The Most Extreme Political Group in US History
Numerous Al-Qaeda members were living in the United States before the 9/11 tragedy — the worst disaster on US soil. None of the 19 terrorists were from Afghanistan, but since the group operated in Afghanistan, America invaded. Domestic branches of the terrorist …………………
Nuclear Deterrence
Hi Martin,
I work on defense issues for my job, but I am no Neocon. Second Strike works just fine too or more likely “Launch Under Attack” (LUA), and even with older weapons. Everybody goes ………………….
„Der Pate“ hinter Macron: Jacques Attali und dessen apokalyptische Zukunftswelt
Der Pate Jacques Attali und sein Protége Emmanuel Macron. Ein Blick in die Geisteswelt eines mächtigen Mannes.
(Paris) Frankreichs neuer Staatspräsident heißt Emmanuel Macron. Dieses Ergebnis, dazu brauchte man kein Hellseher zu sein, stand bereits am Abend des ersten Wahlgangs fest. ………………
Jacques Attali: In Zukunft wird es darum gehen, einen Weg zu finden, die Population zu reduzieren
Aussage von Jacques Attali aus dem Jahr 1981 (ehemaliger Berater des französischen Präsidenten François Mitterrand; stand auch hinter Hollande und Macron).
„In Zukunft wird es darum gehen, einen Weg zu finden, die Population zu reduzieren.
Wir fangen mit den Alten an, denn sobald sie 60-65 Jahre überschreiten, lebt der Mensch …………………..
Entwicklungsministerin Schulze warnt „Größte Hungersnot seit dem 2. Weltkrieg“
Sie fürchtet Millionen Tote als Folge von Putins Krieg
Artikel von: Thomas Block und Angelika Hellemann veröffentlicht am 07.05.2022 – 23:48 Uhr
Power Grid Operators Warn Of Potential Electricity Shortages Amid Transition To Clean Energy
by Tyler Durden Tuesday, May 10, 2022 –
Power-grid operators across the US warn that power-generating capacity struggles to keep up with demand, a worrying sign ahead of summer where heatwaves could lead to rolling …………………….
Substack Investigation: Fauci’s Royalties And The $350 Million Royalty Payment Stream HIDDEN By NIH
May 9, 2022 By Adam Andrzejewski
Last year, the National Institutes of Health – Anthony Fauci’s employer – doled out $30 billion in government grants to roughly 56,000 recipients. That largess of taxpayer money ………….
Faeser verdreht die Statistik für ihre politischen Zwecke
Von Marco Gallina Di, 10. Mai 2022
Innenministerin Nancy Faeser instrumentalisiert Berichte über Extremismus und Antisemitismus, um ihren „Kampf gegen Rechts“ zu legitimieren. Unangenehme Wahrheiten übertüncht sie mit Agitation.
Biden’s sister invites Meghan Markle to join the Democratic Party because she would ‚of course‘ make a good presidential candidate: She defends President’s gaffes as ‚truths‘ and confirms he WILL run again in 2024
Valerie Biden Owens said Markle would be ‚welcome‘ to join Democratic Party
The Biden family have had a close relationship with Prince Harry and reports have claimed the Duchess ………………….
Elon, my Sweetheart, Du hast den Shit-Test bestanden!
Elon Musk ist der Typ Mann, mit dem intelligente, gesunde, attraktive, feminine Frauen ausgehen, Sex haben oder ihn heiraten wollen: das Alphamännchen – in der Nerd-Edition.
„Pandamned“ – der Film zur Pandemie
Der Film kommt just zur rechten Zeit: Die allgemeine Panik macht gerade eine Frühlings-Pause, wir können ein wenig verschnaufen und uns besinnen. Das müssen wir auch, um uns besser auf den kommenden Winter vorzubereiten. Bernhard Lassahn hat sich den Film ……………………
Wie die „Deutsche Welle“ Nahostgeschichte fälscht
Von Alexander Wendt Mi, 11. Mai 2022
Der Staatssender deutet die Gründung Israels um – und änderte einen Beitrag erst nach Kritik. Die Anstalt steht nicht allein mit ihrer Verdrehung. Dies ist mittlerweile gängige Praxis in deutschen Medien.
Maischberger stellt Lauterbach bloß und bringt ungewohnte Stimmen zur Ukraine
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 11. Mai 2022
Konkrete Aussagen, harte Nachfragen. Sandra Maischberger liefert gleich zu zwei Themen eine starke Talkshow ab: zur Ukraine und zu Corona. Karl Lauterbach sagt: Wir werden im Herbst nicht wissen, wie Masken oder Schulschließungen wirken. Aber Zwangsmaßnahmen ………………..
Berlin: Gesinnungs-TÜV bis in den Intimbereich
Von Tomas Spahn Di, 10. Mai 2022
Jedes Tattoo künftiger Lehrer ist nach Wunsch der Berliner Schulverwaltung nebst genauer Platzierung und seiner Größe anzugeben, zudem zu beschreiben, was es darstellt, und vor allem, was es dem Träger bedeutet.
Elon Musk Says He’ll Lift Trump’s Twitter Ban After Deal Closes
By Jack Phillips May 10, 2022
Elon Musk on Tuesday suggested he would lift Twitter’s ban on former President Donald Trump after closing a deal to purchase Twitter and take it private.
Rothbard Explains The Failure of the „New Economics“
05/09/2022 Murray N. Rothbard
[This foreword to Henry Hazlitt’s Failure of the New Economics (available at free in PDF, ebook, and audiobook) was first published in National Review, August 15, 1959.]
For most people, economics has ever been the „dismal science,“ to be passed over quickly for ………
Contrary to What Some Economists Claim, the Fed Can’t Give the Economy a „Neutral“ Rate of Interest
05/07/2022 Frank Shostak
On April 19, 2022, at the Economic Club in New York, the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank president Charles Evans said the Fed is likely to lift by year end its federal funds rate target range close to the neutral range of between 2.25 to 2.50 percent. Furthermore, on April 21, ………………….
Biden-in-Wonderland: A $15 Minimum Wage Will Not Increase Business Costs
05/10/2022 Vibhu Vikramaditya
President Joe Biden in the state of the union address called for a $15 minimum wage along with pushing against and calling out corporations for spreading inflation. Raising the …………………
Airlines Playing Russian Roulette with Passengers’ Lives
Airlines are playing Russian roulette with passengers’ lives after numerous pilots experienced heart attacks, which is believed to be a direct result of the vaccine mandate.
American Airlines Captain Robert Snow was flying an Airbus 231 carrying 200 passengers. ………………..
2000 Mules
They thought we’d never find out. They were wrong.
“2000 Mules,” a documentary film created by Dinesh D’Souza, exposes widespread, …………………….
Canadian general arrested in Mariupol
Voltaire Network | 3 May 2022
The Russian armed forces arrested Canadian General Trevor Cadieu in Mariupol on the night of 2-3 May 2022. He is currently in Moscow awaiting to stand trial.
The mRNA red flags fly ever-higher
Omicron is surging in highly vaccinated states; data from Vermont show the jabbed are now MORE likely to need hospitalization than the unvaccinated
Alex Berenson, 11.5.22
Will the Federal Reserve’s Latest Decision Lead to Recession?
GoldCo. May 11, 2022
At last week’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, the Federal Reserve made two major policy decisions. First, the FOMC raised the target federal funds rate 50 basis points, to ¾ to 1 percent. Second, the Fed finally committed to making cuts to its balance …………………….
God Is Under Attack – The Mob Comes For Religion
Sam Faddis, 9.5.22
Communism depends on the atomization of society. Nothing must stand between the state and the individual. The family unit must be destroyed. The individual must owe his or her only allegiance to the all-powerful state and the party which controls it.
But, perhaps, most of all, Communists must destroy religion. The idea that individuals might place their fate in anything other than the all-powerful, omnipresent government is anathema. It cannot be tolerated. You must stand powerless and alone in the face of your oppressor who owns you body and soul.
Abortion Activists Protest at SCOTUS Homes, Violating Federal Law
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 11, 2022
Tim Pool weighs in on the “Summer of Love 2022” that’s been kicked off after a leak of the draft of Justice Alito’s opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade.
Lord Malloch Brown and Soros: The British Hand Behind the US Coup Revealed
Matthew Ehret, 10.5.22
This week, I took the time to watch a new documentary produced by Dinesh D’Souza titled ‘2000 Mules’ which utilizes voluminous geotracking and video evidence to demonstrate …………………
Canada and the Banderites
By Thierry Meyssan May 11, 2022
In previous articles, Thierry Meyssan has shown how the Banderites, collaborators of the worst Nazi exactions in Ukraine and Poland, came to power in Kiev, in the young …………………….
PANDAMNED [documentary]
MPMedia Published May 10, 2022
2020 / 2022 – For the past two years, the world population has been under the spell of the coronavirus. Emergency regimes have been established, civil liberties have been dismantled, surveillance programs ………………….
Inflation & Ukrainian War are Greatest Threats to the World Economy
COMMENT FROM GERMANY: Oil and flour shelves are empty.
The desperation of Biden’s Disinformation Board
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an UnHerd columnist. She is also a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Founder of the AHA Foundation, and host of The Ayaan
Dr. Paul Morland is a business consultant and senior member at St Antony’s College, Oxford. His latest book is Tomorrow’s People: The Future of Humanity in Ten Numbers. Unification won’t be delivered through the womb. May 10, 2022
„Systematische Rechtsverweigerung“: Anträge gegen einrichtungsbezogene Impfpflicht abgewiesen
- Mai 2022
Mehr als 200 Anträge gegen die einrichtungsbezogene Impfpflicht sollen bereits in Karlsruhe eingegangen sein. Doch das Bundesverfassungsgericht möchte sich mit der Thematik scheinbar nicht auseinandersetzen: Die Beschwerden werden reihenweise abgelehnt. Staatsrechtler Dr. Ulrich Vosgerau sieht hier eine systematische Rechtsverweigerung.