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Eine ehemalige FDJ-Sekretärin für Agitation und Propaganda ist heute Kanzlerin. Hätten Sie das für möglich gehalten?

— Oskar Lafontaine (2008)

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Viele Gesundheitsmitarbeiter klagten

Rechtsbeugung bei Impfpflicht für Berufe: Jurist klagt deutsche Verfassungsrichter
  1. April 2022

Wieder einmal zog sich der mit Abstand parteiischste und voreingenommenste Präsident des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (BVG), Merkel-Günstling Stephan Harbath, den Zorn zahlreicher – hochrenommierter Juristen zu. Nachdem das praktisch „gleichgeschaltete” höchste deutsche …………….



Was Jesus a revolutionary?

Terry Eagletonis a critic, literary theorist, and UnHerd columnist. The gospels may have ignored the full story. April 15, 2022

Easter is the time when Jesus Christ is said to have risen from the dead, having hung on a cross for six hours between two thieves. We are told that one of the thieves was saved, which ……………..



An Inflationary Black Swan Is Haunting the Fed

By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner April 16, 2022

The laziness of the financial press appears to know no bounds. For instance, this gem from the Wall Street Journal purports to explain today’s red hot inflation number:




Geheime Abhörprotokolle weitergegeben –Verräter im Bundestag! Strack-Zimmermann stellt Strafanzeige wegen Geheimnisverrats

Josef Hufelschulte  14.04.2022,

Im Verteidigungsausschuss und dem Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Bundestags läuft die Suche nach einem Verräter. Es geht um brisante Protokolle des Massakers von Butscha, die an die ………………..



Elon Musk for President? Evil Lurking Inside Twitter

Twitter retested the low on your ECM date and the whole rally began from that target. Did Socrates predict what Musk was going to do? And btw, would you support Elon Musk for President? Have you ever met Musk? He is into AI as well. DH




Peter Schiff: Peak Inflation Is Just Wishful Thinking

April 14, 2022  by SchiffGold

As expected, the March Consumer Price Index was smoking hot with a 1.2% month-on-month increase and an 8.5% annual gain. But the mainstream found a silver lining in the numbers. Core inflation wasn’t quite as high as expected leading many to conclude that we’ve reached “peak inflation.” In his podcast, ………………..



Ukraine War Revives Supply Chain Crisis

by Tyler Durden Friday, Apr 15, 2022 – Erik-Jan van Harn of Rabobank Summary

The Ukraine war has sparked another supply chain crisis, just as pandemic-related disruptions ……………….



The Great Vaccine Disaster

By Vasko Kohlmayer April 16, 2022

“Vaccinated Have Up To SIX Times the Infection Rate of Unvaccinated, New Zealand Government Data Show” reads a recent headline from The Daily Sceptic.

Disturbing data keeps coming from countries around the world: those who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 are contracting Covid at considerably higher rates than those ………………..



Telegraphing Mass Death From ‘Bird Flu’: Is it Only a Way To Hide the Impending Deaths Due to the ‘Covid’ Bio-Weapon Injection?

By Gary D. Barnett April 16, 2022

“Darkness has the ability to cover up; light has the ability to uncover! Darkness is the enemy of truth; light is the friend of truth!

Mehet Murat ildan




Joe Biden lancierte ein drakonisches Crack-Gesetz, das Schwarze hart trifft. Sein Sohn Hunter steht bis heute über dem Gesetz. Dies obwohl er Crack in rauen Mengen verrauchte – und offenbar auch damit dealte

Urs Gehriger, 17 4 22

Dank der Macht seines Vaters als US-Vizepräsident knüpfte Hunter Biden ein globales Handelsnetzwerk. Durch den Einfluss des Vaters scheffelte er Millionen von Dollar.




Elon Musk Could Takeover Twitter



Media Admits It is Their “Job” To Control What People Think



Former Clinton Campaign Lawyer Made False Statements to Second Government Agency: Durham

By Zachary Stieber April 16, 2022

Former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who is accused of lying to the FBI when he claimed he wasn’t representing anyone while handing over information about ……………..



Rechtsbeugung bei Impfpflicht für Berufe: Jurist klagt deutsche Verfassungsrichter

  1. April 2022




Political Upheaval Is Not Threatening “Our Democracy.” Our Democracy Is

04/14/2022 Joseph Solis-Mullen

Attempting to understand the political polarization and dysfunction that has increasingly come to define American politics in the twenty-first century requires grappling with a host of interconnected phenomena. The gradual transformations undergone by the Republican and ………………..



How the Fed’s Tampering with the Policy Rate Affects the Yield Curve

04/16/2022 Frank Shostak

At the end of March this year the difference between the yield on the ten-year Treasury bond and the yield on the two-year Treasury bond fell to 0.010 percent from 1.582 percent at the end of March 2021.




Achtung, neue Corona-Regel: Ab heute bekommen nur noch Geboosterte Lohnfortzahlung!

Auffrisch-Impfung muss nachgewiesen werden, 15.04.22,

Die dritte Corona-Impfung ist ab heute für die meisten Beschäftigten Voraussetzung für eine Verdienstausfall-Entschädigung.




Secret Orders Targeting People’s Emails, Text Messages & Phone Calls Illegally



Musk’s Battle to Save America From Absolute Tyranny

Elon Musk’s battle to take over Twitter and restore free speech is a battle to save the very foundation of what a real free society was supposed to be. Every person on the board of ……………….



How Fully Private, No-Insurance Hospitals Help the Common Man

04/14/2022 Daniel Diefenbach

How does one make an economic decision when the price of a good is not evident? To any adherent of the Austrian school, this of course is impossible. There is no way to decide ………………..



How Russia Uses Immigration and Naturalization to Grow State Power

04/14/2022 Ryan McMaken

While the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s expansion has been a central issue in the Russian decision to go to war with Ukraine, this is certainly not the only issue. Moscow has ………………



Northern Ireland’s dangerous future

Jenny McCartney is a journalist, commentator and author of the novel The Ghost Factory. Lyra McKee has been betrayed again. April 18, 2022

It’s been exactly three years since the 29-year-old journalist Lyra McKee was killed in the ……………….



The West Needs WWIII – Martin Armstrong



Tackling the Iranian Regime’s Nuclear Threat

by Majid Rafizadeh April 16, 2022 [N]o deal will stop the ruling mullahs of Iran from pursuing their nuclear ambitions.

The only way to deter or stop Iran is to impose drastic economic sanctions on the regime again, thereby cutting the flow of funding to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and — ……………….



Sanctions and sovereignty

Sergey Glazyev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, February 25, 2022

„It would be childish to assume that “ when we are beaten, we grow stronger.“ Although we ……………..



Russia’s Sergey Glazyev Introduces the New Global Financial System

The world’s new monetary system, underpinned by a digital currency, will be backed by a basket of new foreign currencies and natural resources. And it will liberate the Global South from both western debt and IMF-induced austerity. By Pepe Escobar The Cradle April 16, 2022




Has Elon Musk Discovered Some Scandalous Truths About Twitter?

By Monica Showalter American Thinker April 16, 2022

Sure enough, Elon Musk pulled the trigger, handed Twitter a fat offer of a buyout, and it’s …………….



‚A Republic, If You Can Keep It‘

by Lawrence Kadish April 15, 2022 The New York Times, on December 8th, 1865, months after the civil war had ended, wrote that if one of America’s major political parties had been successful, slavery would have been permanently sustained and many leaders in the United …………….



Fauci: “You Use Lockdowns To Get People Vaccinated”

Posted By: Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News April 15, 2022

According to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of NIH, the real reason for lockdowns is not to contain the spread of a virus, but rather to force people to get vaccinated. This is a blunt …………….



Der Maskensumpf – Millionen-Provisionen für Vermittlung Alles rechtmäßig: Generalbundesanwalt exkulpiert Beschuldigte


Im Ausgangsjahr der Pandemie bestellte der Bund mehr als eine Milliarde OP- und FFP2-Masken. Das Auftragsvolumen belief sich auf gut zwei Milliarden Euro.

Masken würden nicht helfen, hieß es damals zur Zeit der Bestellungen, weil noch nicht ………………



Left-Wing Group Tries to Disqualify Republican Frontrunner in PA Governor’s Race on ‘Insurrection’ Grounds

By Matthew Vadum April 17, 2022

A left-wing group is trying to disqualify outspoken Trump supporter Pennsylvania state Senator Doug Mastriano from the state governor’s race because he allegedly participated in an ……………..



S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Index Marks New High

Home prices were up 19.2% in January according to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller index. It is extremely difficult for Millennials and Gen Z to enter the housing market, as ……………



Environmental Terrorism

Woke domestic terrorist groups are permitted to freely operate on Twitter and other social media platforms, even when they call for violence. Adbusters, a self-proclaimed “global …………………



The Hidden Truth Behind War With Russia

The plot behind Ukraine is far deeper than anyone is willing to talk about publicly. Yanukovich was corrupt and his sons were acting like a protection racket. Yanukovich was ……………..



Confidential Pfizer Document Suggests ‘Covid Vaccine Shedding’ Leading to ‘Menstrual Cycle Disruption’ and ‘Miscarriage’ Is Possible via ‘Skin-to-Skin Contact’ & ‘Breathing the Same Air’ The Expose April 18, 2022

Hundreds if not thousands of women have reported that they have suffered irregular bleeding/clotting after receiving one of the mRNA Covid vaccines. Sadly thousands of others




The West Is Destroying Itself

By Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin Live April 18, 2022

America and Western Europe seem obsessed with the fear of Russia. Never mind that the combined military might of the U.S. and NATO literally dwarfs that of Russia, the West behaves as if Russia is about to conquer the world.




„RT“, Moskau, 16. April 2022: Interview der Sprecherin des Außenministeriums, Maria Zakharova über die enge Zusammenarbeit der US-Biolabore mit Deutschland

uncut-news.ch April 17, 2022

Frage: Es wurde bekannt, dass russische Truppen während der militärischen Sonderoperation in der Ukraine neue Dokumente über militärische biologische Aktivitäten in der Ukraine …………………



Exposing Some Myths About the Ukraine War

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. April 18, 2022

All rational Americans agree that we shouldn’t get involved in the Russia-Ukraine War. The neocon warmongers with brain dead Biden as their figurehead want to destroy Russia, and ………………



Don’t Fire Till You See the Backs of Their Heads

By George Hollenback April 18, 2022

Recently hundreds of what appeared to be mostly pasty-faced liberals took to the streets of Grand Rapids to protest the murder and execution-style killing of a black man named Patrick ………….



6 Double Standards Public Health Officials Used to Justify Covid Vaccines

From the beginning, the official COVID-19 narrative has been inconsistent, hypocritical and/or contradictory because medical authorities used double standards to create the illusion their narrative was logical and sensible. By Madhava Setty, M.D.  Children’s Health Defense April 18, 2022




Socialism: Opiate of the Masses

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog April 18, 2022

Let’s get something straight. There is no pure form of socialism, where “the government owns the means of production.”

The means of production own the government, and vice versa. It’s always collusion. Elite …………….



Wie „ZDF heute“ die muslimischen Krawalle in Schweden framt

Von Max Roland Mo, 18. April 2022 „Ausschreitungen bei rechten Demos“

Über die Welle der Gewalt in Schweden wird in deutschen Medien spärlich berichtet. Nach dem Lesen eines Artikels des ZDFs dazu, bekommt der Leser den Eindruck, nicht Muslime, ……………….



„Lass dich nicht vom Bösen besiegen, sondern besiege das Böse durch das Gute!“

So, 17. April 2022 Grußwort von Kardinal Müller zu Ostern

Gerhard Kardinal Müller wendet sich an Ostern mit einem exklusiven Grußwort an unsere Leser: Der Friede Gottes ist nicht von der Art, wie ihn Politiker, Ideologen und Milliardäre ……………..



Systemfehler Geldsystem: Wer regiert die Welt?


Geld regiert die Welt, heißt ein altes Sprichwort. Doch wer bittschön, regiert das Geld? AUF1 packt mit der neuen Serie „Systemfehler Geldsystem“ ein heißes Eisen an und wagt sich auf vermintes Gebiet vor. AUF1-Chefredakteur Stefan Magnet eröffnet die Serie und beginnt mit ………………..



Can Elon Musk Save Free Speech?

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV April 18, 2022

There was never any doubt, but now there is certainty: Twitter isn’t about free speech, it isn’t about shareholder value, it isn’t a market driven private enterprise and it sure as hell isn’t about democracy. It is a thought control platform.




Ein Tag im Leben der Angela M.

Die Sonne ging über Berlin auf, als Angela ihre neue Kommandozentrale betrat. In Margot Honeckers Büro fühlte sie sich pudelwohl. Beschwingt warf sie ihre Handtasche auf den Besucherstuhl und nahm hinter dem großen Schreibtisch Platz.




Critical Thinking in Troubled Times

The Thinker, Rodin

In a matter of about a month, the United States federal government silently and unilaterally exited from a two-year war on an illusory, and perhaps illusionary, virus, and pivoted toward fomenting and provoking a kinetic war with a nuclear-armed Russia.  While many people in ………………..



U.S. Biolab In Ukraine Experimented On Psychiatric Patients Near Russian Border 2019-2021

According to Russian MOD lab staff ordered to remain silent and sign NDAs.

The United States has been using various satellite states like Ukraine since 2004 to conduct ………………….



Ausbildung ukrainischer SoldatenBritische Spezialeinheiten kehren nach Kiew zurück


Seit der russischen Annexion der Krim bilden britische Truppen die ukrainische Armee aus. Mit Kriegsbeginn im Februar ziehen sie sich aus Sorge vor einer Eskalation allerdings zurück. …………………



What nobody told you about Ukraine – Mindblowing

Something incredible was revealed by a brave hero of humanity. Udo Ulfkotte was the editor of one of Europe’s largest newspapers, the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung. A few years ago he confessed to the world that journalists worldwide are paid by the CIA, secret societies, …………………..



The rise of the liberal groomer

Mary Harrington is a contributing editor at UnHerd. Not every desire deserves to be empowered. April 14, 2022

Does progress have to mean the sexual liberation of children? Michel Foucault thought so, as ……………..



Inflation & the Cost of Labor = Unemployment Decline of the USA

To me, it is fascinating how everything dovetails in together when the computer is monitoring everything on a global scale. The projection that unemployment could reach 15% in 2020 not only came true, but it did so tied into the whole COVID scam which has provided the ………………….




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