNA vaccines. “Safe and effective” was the slogan promoted to the masses as the major pharmaceutical companies ………………..



Großbritannien gegen SARS-CoV-2 vollständig immunisiert – und wir?

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

England hat Wissenschaftler, Deutschland hat Christian Drosten und Lothar Wieler. Und weil ……………



Fleisches Lust und Teufels Beitrag

Von Daniela Seidel.

„Deutsche sollen weniger Fleisch essen!“ Diese Gebetsmühle bedienen nicht nur seit geraumer Zeit Özdemir, Lauterbach und jeder andere Gute-Laune-Papst, der etwas auf sich ………….



„Böser Zynismus“ – Kanzler Scholz trifft auf Anti-Impfzwang-Demonstranten

So, 3. April 2022

Die Proteste im Land spitzen sich zu. In Reutlingen müssen „Spaziergänger“ Geldbußen zahlen – viele wehren sich nun dagegen. Am Rande einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in Essen ……………….



Charité-Studienleiter bestätigt BKK-Analyse: Massive Untererfassung von Impfnebenwirkungen

So, 3. April 2022

Der Berliner Professor Harald Matthes leitet eine Studie zu Impfnebenwirkungen – und äußerte sich nun zur Datenanalyse der BKK ProVita. Er bemängelt den medialen Umgang mit …………………….



„Vorschriftsmäßige Transpersonen“ in Kinderfilmen – Disney an der Geschlechterfront

Von Pauline Schwarz So, 3. April 2022 Ideologie statt Unterhaltung

Disneyfilme werden immer mehr zu Werkzeugen der Indoktrination. Neue Äußerungen von ………………..



Orban scores crushing victory as Ukraine war solidifies support

By Justyna Pawlak and Krisztina Than 4.4.22

BUDAPEST, April 4 (Reuters) – Hungary’s nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban scored a fourth consecutive landslide win in Sunday’s election, as voters endorsed his ambition of a conservative, ……………….



SERBIEN: Vucic erklärt sich zum Sieger


Laut Hochrechnungen kommt Präsident Aleksandar Vucic auf fast 60 Prozent der Stimmen. Auch seine Partei SNS liegt vor der Opposition. Der populistische Vucic hatte sich im ………………..



Fortschritt durch kulturelle Aneignung

Um zu realisieren, wie bescheuert die Kritik der „kulturellen Aneignung“ ist, muss man das konsequent zu Ende denken: People of Colour dürfen dann weder Handy noch Internet nutzen, keine Autos fahren, keine Lifte betreten, keine Antibiotika einnehmen.




What’s really behind conflict in Ukraine – a thread
The U.S. is engaging Russia in three wars. Let me discuss them in increasing order of importance and the likely repercussions on the U.S.-led global order.




What is killing the millenials?

Drugs? Suicide? Injections? Cancer? Jessica Rose 16.3.22

Please note: you are advised to come back to this article as it will be constantly updated! And you are also most welcome to contribute! This Substack is far from complete.




Culture Clash

A New Age of Hardship? Theodore Dalrymple April 01, 2022

Never has the contrast between the scale of world events and my own little personal concerns been so great. While millions flee bombardment, and the world economy faces implosion, ………………..



The Most Toxic Places in America Are…

By Tom Woods April 4, 2022 From the Tom Woods Letter:

Before COVID, I would occasionally devote this newsletter to reporting on the various lunacies occurring on college campuses.




Your Top Priority is The Emotional Comfort of the Most Powerful Elites, Which You Fulfill by Never Criticizing Them.

Corporate journalists have license to use their huge platforms to malign, expose and destroy anyone they want. Your moral duty: sit in respectful silence and never object. 2.4.22




Will Biden Blow Up the World

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. April 4, 2022

If you thought that the neocon-controlled US plan to isolate and destroy Russia couldn’t get any worse, you were wrong. In a speech in Poland, brain-dead Biden said that Putin could not stay in power. This was not a slip. As Dr. Ron Paul points out with characteristic insight, …………………



The Reedy Creek Improvement District

Are you familiar with the Reedy Creek Improvement District? Perhaps you have heard of Disney. A 1967 piece of legislation permitted Disney to operate independently from the …………………..



DeSantis Defends Vulnerable Children – Groomers are Outraged

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has signed the Parental Rights in Education Act, which the media refers to as the “don’t say gay act,” despite those words not appearing in the bill. The act will save young children from kindergarten through third grade from being taught about …………………



Südafrikas Präsident unterstützt Putin: Der Krieg hätte vermieden werden können, wenn die Nato auf die Warnungen ihrer eigenen Politiker gehört hätte

Wolfgang Drechsler, 4.4.22

Die Anzeige des russischen Botschafters in der Pretoria News war unübersehbar: Vor dreissig Jahren haben Südafrika und Russland diplomatische Beziehungen geknüpft, schrieb er …………………



Kremlin Says Ukrainian Attack on Fuel Depot in Russia Unhelpful for Peace Talks

By Tom Ozimek April 1, 2022

The Kremlin on Friday accused Ukraine of a military strike against a fuel depot in the Russian ……………………



European Union Unveils New Strategy to Become a Global Power

by Soeren Kern April 3, 2022 The goal is „strategic autonomy“ — the ability for the EU to act independently of, and as a counterweight to, the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty …………………



UK Government plans to launch new Digital ID Technology in April 22 as part of Dystopian Nationwide Digital Identity Push

By The Exposé on March 31, 2022

The UK government is pushing ahead with its nationwide digital ID plans, despite half of the responses to its public consultation on digital identity opposing the idea.

On April 6, 2022, new digital identity document verification technology (IDVT) that enables data sharing between public bodies and businesses for the purpose of identity verification will …………….



US-Gouverneur will Schwimmtitel einer Transfrau nicht anerkennen

Als erste Transgender-Athletin gewann Lia Thomas einen Collegetitel. Doch der soll ihr nun entzogen werden, findet zumindest der Gouverneur von Florida. Für ihn ist eine Athletin aus seinem Bundesstaat die »schnellste Frau«.  22.03.2022,




Fridays For Future lässt sie wegen ihrer Haare nicht auf Demo auftreten Jetzt spricht die Frau mit den Dreadlocks

Ronja Maltzahn: „Die Haare bleiben“

Artikel von: Michael Engelberg und Daniel PUSKEPELEITIS veröffentlicht am 23.03.2022




Infektionsrisiko für Geimpfte & Ungeimpfte gleich

Am Mittwoch soll wegen der hohen Omikron-Ansteckungszahlen die FFP2-Pflicht in Innenräumen zurückkehren. Die Innsbrucker Virologin Dorothee von Laer kritisiert das Hin …………….



Biden – Inflation – Risk to National Security

Hi Martin, What do you think banks will do with mortgages if we continue experiencing high inflation and/or hyperinflation? Do you think we might be able to pay off a mortgage with gold if things get bad enough? Marc




Political Corruption – House of Cards



Afghan National Resistance Advancing Against Taliban; ‘We Are Actually Operating in 12 Provinces,’ It Tells the Sun

The news suggests that there’s nothing like a Russian invasion of one of its neighbors to knock the dust of a previous one even farther off the radar.




Die groteske Mär von den zwei Putins – die Wahrheit ist: Deutschland wurde verraten

FOCUS-Kolumnist Jan Fleischhauer, 2.4.2022

Deutschland braucht einen Untersuchungsausschuss, um zu klären, wie es geschehen konnte, dass das Land von Putin abhängig gemacht und so die nationale Sicherheit aufs Spiel gesetzt ………………..



The Laptop from Hell – DOJ Protects the Biden Family



The Fed Cannot Undo the Damage It Has Already Caused

04/01/2022 Frank Shostak

On Wednesday, March 16, 2022, the US central bank, the Federal Reserve System, raised the target for the federal funds rate by 0.25 percent, to 0.50 percent. According to Fed officials, ………………



Carl Schmitt and Murray Rothbard

04/01/2022 David Gordon

Carl Schmitt has been classified in many different ways, but certainly never as a libertarian. To the contrary, Schmitt strongly supported a strong state and for a few years was a leading …………………….



Money Supply Growth Heads Back Up: February Growth Up to 7 Percent

04/01/2022 Ryan McMaken

Money supply growth rose for the third month in a row in February, continuing ongoing growth from October’s twenty-one-month low. Even with February’s rise, though, money …………………..



Business vs. Government?

by Alan M. Dershowitz April 2, 2022 If a corporation builds a better mousetrap than the government, we buy it. And generally, that is a good idea. But it may come with costs, not easily measurable in dollars or speed.

The Constitution itself was not designed for efficiency…. Ours was designed to check and ……………………..



In Krisenzeiten einfach sein Ding machen

Wenn genug Leute ihr Ding machen, ohne dass es anderen schadet, können die Weltverbesserer und ihre Spießgesellen gern hohldrehen. Dem Kategorischen Imperativ ……………………..



Impfschäden explodieren, der Mainstream erwacht unsanft

Die Uniklinik Marburg hat eine Spezialambulanz für Patienten mit Nebenwirkungen nach der Corona-Impfung eingerichtet, die Warteliste ist auf rund 800 Patienten angewachsen. Auch Ärzte, die Impfschäden ernstnehmen, werden überlaufen. Die Impf-Katastrophe nimmt ihren …………………….



Ließ Macron seine Covid-Politik von McKinsey bestimmen?

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Sa, 2. April 2022

Kurz vor den Wahlen kommt Macron ins Schlittern wegen Beraterverträgen, die seine Präsidentschaft von Anfang an begleiten. Ihm wird zum einen Verschwendung vorgeworfen. ………………..



Faeser posiert mit Israelfeind

Sa, 2. April 2022

Bei einer Preisverleihung gegen Rassismus und Rechtsextremismus werden der Rapper „Massiv“ und die Innenministerin ausgezeichnet. Der Rapper fiel in der Vergangenheit mit antiisraelischen Sprüchen und Salafisten-Verehrung auf. Schirmherr der Veranstaltung? Der ……………………..



Lupenreine Diplomaten

Von Wolfgang Herles Sa, 2. April 2022

Das Einzige, was prinzipiell aus allen Sanktionen und Boykotten ausgenommen werden müsste, ist Kultur. Sie ist ist die einzige unbestechliche Form von Diplomatie, die es gibt. Wie ………………



Has the Ukraine war saved Orbán?

Aris Roussinos is UnHerd’s Foreign Affairs Editor, and a former war reporter. Hungary’s opposition cannot break his conservative machine.  April 2, 2022

In the 12 years of rule that have followed three landslide electoral victories, Viktor Orbán, ……………..



Judge Ousts Five School Board Members After Pennsylvania Parent Petition

By Beth Brelje March 31, 2022

A Pennsylvania judge on Tuesday ordered five elected school directors be immediately …………………..



When Lions Roar

Their time will come, Good Citizen, 1.4.22

They say time is a great healer.




BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Economist at World Government Summit says new financial world order about to shift in dramatic new direction

The World Government Summit is underway this week in Abu Dhabi and we’ve already got a bombshell to report.

Dr. Pippa Malmgrem, a top American economist who served as a special adviser to former President George W. Bush, made a statement that confirms everything myself and others have …………….



Biden is planning a new digital currency. Here’s why you should be very worried

by Justin Haskins, Opinion Contributor – 03/26/22

Whenever the White House says it is working on a plan that would transform a vital part of the U.S. economy, and that the administration is doing so with the “highest urgency,” it






Is Russia the REAL target of Western sanctions? Soaring oil prices, energy and food crises on the horizon…is it possible the REAL target of this economic war is us?

Kit Knightly

The first tweet I saw when I checked my timeline this morning was from foreign policy …………………….



As ‚Death By Fauci‘ Plays Out Across America, Globalists Are Establishing A ‚Ministry Of Truth‘ – Murderous Government Will NEVER Admit To Carrying Out Genocide

With the establishment still in huge cover-up mode regarding the shocking




The Conscience of French Medicine

By Ira Katz April 2, 2022

Luc Montagnier, perhaps the most well known French scientist and the 2008 Nobel laureate for medicine, died February 8, 2022. In spite of his fame, his passing was accompanied by …………………..



Ex-Leftist Tells All

By Tom Woods April 2, 2022

Michael Rectenwald, formerly a professor at New York University, spent his life as a leftist — a self-described Marxist, in fact.




Red Alert: What Seeing The War in Syria Taught Me About US/Western Government and Media Propaganda

By Janice Kortkamp  Ron Paul Institute April 2, 2022

The Syrian war was the first fully observed conflict on social-media and the ability to connect ……………….



Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture April 2, 2022

A new reality is being formed: the unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past, a multipolar one is taking shape




Full Interviews

Here you can find ALL of the interview shot in full and for FREE. We provide links to them posted to 3 different platforms, direct download and torrented as well. If you find a non-functioning link, please drop us an email. If you download via torrent, please kindly help us ………………..



Death of the dollar begins TODAY; the final chapter of a debt-based empire

Friday, April 01, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) “If you want gas, find roubles.” Those are the words of Vyacheslav Volodin, ……………………



The Yield Curve Inverted Again

John Carney 1 Apr 2022

A reliable market barometer of the risk of future recessions was triggered for a second consecutive day on Friday.




Commodities Do Not Cause Inflation. Money Printing Does

03/31/2022 Daniel Lacalle

In this world of monetary insanity, defenders of central bank constant easing try every day to convince you that inflation is caused by numerous factors, not by currency printing.




If Ukraine Joins the EU, It Will Be the Poorest Member by Far

03/31/2022 Ryan McMaken

Within days of the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian regime applied for membership in the European Union. This is understandable from the perspective ………………..



No, More Bureaucracy Would NOT Have Saved Trump’s Paycheck Protection Program

03/29/2022 Georg Grassmueck

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) put in place under Donald Trump and extended by Joe Biden is a prime example of government wastefulness. A recent working paper by the ……………………



Peter Schiff: How Long Before the Fed Has to Turn Japanese?

March 30, 2022 SchiffGold

Is the US about to go the way of Japan?

The Japanese yen tanked after the Bank of Japan vowed to buy an unlimited number of ……………………



Hope for Humanity

Is there any hope for the future? Between war, digital currency, authoritarianism, and financial collapse, it doesn’t seem like there is much hope for our children. Please let us know ………………….



The Conspiracy to Get the Conspirators

Is the January 6 Committee itself actually a criminal conspiracy? By Jay Whig March 31, 2022

Vox, the left-leaning “news explainer” site, published an article on Wednesday that …………………..



More Scandals Envelop the Scandalous FBI

For years, congressional Republicans promised to hold FBI officials culpable for various scandals but failed to act. By Julie Kelly March 31, 2022

“You’re in big fucking trouble.”




Octopus farms are the future

Ellen Pasternack is a PhD student in evolutionary biology at Oxford University. The exploitation of animals is central to our existence. April 1, 2022




Dr. Ganser zum Ukraine-Konflikt: Die andere Seite der Wahrheit



Keine Gefahr mehr Schweden schafft Pandemie-Gesetz ab

Markus Berg 01.04.2022

Schweden behandelt Covid-19 von nun an nicht mehr als generell gefährliche oder





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