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Wenn man zehntausend Vorschriften erlässt, zerstört man jede Achtung für das Gesetz.

— Winston Churchill

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ukraine v Russian Empire

We elected Zelensky who promised to end the civil war. It looks like the West is telling him not to compromise and let the Russian section go. DH (from Ukraine)




Stop Blaming Putin for Inflation

The Consumer Price Index soared 8.5% in March year-on-year, according to the report released by the Labor Department on Tuesday. Prices have not been this inflated since Reagan was in power in December 1981.




The World’s Busiest Shipping Port is Closed

Shanghai went under a full lockdown at the end of March under China’s zero-COVID tolerance policy. When cases allegedly rose, China extended the lockdown indefinitely. Shanghai hosts the busiest container port in the world, and its inability to operate is ……………………



Inflation hits another 40-year high, as recession fears loom

By Mica Soellner, Tom Howell Jr. and Haris Alic – The Washington Times – Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Inflation soared by 8.5% over the past 12 months, the federal government reported Tuesday amid fears of a looming recession.




Real Wages Fall Again as Inflation Surges and the Fed Plays the Blame Game

Ryan McMaken

According to a new report released Wednesday by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index increased in March by 8.6 percent, measured year over year (YOY). This is the largest increase in more than forty years. To find a higher rate of CPI inflation, we ………………….



Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Is Creating a Financial World War

04/08/2022 Tho Bishop

Over a month after Russia invaded Ukraine, the military conflict has remained a regional conflict. While Russia has been able to fortify its claim in eastern Ukraine and has made advances in the south, recent counteroffenses by the Ukrainians have pushed Vladimir Putin’s ………………



The Riptide

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com April 13, 2022

These dangerous currents amount to a huge riptide in global events that will carry many people and whole societies out to sea….

Have you stopped to ask yourself: what exactly are the USA’s interests in Ukraine? The ………………..



The New Slavery: Nock on Spencer

04/11/2022 Albert Jay Nock

In 1851 Herbert Spencer published a treatise called Social Statics; or, The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness Specified. Among other specifications, this work established and made clear the fundamental principle that society should be organized on the basis of ……………..




Metaverse experts reveal if you can MURDER someone in virtual world – and whether you can be punished if you’re violent, Christopher Eberhart, Apr 10 2022

„MURDER“ in the metaverse isn’t a 25-to-life prison sentence – or even a felony – but it could be a crime, ………………



Putin Breaks Silence, Says Russia Will Triumph in Ukraine

By Jack Phillips April 12, 2022

President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday said that Russia would triumph in its conflict with Ukraine, delivering his first remarks in several days about the weekslong war.

“That Blitzkrieg on which our foes were counting on did not work,” Putin claimed of the …………………



Der Lockdownstreit ist entschieden: Ohne lag man richtig

Der Lockdownstreit ist entschieden: New York und Kalifornien lagen falsch, Florida und South Dakota lagen richtig.




Wie Ihr Steuergeld bei den Taliban landet

Westliche Staaten, darunter auch Deutschland, schenken den Steinzeit-Islamisten weiterhin Geld – die USA unter Biden sogar eine Milliarde Dollar seit deren Machtübernahme.

Über zwei Jahrzehnte hinweg haben die Vereinigten Staaten und ihre internationalen Partner Milliarden an humanitärer Hilfe nach Afghanistan gepumpt. Ein Großteil dieser Hilfe floss in ……………….



Anne Spiegel muss als Bundesfamilienministerin gehen

Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 11. April 2022

Anne Spiegel (Grüne) ist als Bundesfamilienministerin zurückgetreten. Sie übernimmt damit die Verantwortung für ihre Fehler in und nach der Flutkatastrophe im Ahrtal. Spannend ist das ……………..



Anne Spiegels Urlaub, Rücktritt und Verklärung

Von Alexander Wendt Mi, 13. April 2022

Erst war die Ministerin in grünen Verlautbarungen eine Hochleistungspolitikerin, dann ein Opfer von Männerfeindlichkeit, mittlerweile steht schon ihr überlebensgroßes Denkmal. Ihr ……………….



Das Kabinett der Illusion und Lebenslüge

Von Cora Stephan Di, 12. April 2022

Das Kabinett des Olaf Scholz decouvriert so manche Illusion und Lebenslüge. Nun ist Anne Spiegel zurückgetreten, der erste Dominostein, der noch ganz andere ins Kippen bringen ………………..



Ukraine War: The Moral Corruption of Germany’s Political Elite

by Soeren Kern April 13, 2022 Questions are being belatedly asked — and grudgingly answered — about many aspects of Merkel’s failed Russia policy, including her decisions to block Ukraine’s prospective membership of NATO, gut the German military, undermine the …………………..



Franklin D Roosevelt – Four Freedoms Speech – January 6, 1941





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