Overruling Roe v Wade – To Be or Not To Be
When Roe v Wade was decided, it was highly questionable both on a constitutional level as well as on a moral basis. The basic religious objection stems from the Ten Commandments – Thous Shalt Not Kill. You had a lot of people arguing that a child is not a child until it is born ………………….
2000 Mules – Another Banned Movie?
Plastic Bag Ban
The grocers near me have banned plastic bags. Off timing. Grocery bills are more than I’ve ever seen ..ever. I wont buy as much if theres a few bags per trip. We are lucky to own our ………………………
Tucker Why We Are in Ukraine – Payback for Hillary
SCOTUS poised to overturn Roe vs. Wade – Baby murderers to ERUPT with demonic ANGER and VIOLENCE as their “right” to violently murder their own children about to be stripped away
Tuesday, May 03, 2022 by: Mike Adams
The Destruction of Election Integrity: Your City Could Be Next
by Lawrence Kadish May 3 2022
The language could not be any clearer. You can participate as a voter in our American democracy if you are a citizen, over 18 years of age on Election Day, and meet certain state ……………………..
Speed-Limiters Will Be Equipped In All-New EU Cars Beginning Next Month
by Tyler Durden Tuesday, May 03, 2022
On July 6, all new vehicles sold in Europe – including the UK – will be equipped with a ………………………
New Legislation Introduced To Eliminate DHS ‘Ministry Of Truth’
Posted By: Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News May 3, 2022
As Technocrats risk losing control of their globalist propaganda machine, their most outrageous attempt ever to quash Free Speech is revealed in the DHS’ action to create an ………………………
Sweden – Manipulation or Enhancing a Move?
Marty, Socrates correctly projected the claimed Citibank manipulation of Monday in Sweden. It wrote: “The strongest target in the Daily array is Mon. 2nd for a turning point ahead, at least on a closing basis. There are 4 Daily Directional Change targets starting from Mon. 2nd ……………………
Why Social Issues Dominate
Jeff Deist – Inflation in the US is at forty-year highs, while interest rates on ten-year Treasury notes just hit 3 percent—signaling trouble for home buyers. Truck drivers pay more than $1,000 to fill ………………….
Roots of Our Current Inflation: A Deeply Flawed Monetary System
05/02/2022 Antony P. Mueller
A monetary system that allows the creation of money out of thin air is vulnerable to the fits of credit expansion and credit contraction. Periods of credit expansion typically occur over many ………………….
Charité-Forscher fordert Ambulanzen für Impfgeschädigte
von Matthias Toying und Jana Olsen, Hauptsache Gesund Stand: 03. Mai 2022
An der Charite in Berlin wird eine Studie zu Nebenwirkungen nach Corona-Impfungen durchgeführt. Professor Harald Matthes leitet die Studie und fordert mehr Anlaufstellen für ………………….
Atomkrieg – Wegen der Ukraine: Großbritannien droht Russland mit atomarem ‚Vergeltungsschlag‘
Die britische Regierung hat Russland offen mit einem atomaren Vergeltungsschlag für etwaige russische ………………
Ukraine’s Army Is In Very Bad Shape – More Fighting Will Only Destroy It
The French news agency AFP has published a report by Daphne Rousseau from near the Ukrainian frontline. It allows us to gain some realistic view of the state of the Ukrainian armed forces.
Why Shouldn’t Russia Threaten US Carriers?
by Reasonable Peacekeeper
Sergei Lavrov stated that Russia does not consider itself to be at war with NATO. But actually, NATO, let’s say the US, is at war. Russia makes steady, though slow progress in ………………….
Sleepy Joe’s $ 33 Billion Abomination
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner May 4, 2022
Donald Trump has been well relegated to the sidelines of America’s political debate, but the TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) lives on, more virulent than ever. The latter is what’s behind Washington’s descent into the current mindless Ukraine war fever—an outbreak of ………………….
Disney’s Special District Is Not a „City-State“ or „Private City“
05/02/2022 Ryan McMaken
One of the stranger narratives coming out of the controversy over Disney’s „special district“ in Florida is the notion that Disney’s Florida property is some sort of truly independent self-…………………….
Election Integrity Dead: Killed in Court
by J. Christian Adams May 3, 2022 Many election operatives know that elections are won or lost because of process. For decades, one side has been focused on policy, big ideas, and winning debates. Meanwhile, the other side has been focused on process and the rules of the …………………
What Harry Flashman teaches us about empire
Aris Roussinos is UnHerd’s Foreign Affairs Editor, and a former war reporter. The anti-hero embodies Britain’s awkward colonial reckoning. May 3, 2022
this week, of the fictional birth of the great imperial anti-hero, Sir Harry Paget Flashman VC, ……………….
Don’t panic about unvaccinated kids
Vinay Prasad is Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco. He is a practising hematologist and oncologist, and author of more than 300 peer-reviewed publications. It’s time to get back to normal. May 3, 2022
Die Nato allein zuhaus: Die Welt hat kein Interesse an Sanktionen
- Mai 2022
Wenn wir kein russisches Öl kaufen, wird´s schlecht und Putin muss es wegschütten. Soweit Leonore Gewessler von den Grünen (wem sonst). Der Russe ist böse und ohne unser Geld ……………………
Schockstudie bestätigt: Häufung von schweren Herzkrankheiten nach Impfung
- Mai 2022
Es ist der Elefant im Raum. Offizielle Stellen und Mainstream Medien wollen es nicht sehen und bleiben bei ihrer Behauptung die Gentechnik Impfungen seien sicher und wirksam. ……………………….
Mit Ricarda Lang fröhlich in die Kriegssteuer
Von Marco Gallina Di, 3. Mai 2022
Der Ukraine-Krieg wird zur Blaupause feuchter Umverteilungsträume. Der Vorschlag von Grünen-Chefin Ricarda Lang, eine Steuer auf Unternehmen zu erheben, die vom Krieg profitieren, belegt: der einzige Profiteur des Krieges ist immer Vater Staat.
Konfrontative Religionsbekundung in der Schule
In Stadtquartieren mit großer muslimischer Population gerät die Schule immer mehr unter Druck. Muslimische Jugendliche mobben ihre Mitschüler, bestimmte Themen können im Unterricht kaum noch behandelt werden. Religiöse Einflüsse gefährden die Neutralität der ………………….