Macron in der Poleposition. Doch Marine Le Pen zieht als Favoritin in die Stichwahl. Der Big Bang der französischen Politik geht weiter
Jürg Altwegg, 10.4.22
Emmanuel Macron und Marine Le Pen werden sich in der Stichwahl wieder begegnen. Wie ………………..
Ukraine: A new battle in the old war of the “New Normal”
Michael Lesher
In one sense, I don’t have much to say about the newest chapter in the eight-year-old American war against the people of Ukraine – nothing that you can’t learn from an array of ………………..
Deep State Blowout! Hunter Biden Laptop Ukraine War & Looking Glass
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV April 11, 2022t
I had a lot of fun during my first appearance on Dark Journalist in 4 years!
Daniel Liszt and I talked about all things Hunter Biden, Project Monarch sex slave programming, Ukraine and the New World Order.
BRICS Ministers of Finance Hold a Meeting – It Is Time to Replace Western Financial Trade Mechanisms and Remove The Dollar
April 9, 2022 |
This is not some grand conspiracy, ‘out there‘ deep geopolitical possibility, or foreboding ………………………
Who Really Committed War Crimes in Bucha?
Lurid and false atrocity stories have been used before to encourage Western involvement in unnecessary wars. By Christopher Roach April 9, 2022
The reports and photographs showing an apparent massacre in Bucha, Ukraine, are truly terrible. They are reminiscent of the atrocities used to galvanize Western opinion during ……………………….
The Empire of Lies
By Vasko Kohlmayer April 11, 2022
It has been said that America has become an Empire of Lies.
Difficult as it may be to accept, this allegation is true. To deny this would be to fool ourselves.
The truth is that over the last several decades America’s elites have erected a system in which ………………
The Coming Stock Market Crash of Biblical Proportions
By David Stockman International Man April 11, 2022
Wegen Russland-Sanktionen: Israel wird zum Rückzugsort der Oligarchen
- April 2022
Aus Protest gegen den russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine geben zunehmend russische „Führungskräfte” und Oligarchen ihre Aktivitäten in Russland auf und verlassen das Land – ………………
Frankreich wählt: Drei Kandidaten und eine Bluttat
Von Matthias Nikolaidis So, 10. April 2022
In Frankreich scheint das Zentrum unter Macron gegen die radikalen Ränder zu kämpfen. Doch die Geschichte des Landes steht nicht still, Éric Zemmour hat das erkannt. Kurz vor der Wahl erregte der Tod eines jungen Juden das Land, vor allem weil die Polizei ihn als Folge eines Verkehrsunfalls hinstellte.
Spiegel machte nach Flutkatastrophe vier Wochen Urlaub – Merz fordert Rücktritt
Stand: 10.04.2022 |
„Für Frau Spiegel waren Urlaub und das eigene Image wichtiger als das Schicksal der Menschen an der Ahr“, kritisiert Merz
The New Prison Camps
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. April 11, 2022
If you want to know what it’s like to live in a totalitarian dictatorship, you don’t have to look far. American colleges and universities, the so-called “institutions of higher learning”, have …………………
Why Zelensky is a Neo-Nazi & a Jewish FRAUD
There have been some people who assumed that Zelensky is Jewish and therefore he cannot possibly be a Neo-Nazi. Many in Israel are deeply disturbed by his claims to be Jewish when ………………..
Black Lives Matter Leaders Spend Charitable Donations on Lavish Lifestyles
California Republicans Aim to Make Theft Illegal
In 2014, California basically decriminalized theft by permitting shoplifters to take what they please, as long as it was under $950. Prop 47, the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, emboldened criminals to do as they please with no repercussions as they cannot be prosecuted …………………
Lara Logan Says She Was ‘Pushed Out’ at Fox Nation
By Jack Phillips April 8, 2022
Former CBS journalist Lara Logan said that she was forced out of Fox Nation after she made public comments about White House COVID-19 advisor Anthony Fauci last year.
“I was definitely pushed out,” Logan said in a recent interview with radio host Eric Metaxas ………………..
„Kneipen-Schießerei“? Die merkwürdige Berichterstattung über den antisemitischen Terror in Tel Aviv
Von Sandro Serafin So, 10. April 2022
Droht Israel schon wieder mit Selbstverteidigung? Deutsche und europäische Medien lassen mit verqueren Formulierungen tief blicken, die Täter und Opfer beim Terror in Tel Aviv ………………
Finnland: Ein historischer Sieg für die Meinungsfreiheit
Von Marco Gallina Fr, 1. April 2022 Urteil gegen „Hassrede“
Die ehemalige finnische Innenministerin Päivi Räsänen war wegen „Hassrede“ angeklagt worden, weil sie öffentlich ihre christlichen Überzeugungen zu Ehe und Familie kundgetan hatte. Sie wurde in allen Anklagepunkten freigesprochen.
Climate Change the Tool of Control
Dear Martin, After reading many of your blog posts, there appears to be one question you might not have answered. Do the elitists who are trying to control the world truly believe climate change cycles are not natural, but instead are caused by humans? It would seem that ……………………
Bei UNO-Abstimmung gegen Russland: EU und G7 erpressen Serbien
- April 2022
Unfassbarer Skandal bei UNO-Abstimmung
EU und G7 erpressen Serbien
Exclusive Klaus Schwab – Tell All interview!
Oliver Stone on Putin
Pakistan – Conspiracy or Revolution?
The drama playing out in Pakistan is interesting, to say the least. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has been ousted from power after losing a no-confidence vote in his leadership. ……………………..
Rebel News on the WEF Infiltration of Governments
These people are against Democracy where the people make decisions. Republics are authoritarian regimes in sheep’s clothing. They run pretending one thing and then do everything in their power to accomplish undemocratic goals.
Das neue „Klima-Buch“ von Greta Thunberg: Anleitung zum Global-Sozialismus
- April 2022
Greta Thunberg ist wieder da
Mit dem neuen „Klima-Buch“
How Non-Career Politicians Speak
Trump spoke candidly and off-the-cuff. He never wanted to be restricted by cue cards. As Nigel Farage said, people disliked Trump’s “New York-style,” but hey, you can’t deny that ……………..
Pentagon Cannot Confirm Bucha Atrocity
So you think Russia did not do that in Bucha? SJ
Ein Sieg für die Freiheit – Analyse der Impf-Abstimmung
Der Pulverdampf der Bundestagsabstimmung über die Impfpflicht ist noch nicht verflogen, da irrlichtern deren Apologeten schon wieder mit Horrorprognosen durch die Medien und stoßen wüste Drohungen aus. Dann müsse man eben wieder mit der Maske leben, das habt ihr jetzt ……………
Jetzt wird Gott gegendert
Dem linken Zeitgeist hinterherlaufend, soll nun auch der christliche Gott gegendert werden – an Allah hingegen traut man sich diesbezüglich noch nicht heran.
Der Ausverkauf der Kirchen erreicht so langsam seinen Höhepunkt. Der christliche Glaube wird zur billigen Ramschware. Ernst kann das niemand mehr nehmen. Muss man auch nicht. ………………..
Justice Jackson
So what do you think of the Supreme Court nominee? DA
It is a joke. Biden ruled out everyone other than a black woman, which is in itself racist. This ……………..
Martin Armstrong – If Russia Is Not An Enemy, Why Do We Need NATO? – March 29, 2022
The Role Of Henry Kissinger In Spawning The World Economic Forum
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola April 8, 2022
Comedic relief is sometimes the best way to understand complex topics, but it’s no laughing matter that Klaus Schwab’s oldest mentor is Trilateral Commission founding member, Henry ………………….
Child-grooming DISNEY linked to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s PEDO island… #BoycottDisney
Friday, April 08, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) In today’s sickening news, Substack’s Emerald Robinson asks the question, ……………….
Israel Readies Counterattack Against Terror After Latest Killings
That the attackers’ motive was a thirst for Israeli blood became clear immediately Thursday night. In Gaza and parts of the West Bank, officials of Hamas distributed candy in celebration.
Benni Avny, Friday, April 8, 2022
Wyh I Never Capitalize Covid, And Why You Probably Won’t Either After Reading This
By Allan Stevo April 9, 2022
Have you ever stepped back from a screen, looked at the page you were just reading, and noticed how all you can see standing out are 1.) the headline and 2.) all the giant capitalized instances of COVID?
Nuclear War Is on the Horizon
As Facts Cannot Be Acknowledged, the Insane Drive into Nuclear War Cannot be Stopped
By Paul Craig Roberts April 9, 2022
Some readers have asked why Russia regards Finland’s membership in NATO as a …………………
Manufactured Crisis: CIA trained the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and has chosen Ukraine as birthplace of new “Global White Supremacist” Terror Threat
By The Exposé on April 3, 2022
The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread far beyond Ukraine’s borders with major implications for Biden’s “War on Domestic Terror”
Joe Biden is The Doomsday Scenario We Were Warned About
I have a new name for the current occupant of the White House: Doomsday Joe. We have heard “Creepy Joe,” “Ol’ Joe,” “Sleepy Joe,” and “Stumblin’ Joe,” but now let’s add …………………..
The truth about Bucha is out there, but perhaps too inconvenient to be discovered
Scott Ritter RT Mon, 04 Apr 2022
„In war, truth is the first casualty.“ This quote has been attributed to Aeschylus, a 6th BCE Greek tragedian noted for his „copious use of imagery, mythic allusion, grand language, wordplay and riddles.“ ……………..
Achrbishop Viganò: Fatima, Russia, and Ukraine
The Fed Can’t Fix the Economy, but It Can Break It
04/08/2022 Jon Wolfenbarger
The Federal Reserve states that it “conducts the nation’s monetary policy to promote maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates in the U.S. economy.” However, let’s look at how well the Fed has done that job since its founding in ……………….
If You Vote, You Have No Right to Complain
04/09/2022 Joakim Book
“Most citizens are not doing us any favor by voting. Asking everyone to vote is like asking everyone to litter.” Jason Brennan, Against Democracy
Biden Administration, EU and Iran’s Mullahs: Historical Mistake Repeating Itself
by Majid Rafizadeh April 9, 2022 The Biden administration and the EU do not need to go too far back to see the outcome of those appeasement policies and the nuclear deal with Iran. Its theocratic regime became more determined than ever, as an oblation, an offering to God, to …………………
How Marine Le Pen conquered Normandy
John Lichfield was Paris correspondent of The Independent for 20 years. Half-English and half-Belgian, he was born in Stoke-on-Trent and lives in Normandy. Rural France faces an existential crisis. April 9, 2022
France’s demographic civil war
Dr. Paul Morland is a business consultant and senior member at St Antony’s College, Oxford. His latest book is Tomorrow’s People: The Future of Humanity in Ten Numbers. Politicians are drumming up anti-Islam sentiment. April 4, 2022
A Trillion Here, A Trillion There
04/08/2022 Robert Aro
In this world, few things can be measured in the trillions. The US national debt, which first hit $1 trillion under President Reagan, is one. During his tenure, the national debt increased from roughly $700 billion to $2 trillion; a percentage increase that, if happened today under ……………….
The Bucha Massace in Ukraine and the Search for Truth
By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner April 9, 2022
The images—the videos—are horrifying and not for the squeamish. There splashed across the TV screens by NBC, Fox News, and the totality of American media are what is called …………………..
The Lying Media’s Ukraine Propaganda
It is truly astounding to watch so many good, well-meaning people fall for the media’s Ukraine narrative.
Leviathan Floundering
By James Howard Kunstler April 9, 2022
Back in the quaint old days of the George “W” Bush admin, White House political advisor Karl Rove famously said, “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating ………………….
Manufactured Crisis
CIA trained the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and has chosen Ukraine as birthplace of new “Global White Supremacist” Terror Threat
By Whitney Webb The Expose April 9, 2022
The eruption of war between Russia and Ukraine appears to have given the CIA the pretext to launch a long-planned insurgency in the country, one poised to spread far beyond Ukraine’s borders with major implications for Biden’s “War on Domestic Terror”.
Outrage as Azov Nazi Addresses Greek Parliament
By Joe Lauria Consortium News April 9, 2022
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky brought along an Azov Nazi of Greek heritage to his speech to the Greek Parliament on Thursday and all hell broke loose, reports Joe Lauria.
Do „Inflationary Expectations“ Cause Inflation? Contra Krugman, the Answer Is No
04/07/2022 Frank Shostak
In the New York Times article “How High Inflation Will Come Down,” Paul Krugman suggests that the key for future inflation is inflation expectations. Krugman does not think that …………………..
Hazlitt, Hayek and How the Fed Made Itself into the World’s Biggest Savings & Loan
04/07/2022 Alex J. Pollock
The Henry Hazlitt Memorial Lecture, March 18, 20221
Many thanks to the Mises Institute and to sponsor Yousif Almoayyed for this opportunity to ………………
This isn’t a war between good and evil
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an UnHerd columnist. She is also a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Founder of the AHA Foundation, and host of The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast. Her new book is Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women’s Rights. April 8, 2022 Mythical struggles are the tool of the despot
Turkey: What Happens When You Have No Freedom of Speech
by Uzay Bulut April 8, 2022 „In Turkey, human rights lawyers are particularly targeted for their work representing human rights defenders, victims of human rights violations, victims of police violence and torture, and many people who simply express dissenting opinions.“ — …………………
How Britain betrayed my Ukrainian family
Jacob Reynolds is partnerships manager at the Academy of Ideas. We have been crushed by Home Office bureaucracy. April 8, 2022
“This reminds me of the Soviet Union,” joked the elderly Ukrainian woman as we joined the ……………….
The End of Ukraine – The Cyclical View
Marty; Socrates is always amazing. I understand this forecast of war and Russia comes from the computer and you wish you were wrong. There is a video out there also saying the Bucha is a false flag even showing that people pretending to be dead in the streets with no blood and then when they think the camera passed they get up. It does seem that they are trying so hard to justify war and MSNBC is advocating America should invade Ukraine. Do you have any idea why these people just love war? GC
Risse im Fundament
In China droht das Platzen der Immobilienblase – und damit eine massive Wirtschaftskrise, die soziale Unruhen im Land auslösen könnte. Der dramatische Fall von Evergrande dürfte …………………
Nach Alko-Unfall der Nehammer-Personenschützer: Umtrunk doch in Kanzler-Wohnung
- April 2022
Wie Wochenblick bereits am Dienstag berichtete, soll die Kanzler-Gattin die beiden Cobra-Beamten zu einem Umtrunk in ihre Wohnung eingeladen haben. Das gesteht sie nun offenbar ein. Es soll aber lediglich ein kleiner Umtrunk gewesen sein – der banale Grund dafür: Einer ……………………..
Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump