Don’t Divert Your Attention to Roe v. Wade
A coming Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade was secretly “leaked.” Uncoincidentally, the news came right before the 2022 US midterm elections. Everyone is understandably up in arms after Biden formed a Disinformation Governance Board to become ……………………
The Fed & The Collapse of Socialism
Been following Martin since 2008 (Gold ride) – he is the only one who has been right AU and AG top 2011.
****Important question for Martin, please
How can the fed raise rates with governments owing so much debt please ???? what are the ………………….
The Future According to the ECM
Interested in additional videos from Armstrong Economics?
The most epic and dangerous economic STORM in history is now upon us
Thursday, May 05, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The most epic and dangerous economic storm in history is now upon us… and there’s no way out. The central banks and government kleptocrats have set the trap for themselves, and now they’re caught with no escape.
The Fed’s New „Tightening“ Plan Is Too Little, Too Late
Since 2008, a key component of Fed policy has been to buy up mortgage-based securities and government debt so as to both prop up asset prices and increase the money supply. Over this time, the Fed has bought nearly $9 trillion in assets, thus augmenting demand and increasing ………………..
Has The Metropolitan Opera Violated Anti-Discrimination Laws by Firing a Russian Singer?
by Alan M. Dershowitz May 5, 2022 The law of New York and many other jurisdictions prohibits employment discrimination based on national origin. Anna Netrebko’s firing would seem on its face illegal. Had she been born in the Donbas region of Ukraine instead of across ……………..
Musk, Grimes, Scientism And The Slippery Slope To Cyborg Theocracy
Grimes – “Shinigami Eyes” (2022)
A self-proclaimed pagan witch, Grimes has a thing for Elon Musk and vice versa. Obsessed with brain implants and hooking into the “hive mind” of humanity, Grimes is obviously …………………..
Homeland Security’s „Disinformation Board“ is Even More Pernicious Than it Seems
The power to decree what is "disinformation" now determines what can and cannot be discussed on the internet. It is now in the hands of trained disinformation agents of the U.S. Security State. 5. 5.22
Die importierte Inflation – Euro stürzt auf 5-Jahres-Tief
Do, 5. Mai 2022
Mit der Zinsentscheidung der US-Notenbank Fed verliert Europa für Investoren an Attraktivität. Die Schwäche der Gemeinschaftswährung treibt die Inflation weiter voran.
The Great Currency Reset and Why Europe is Trapped
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns May 6, 2022
There’s a lot of news flying around about the changes happening in global currency trading.
From “Gas for Rubles” to “What the Hell is Going on With the Yen?” there are a lot of ……………
The Real Black Swan of 2020: The Assault on Small Business
By Janet Levy
Most people believe the coronavirus was a Black Swan, an unexpected event of large magnitude with unprecedented consequences. But Nassim Nicholas Taleb, who coined that …………………
The Obama Revolution
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 6, 2022
The latest from Greg Reese.
Durham Wins Battle to Obtain Hillary Clinton Documents
Special counsel scores victory as federal judge orders docs to be handed over
By: Jay Greenberg |@NeonNettle on 5th May 2022
Plötzlich spielt die Artillerie wieder eine wichtige Rolle – eine jahrhundertealte Waffe rückt im Ukraine-Krieg in den Fokus
Gemessen an der Zahl der Artilleriegeschütze ist die Ukraine der russischen Armee deutlich unterlegen. Deshalb soll das Land mit modernem westlichem Gerät aufgerüstet werden. Das ist komplexer, als es tönt. Werner J. Marti, Christian Kleeb (Grafik) 30.04.2022
Financial War Takes a Nasty Turn
By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney May 6, 2022
The chasm between Eurasia and the Western defence groupings (NATO, Five-eyes, AUKUS etc.) is widening rapidly. While media commentary focuses on the visible side of the conflict in Ukraine, the economic and financial aspects are what really matter. …………………..
From Animal Farm to 1984
America has Achieved the Orwellian State, Mark McDonald, 5.5.22
The consequences of the mass delusional psychosis I write about in my book United States of Fear imperil our freedoms, our safety, and our existence as a nation. George Orwell wrote …………………..
Debunking A Century of War Lies – The Corbett Report
By Charles Burris May 6, 2022
In the modern age of democracy and volunteer armies, a pretense for war is required to rally the nation around the flag and motivate the public to fight. That is why every major conflict is now accompanied by its own particular bodyguard of lies. From false flag attacks to …………………..
African Politicians Must Stop Blaming Others for Africa’s Economic Woes
05/04/2022 Manuel Tacanho
African politicians tend to blame foreign actors or external factors for the problems at home. This is nothing new nor is it unique to African politicians. Across the world, rulers and ……………..
Austrians Have Been Correct about Big Tech: Elon Musk Just Proved Them Right
05/05/2022 Connor Mortell
Big Tech—in particular social media platforms like Twitter—has long been a complicated problem to Austrian economists. Obviously, the de facto position on it would be no state involvement whatsoever. However, this becomes complicated when one recognizes the …………………
Ukraine’s Forces Are Told To Hold The Line Where Russian Artillery Is Pulverizing Them
The Russian military forces are grinding down Ukrainian ground forces by extensive use of heavy artillery. The Ukrainian artillery has been destroyed or lacks ammunition.The …………………….
Roe v Wade deserves to fall
Kat Rosenfield is an UnHerd columnist and co-host of the Feminine Chaos podcast. Her 2021 novel No One Will Miss Her has been nominated for the Edgar Award. It has destabilised the nation for far too long. May 5, 2022
For 50 years, Roe v Wade has dangled like the sword of Damocles over the American political landscape. Pro-life dreams and pro-choice nightmares have fixated on the reversal of
You can’t be born in the wrong body
Ellen Pasternack is a PhD student in evolutionary biology at Oxford University. The science behind gender ideology is dubious at best. May 5, 2022
Warnung vor Weltkrieg: Papst kritisiert NATO-Osterweiterung als Provokation
Heiliger Vater will kein Vater des Krieges sein, 5. Mai 2022
Diesen Versuch versöhnlicher Worte hätten viele dem umstrittenen Pontifex nach seinen spalterischen Aussagen in der Coronakrise wohl kaum noch zugetraut. In einem Interview mit der italienischen Zeitung “Corriere della Sera” übte Papst Franziskus erstmals Kritik an den NATO-Provokationen. Er will sich für ein Ende des Krieges einsetzen – und ist daher auch ………………….
Der Elon Musk-Effekt: Soziale Medien-Zensur am Ende?
Mega-Zuwachs für konservative und Systemkritiker, 5. Mai 2022
Elon Musk ist ein kontroverser Charakter. So ist er einerseits bekennender
Offizier soll im Zug über Amherd gelästert und Geheimnisse verraten haben
In einem vollen Zug zwischen Bern und Zürich spricht ein Mitarbeiter des Armeestabs lautstark am Telefon über Einschätzungen der Armee zur Lage in der Ukraine und zieht über die Bundesräte Amherd und Cassis her. 5.5.2022
Keine Kriegspartei mit Genossin Lambrecht
Die Bundesverteidigungsministerin weiß, wie man in einem Krieg mitmischen kann, ohne Kriegspartei zu werden. Sie weiß es auch besser als der Wissenschaftliche Dienst des Bundestages.
Die Teilnehmer an deutschen politischen Debatten nutzen auch in ernstesten Zeiten das ………………