Grüne fordern Kriegssteuer
02.05.2022 – Die Grünen wollen Firmen stärker besteuern, die wegen des Ukraine-Krieges mehr Gewinne einfahren!
Why is CASH King in Times of War?
Dear Martin, So refreshing to see some theory regarding silver other than crazy goldbugs claiming JP Morgan artificially putting down t silver prices for XX years. Still what I find interesting is the weakness of the US stock market. Bonds getting dumped, Precious Metals …………………….
The Declaration for the Future of the Internet
The internet has become the main source of social interaction, entertainment, and media. Almost everything we do is tied to the internet, which was once a free space. Governments across the world are now attempting to control the world wide web. In fact, the US, EU, and …………………….
Around 67% of Americans Want Biden Impeached Over Hunter’s Laptop
The majority of Americans believe Joe Biden should vacate his office if (when) Hunter’s laptop from hell is revealed. Studies by liberal-backed firms indicate this notion. ……………………
Boris Johnson’s Stupidity – Who is the Only Statesman Standing?
Russia TV called out Borris Johnson for threatening to launch nuclear weapons against Russia. As they aptly warned that Borris has simply lost his mind that the UK is a very small island and one long-range nuclear weapon will wipe out the UK from the face of the planet. ………………..
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Rejoins Twitter, Suspended Again Hours Later
By Jack Phillips May 2, 2022
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell announced that he rejoined Twitter Sunday after his account ………………….
Delusion Reigns at the Eccles Building
04/30/2022 Shanmuganathan „Shan“ Nagasundaram
Never in the history of the world has the financial well-being of so many been tied to the economic competence of so few. Yet what emerged from the latest Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting (March 15–16) indicates a complete lack of the macroeconomic …………………
Meds: The Seen—and Unseen—of Intellectual Property Laws
04/29/2022 Bernardo Decoster
Perhaps the greatest lesson to be learned in economics is that public policies have seen and unseen effects. The mastery of such a lesson is what separates the good from the bad …………………….
Diese sechs russischen Oligarchen sind in den vergangenen Wochen gestorben, teils mit ihren Familien und unter mysteriösen Umständen
Alia Shoaib, 03 Mai 2022
Mindestens sechs russische Oligarchen sind in den vergangenen Wochen tot aufgefunden worden.
Einige starben zusammen mit ihren Frauen und Kindern. Behörden gehen häufig von erweiterten ……………………
Is China Starting Another Giant Purge Of Citizens?
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola May 2, 2022
China’s brutal lockdown of 1 billion people is inexplicable. If there is widespread sickness, why hasn’t it spread to the rest of the world like SARS-Cov-V-2? The answer lies only in ……………………
Election 2022, Catherine Englebrecht Outlines Devastating Evidence of Corruption by Georgia Governor Brian Kemp
April 30, 2022
Catherine Englebrecht appeared on The War Room with Steve Bannon {Direct Rumble Link} ……………………
Is Housing a Bubble That’s About to Crash?
May 2, 2022
We are all prone to believing the recent past is a reliable guide to the future. But in times of dynamic reversals, the past is an anchor thwarting our progress, not a forecast.
End the Culture War. Separate School and State
By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute May 3, 2022
A Florida bill restricting classroom instruction regarding sexuality in kindergarten through third grade has become the latest culture war skirmish.
“These Are Massive Crimes” – Dr. Naomi Wolf Breaks Down the Upsetting Statistics on Pregnant Woman
May 3, 2022
The Power and Deadly Design of Purposely Fabricated Inflation: A Tool for Tyrants
By Gary D. Barnett May 3, 2022
“Interventionism inevitably leads to socialism, central banking inevitably leads to hyperinflation, total cashlessness inevitably leads to total surveillance, and “guaranteed income” inevitably leads to guaranteed enslavement. A deadly poison remains a deadly …………………..
Biden’s Brzezinski Plan for Russia
By Daniel McAdams Ron Paul Institute May 3, 2022
Happy May Day! That may sound a bit odd coming from me, but I do have some fond ……………………
Reminder: Respiratory viruses infect huge numbers of people all the time, and nobody cared about this until 2020
Perspective from a 2018 New York study that tested a bunch of healthy adults for common …………………
The Body Snatchers: The NOW’s Eugenics Agenda
By Dr. Igor Shepherd May 3, 2022
The body snatchers are here, and they are coming for you, me, and the rest of society—all under the guise that eugenics is necessary to contain scary viruses, end climate change, and …………………….
Afrika: Die „Pandemie“ findet nicht statt
Aus Südafrika wird gemeldet, dass dem ersten afrikanischen Werk zur Herstellung eines Corona-Impfstoffs das Aus droht. Kein Wunder: Die „Pandemie“ findet in Afrika praktisch …………………..
Es reicht, Madame Inflation!
Das Regime der Madame Lagarde und ihres Adjutanten Philip Lane dürfte sich dem Ende zuneigen.
Sachsen zahlt an Geschädigte von Corona-Impfung
Erneut wirft eine Anfrage im Sächsischen Landtag, ein Schlaglicht auf das Thema Impfnebenwirkungen. Interessant ist insbesondere die Auflistung wegen welcher ………………………
Wiederaufbau können die Deutschen sehr gut
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Di, 3. Mai 2022
Die Streichung der EEG-Umlage dient nicht der Entlastung der Bürger, sondern soll die rasanten Kostensteigerungen der Subventionsindustrie erneuerbare Energien vor dem Bürger …………………
ZDF stürzt bei den jungen Zuschauern ab
Von Mario Thurnes Mo, 2. Mai 2022
Das ZDF vereint die meisten Zuschauer vor dem Fernsehen. Insgesamt. Doch bei den Bürgern unter 50 rutschen die Mainzer ab – und landen nur noch auf Platz sechs der meist gesehenen ……………………
In Europa explodiert die Geldentwertung
Von Chris Veber.
Wenn ein Arzt eine Krankheit falsch diagnostiziert, besteht eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass seine Behandlung die Lage des Patienten nicht verbessern wird. Das gilt auch für die ……………………
Western Civilization Is Being Organized Around Winning US Infowars
By Caitlin Johnstone May 3, 2022
The US-centralized empire’s use of propaganda, censorship and
Connecting the Dots With the Energy Crisis
By Marie Hawthorne The Organic Prepper May 3, 2022
We all feel more pain at the pump these days. I’ve been fortunate enough to spend my adult life in various oil-producing flyover regions with relatively low gas prices. However,
The long and gruesome history of people trying to live forever
The Renaissance philosopher Montaigne quipped that “death has us by the scruff of the neck at every moment.” He could have added: until, finally, it strangles us. But what if we knew how to escape death’s chokehold? What if we could avoid death and live forever?
When Is a Land Title Criminal?
04/30/2022 Murray N. Rothbard The Problem of Land Theft
A particularly important application of our theory of property titles is the case of landed property. For one thing, land is a fixed quotal portion of the earth, and therefore the ground land endures virtually permanently. Historical investigation of land titles therefore would ……………………..
Wie das unsolide Finanzsystem extreme Kreditzyklen auslöst, die zum Kollaps führen
- Mai 2022 –Antony P. Mueller
Ein staatliches Fiat-Währungssystem mit einer nur teilweisen Deckung des Geldumlaufs durch die Bankreserven macht es möglich, dass die Geschäftsbanken mehr Geld als in Umlauf ……………….
US Weapons Supply to Ukraine Prepped in Januara
US senators drafted a weapons scheme for Kiev weeks before Russia sent troops into Ukraine
RT News May 2, 2022
The New Disinformationists
We have seven more months before the midterms. Expect more disinformation ministries, censorious czars, and hack grandees to emerge. By Victor Davis Hanson May 1, 2022
The Biden Administration feels that it must now use federal resources to attack …………………..
Jerome Powell: Wrong, Wrong and More Wrong
April 26, 2022 by SchiffGold
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently participated in an IMF roundtable with European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde and several other figures in global ……………………..
Naomi Wolf Compares Social Media Censorpship to 1930s Book Burnings in Germany
May 2, 2022
Here’s Everything the Media Won’t Tell You About Nina Jankowicz, Biden’s New Minister of Truth
April 29, 2022
Just when you thought the Globalist American Empire couldn’t get more Owellian, the Department of Homeland Security is here to make it all worse.
Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that the Department …………………………..
Clash of Christianities: Why Europe Cannot Understand Russia
By Pepe Escobar The Cradle May 2, 2022
Under an ubiquitous, toxic atmosphere of cognitive dissonance drenched in Russophobia, it’s absolutely impossible to have a meaningful discussion on finer points of Russian history and culture across the NATO space – a phenomenon I’m experiencing back in Paris right now, ……………………
Will We Die for the New World Order?
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. May 2, 2022
A story in The New York Times exposes what brain-dead Biden and the gang of neo-cons that controls him have in store for us. According to an item that was published April 26, “When …………………