Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Konservatismus ist nicht ein Hängen an dem, was gestern war, sondern ein Leben aus dem, was immer gilt.

— Antoine Comte de Rivaról (1753 – 1801)

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wendepunkte im Ukraine-Krieg

Der Westen will unbedingt, dass Russland verliert. Doch es gibt Hinweise, dass Moskau gewinnt.

Peter Hänseler, 24.4.22

Die russische Armee wird von den westlichen Politikern, Medien und Massen als ein Haufen von Idioten dargestellt, die praktisch seit Tag eins ohne jede nachvollziehbare Strategie den Ukrainern ins Messer gelaufen sind und von den Helden……..



Ukrainegate by Steven Cohen

Steve was a very intelligent man who specialized in Russia. Steve knew a lot about history and I always found that very inspirational. Sadly, Steve is no longer with us.



Should Russian Oligarchs Fund Ukraine?

As the war in Ukraine continues, so does the need for funding. Zelensky’s people are now asking for $7 billion in funding per month. The World Bank estimates that it will cost $60 ………………….



Erich Hambach: Die große Enteignungswelle (raum&zeit Studio Talk)




Pattern of fires striking food facilities across the USA suggests ARSON TEAMS are burning down America’s food production infrastructure

Friday, April 22, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) A pattern of fires striking food facilities across the United States suggests that ………………..



BREAKING: Plan To Replace World Constitutions WHO Pandemic Treaty for Force Vaccination




There’s a Reason George Washington Warned against „Entangling Relationships“

04/21/2022 Daren Epstein

Interventionist sentiments have prevailed in the guiding of US foreign policy, one could argue, since 1917. From the US participation in World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Persian Gulf Wars, the Afghanistan war, the “war on terror,” to say ……………….



The Great Reset VII: Capitalism for the Rich and Socialism for the Poor

04/20/2022 Michael Rectenwald

The standard leftist refrain about “advanced capitalism” is that it amounts to “socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor.” Like most leftist notions, this idea represents almost the ………………..



My Energy is Your Problem – The Birth of a New Europe

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns April 25, 2022

“Energy makes energy anyhow.
So spend yourself and get rich right now”
Marillion “Rich”




Staring Into the Abyss

April 22, 2022

So sorry, but „you’ll own nothing and be miserable–oops, we mean happy, yes, deliriously happy“ doesn’t count as a solution.



The New York Times acknowledges reality

It happens from time to time. Enjoy! Alex Berenson, 24.3.22

Seems African countries couldn’t care less about Covid vaccines:




The Illusion of Liberal Democracy – America’s Long Record of Destruction Continues

By Boyd D. Cathey  My Corner April 25, 2022

In a recent issue of Chronicles Magazine (March/April 2022) my friend Paul Gottfried, Editor-in-Chief, writes about the perilous condition of genuine liberty in modern Germany …………………..



Daniel Kovalik: Why Russia’s Intervention in Ukraine Is Legal Under International Law

The argument can be made that Russia exercised its right for self-defense

By Daniel Kovalik RT News April 25, 2022

For many years, I have studied and given much thought to the UN Charter’s prohibition ……………………



Lyssenko lebt. Über die Erben eines Scharlatans

Ein sowjetischer Biologe ruinierte unter Stalin die Agrarwirtschaft seines Landes nachhaltig. Der Scharlatan im Gewand eines visionären Wissenschaftlers hat als Typus auch im Westen Fuß gefasst – und das nicht erst seit Corona.




Der Niedergang des Joe Biden: Donald ante portas?

Von Peter Hahne Mo, 25. April 2022

Was die Amerikaner erzürnt, ist die Demütigung ihrer Nation. Unter Trump fiel kein Schuss, Biden ist (indirekt) in den Ukraine-Krieg verwickelt. Dass dieser Krieg sozusagen vor der Haustür der Nato stattfindet, zeigt ihnen, dass die USA keine anerkannte geheime Weltpolizei mehr sind.




Macron verlängert, mit neuen Alliierten – Le Pen will weiterkämpfen

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mo, 25. April 2022

Die Mehrheit für Macron ist knapper als vor fünf Jahren, doch sie scheint errungen. Linke fragen bereits, von wem. Marine Le Pen gibt sich unverdrossen und sieht ihre Bewegung so stark wie nie. Sie wird nicht so schnell aufgeben, auch wenn Zemmour das zu hoffen scheint.




Elon Musk’s Attempted Takeover of Twitter

By Vasko Kohlmayer April 25, 2022

There has been a great deal of speculation in connection with Elon Musk’s attempt to acquire Twitter. The interest is not surprising, since this is a potentially important story whose …………………



It Is Time To End the Fixation with Federal Law Enforcement

04/22/2022 José Niño

Will the mainstream Right rethink federal law enforcement?

The past six years have witnessed America enter a bizarro world state where Democrats are the prowar, prosurveillance state party, while Republicans have looked rather restrained in ………………….



Biden Misspeaks, Giving Mask Mandate Answer to Title 42 Question

By Nick Ciolino April 22, 2022

President Joe Biden misspoke while fielding questions from reporters Thursday, giving an answer on a topic unrelated to the question posed and forcing White House staff to once again ………………….



Will Psychopaths Control the Future? Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, and the World Economic Forum

April 21, 2022 By James Perloff

In 1988 I wrote my first book, The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline. I had long heard about “the Establishment” (what we now more commonly call “the Deep State”). But I wanted more than a nebulous description; I wanted to ………………….



Big Tech’s Cancel Culture‘ Love Affair

By Pepe Escobar Consortium News April 23, 2022

Cancel culture is inbuilt in the techno-feudalist project: conform to the hegemonic narrative, or else.  Journalism that does not conform must be taken down.
This month, several of us – Scott Ritter, myself, ASB Military News, among others – were canceled from Twitter. The – unstated – reason: we were debunking the officially approved ………………….



Macron Won – One Giant Step toward World War III

Of course, Macron won amid allegations of vote tampering. If a ballot was torn in any way, which seems to have been those of Le Pen, they were just discarded. There was NO POSSIBLE WAY that the EU would have allowed Le Pen to win for she would have upset …………..



France’s gerontocratic nightmare

Emmanuel Toddis a French historian, sociologist, political scientist and author. Regardless of who wins, the elderly will rule. April 23, 2022

The results of the first round of the 2022 French presidential elections give a surprising ………………..



Why Is the Biden Administration Determined to Help Terrorist Iran Get a Bomb?

by Majid Rafizadeh April 23, 2022 Why would any administration in its right mind permit an official state sponsor of terrorism, the Islamic Republic of Iran, to have nuclear weapons, as well as billions of dollars that will assuredly not be used for a „GI Bill for returning members ……………..



Der Markt für Kryptowährungen beginnt, den heutigen Immobilienmarkt zu beeinflussen. Welcher Kryptowährung gehört die Zukunft?

Alex Reinhardt – Kryptowährungen verändern die gewohnten Finanzverhältnisse und sogar unsere alltägliche Realität. Es ist naiv zu glauben, dass sich diese Veränderungen nicht auf alle Bereiche des wirtschaftlichen Lebens auswirken werden – so auch auf den Immobilienmarkt. Doch welcher ………………………..



„This Is Not the Country We Were Enjoying Before“: The Persecution of Christians, March 2022

by Raymond Ibrahim April 24, 2022 „For the entirety of March 8, social media comment columns were awash with people who, as always, condoned the murder…. Old pictures of Maria were passed around, in which she was still wearing a hijab, and people commented, …………………..



The Real Zelensky – View from Outside the USA




Francis Wayland: Preacher-Economist

04/21/2022 Laurence M. Vance

One of the great but long-forgotten works of political economy from the nineteenth century was not written by a politician or an economist—it was written by the Baptist minister Francis Wayland (1796–1865). He was equally an author, a preacher, a teacher, a pastor, and an …………………..



Disney’s Corporate Welfare Is Modern Mercantilism

04/22/2022 Ryan McMaken

Florida’s government is poised to revoke the longstanding special favors that the state granted the Walt Disney Company nearly five decades ago. As of Thursday afternoon, both the House and the Senate in Florida have voted to end the megacorp’s special district, which has long …………………..



Inflation, Quick and Dirty

04/22/2022 Jeff Deist

All of a sudden everyone is an expert on inflation. Your brother-in-law, your local paper, and even dilettantes at dubious outlets like the Washington Post or The Atlantic feel compelled to …………………



Rhode Island Lawmakers Propose Doubling Taxes for Parents of Unvaccinated Children

Democrats in Rhode Island have prepared legislation that could double taxes for parents of unvaccinated children. Senator Sam Bell, who is championing the bill, claims that there is a need for a universal mandate. Under the proposed law, unvaccinated residents would face a ……………….



Before Obama’s Neocon War on Russia

Before Obama started the New Cold War against Russia following Hillary’s failed attempt to take over Russia by interfering in the 2000 election, the world was much safer before all of ……………….



No War With China

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. April 25, 2022

It’s not enough that brain-dead Biden and the neocon gang that controls him want to start a nuclear war with Russia. They also want to start a war with China too.

Thierry Meyssan pointed out in an article last September: “The announcement of the …………………..



Israel Added Yuan to Reserve Currency Portfolio

Israel has now moved to add the Chinese yuan to its reserve currency portfolio, which will create a natural hedge against the risk of insanity pushing for war by the United States and Europe. Adding the yuan to the reserve portfolio will automatically reduce the exposure to the dollar and especially to the euro, thereby creating a natural hedge, whereas a decline in the …………………



Ukraine – Gonzalo Lira, War Aims, Railway Supplies And Incoming Fire

Moon of Alabama April 23, 2022

  1. Gonzalo Lira is alive

Lira had been arrested on April 15 by the SBU, the Ukrainian Gestapo, but is now at some private place in Kharkov under a kind of house arrest. He is not allowed to leave the city. It ……………………



They Can’t Do That in Poland!

By L. Reichard White April 23, 2022

A Polish friend of mine in Vegas, Paul P., was hosting his sister-in-law from back home. Mariola is quite cultured, beautiful, speaks nearly perfect English, and is very politically savvy – – – she was the protoge’ of economics professor Leszek Balcerowicz who became ……………….



Pray for Drone Wars Over the Southern Border

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog April 23, 2022

Yes, Virginia, Mexican drug cartels are flying drones over the US southern border.

San Diego Union Tribune: “Cartels have not given up on drones at the U.S.-Mexico border, ………………….



New World Disorder: What The UN Vote On Russia Really Reveals About Global Politics

by Tyler Durden Friday, Apr 22, 2022 Authored by Ahmed Charai via The Gatestone Institute,




Nach Skandalen und Affären – Sachsens Innenminister Wöller (CDU) entlassen

Von: Michael Deutschmann und Markus Langner 22.04.2022

Dresden – Politbeben in Sachsen: Innenminister Roland Wöller (51, CDU) wurde am Freitag entlassen!




Kritiker unerwünscht: Chilenischer Journalist wurde von Selenski-Regime verschleppt

  1. April 2022 Nach düsterer Vorahnung: Sieben Tage lang kein Lebenszeichen

Der chilenisch-amerikanische Journalist Gonzalo Lira, der mit seiner Familie seit Jahren in ………………….



America’s Fatal Dependency

by Tyler Durden Friday, Apr 22, 2022

Authored by David Goldman via AmericanMind.org,

America’s increasing reliance on foreigners to lend us money could crater the dollar…

The United States has borrowed $18 trillion from foreigners since the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, a staggering sum that is nearly equal to America’s annual Gross Domestic Product. …………………




Klaus Schwab und der Neokollektivismus

22.04.2022 – Rainer Fassnacht

Werden einem Kollektiv menschliche Eigenschaften zugeschrieben, lassen sich damit jegliche Maßnahmen gegen jene Menschen begründen, welche mutmaßlich Teil des Kollektivs sind, aber abweichende Positionen vertreten, oder außerhalb des Kollektivs stehen. Dies reicht von …………………



Verzögerte das RKI die Veröffentlichung von Daten, die gegen die Impfpflicht sprechen?

Von Max Mannhart Do, 21. April 2022

Eine neue RKI-Untersuchung kommt zu Ergebnissen, die für die Abstimmung über die Impfpflicht ab 60-Jahren relevant gewesen wären. Doch obwohl die Ergebnisse seit Januar ……………….



Dr. Ron Paul on Assange’s Extradiction to the US: One Voice of Truth Threatens the Empire

By Ron Paul, MD April 22, 2022

In a blow to press freedom and decency, a UK judge has today approved Julian Assange’s extradition to the US to face espionage charges for his role in exposing US war crimes in Iraq …………….



Wealthy Flee Shanghai

The lockdown in Shanghai has caused immeasurable damage to the people and battered an already stunted global supply chain. The wealthy are now fleeing the city, as numerous ………………..



Video Transcript: WashPost’s Doxing of @LibsOfTikTok Reveals Who Corporate Journalists See as Their Targets

By Glenn Greenwald  GlennGreenwald.com April 22, 2022

The following is a full transcript (for subscribers only) from the most recent episode of ……………..



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