Covid-Lockdowns..EINE ANDERE ZUKUNFT – Der Film
Die Geschichte des Goldschmiedes Fabian – Zentralbanken, Zentralstaat, Fiat-Money, Leviathan
Sweden & Finland Joining NATO
Hi Marty, hope all is well.
All indications are that Sweden and Finland will join NATO. However, both countries refuse ………………….
Realitätsverlust live im TV: Scholz-SPD verschließt die Augen vor NRW-Klatsche
FOCUS-Online-Korrespondent Ulrich Reitz Montag, 16.05.2022,
Die CDU hat die Wahl in NRW klar gewonnen. Eine Ohrfeige für Kanzler Scholz. Eine Koalition zwischen CDU und den starken Grünen scheint naheliegend. Zwar wäre rein …………………….
European Union Pushing for Mass Surveillance
Censorship is now normalized in the West. The European Union has concocted its own way to spy on citizens under the pretense of protecting children from predators. The “chat control” law, if passed, would permit the EU to access private, chats, emails, text messages, and calls. ……………….
Inflation Crippling Low-Income Americans
We went from a booming economy to staring down the next recession. Inflation has reached 8.3%, and most Americans are troubled that they will no longer be able to afford their standard of living. According to the latest Gallup poll, 52% reported that they are fearful …………………..
„Wir wollen keinen Krieg“: Die zehn Prinzipien der Kriegspropaganda von Arthur Ponsonby
Arthur Ponsonby, 1st Baron of Ponsonby of Shulbrede, war ein britischer Adeliger, Staatsbeamter und Pazifist. Er lebte von 1871 bis 1946. Sein Vater stand im Dienst von …………………..
Clinton, Epstein, and a Mysterious Death
Reminder: Jeffrey Epstein did not kill himself. The media stopped covering Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial but she is still alive and so are her secrets. She is imprisoned for sex trafficking, but not one abuser has been identified or brought to justice. The media failed to ……………………
Switzerland Joining the Warmongering Crowd
The propaganda machine has been working at full speed. Sweden and Finland have been convinced to join NATO and now we have reports from within Switzerland that they too are ………………………
Elon Musk Issues Warning on Twitter Algorithm as Company’s Legal Team Reaches Out
By Jack Phillips May 15, 2022
Elon Musk warned Twitter users that they are “being manipulated” and told them to turn off the platform’s algorithmic newsfeed, coming as the firm’s legal department apparently said he ……………………..
Nachhaltigkeits-Pflichten für Unternehmen – Der neueste Bürokratie-Wahnsinn aus Brüssel
Gastbeitrag von Rainer Kirchdörfer 14. Mai 2022
400 Seiten neue Regeln, so als gäbe es weder den Krieg noch Konjunktursorgen. Die EU-Vorgaben für Firmen zur Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung treffen gerade den deutschen ………………………….
Stefan Magnet: Trügerische Ruhe vor dem Sturm! Neue Weltordnung nimmt Formen an
12.5.2022 Der nächste Akt im globalen Planspiel wird dieser Tage vorbereitet. Die „Neue Weltordnung“ der globalen „Welt-Regierung“ formiert sich und bereitet sich auf einen heißen ………………….
A Vital Book You Must Read
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. May 16, 2022
If you want to understand what is going on in the world today, there is a book you must read. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s, The Real Anthony Fauci. You might be wondering: Everybody already knows that Fauci is a mad “doctor” with a Napoleon complex who has blighted ……………………….
Back To Square One
By David Stockman David Stockman’s Contra Corner May 16, 2022
Apparently, it’s not even a high plateau which comes rumbling down the inflationary path. The April PPI for finished goods reported this AM was 15.6% above its a year ago level, ……………………..
WAR, H’uh… What is it Good For? Absolutely Nothing!
By Capt. Randall May 16, 2022
Here we go again. Neo-conned into another expensive quagmire. So congress approved WWIII? I hadn’t heard. I thought the Big Guy might have been influenced by the squad of posers surrounded him…or maybe he’s carrying out orders that came wrapped in oodles of …………………
Yuval Noah Harari – What To Do With All of These Useless People?
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV May 16, 2022
Yuval Harari is considered to be a brilliant futurist by Klaus Schwab.
Listening to him is like getting a glimpse into how these Globalists think. Theirs is a vision of ……………………
Russians Won’t ‘Risk Lives’ on US Spacecraft – Roscosmos
Cosmonauts won’t use American vessels over safety concerns, even if an agreement with NASA is reached RT News May 16, 2022
Russian Cosmonauts will not fly on American spacecraft over safety concerns. That’s …………………….
The Internal Revenue (Election Rigging) Service
Should the projections of a Republican tsunami at the midterms prove true, there are so many things that a Republican Congress must prioritize. Not the least of which is revising the civil-service laws to permit removing incompetent and corrupt bureaucrats, cutting drastically the ……………………
Briefing: Analysis of Documents Related to the Military Biological Activities of The United States on The Territory of Ukraine, May 11, 22
The Saker May 16, 2022
- Summary from the Russian Modtelegram channel
„Wir haben viel zu wenig Munition“
Angelika Hellemann, Lydia Rosenfelder Und Wolf Lux , 15.05.2022
Er ist Deutschlands ranghöchster Soldat: Generalinspekteur Eberhard Zorn (62).
Der Vier-Sterne-General, der als Artillerist beim Heer anfing, muss die Bundeswehr wieder ………………….
Der größte Verlierer ist die Demokratie
Von Josef Kraus Mo, 16. Mai 2022
Politikverdrossenheit und Wahlmüdigkeit haben offensichtliche Gründe, für die die Parteien verantwortlich sind. Deren Profil hat sich bis zu Unkenntlichkeit abgeschliffen. Die Partei ganz rechts (AfD) und ganz links (Linkspartei) außen vor bleiben CDU, SPD, Grüne, FDP, ……………………
Blackout: Warnungen seit 2011, Reaktion null
Die Bundesregierung verschärft die Gefahr eines Blackouts durch Kraftwerksstilllegungen, die Medien reden die Gefahr klein, in Sachen Prävention bleibt das Land untätig und die Verantwortung für die Vorbeugung wird auf die Bürger abgewälzt.
Commerce Cronyism: Inside Deals, Conflicts of Interest and Chinese Connections
by Peter Schweizer May 16, 2022 The Commerce Department is the fourth most lobbied federal office, behind only the Treasury Department, Health & Human Services, and the White House itself. It is more lobbied than the bigger budgeted Department of Defense and ……………………..
Die Wahl der 55,5 Prozent
Ganz Nordrhein-Westfalen hat gewählt. Ganz Nordrhein-Westfalen? Nein! Eine kleine Minderheit von 44,5 Prozent der Wahlberechtigten hat ihre Stimme nicht abgegeben.
Wie schon nach der Landtagswahl in Schleswig-Holstein eine Woche zuvor fand dieser Teil ………………………
Are Putin and Xi Gray Champions? (Part 1)
By Jim Quinn The Burning Platform May 16, 2022
“Long, long may it be, ere he comes again! His hour is one of darkness, and adversity, and peril. But should domestic tyranny oppress us, or the invader’s step pollute our soil, still may the Gray Champion come”
The Subtleties of Anti-Russia Leftist Rhetoric
By Edward Curtin May 16, 2022
While the so-called liberal and conservative corporate mainstream media – all stenographers for the intelligence agencies – pour forth the most blatant propaganda about Russia and ……………………
Prisonniers russes torturés : des vidéos vérifiées par « Le Monde » mettent en cause un bataillon de volontaires ukrainiens
vidéo L’analyse, par « Le Monde » et des enquêteurs indépendants, d’une vidéo censée montrer des soldats ukrainiens tirant sur des prisonniers russes, confirme son authenticité. ……………..
If Ukraine Is Winning Why Is The U.S. Requesting A Ceasefire?
Yesterday the U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin called the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu. Why? The U.S. readout of the call says:
On May 13, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with Russian Minister of Defense Sergey ………………
Elon Musk Says Biden Wrong to Think He Was ‘Elected to Transform the Country’
By Katabella Roberts May 13, 2022
Tesla CEO Elon Musk has weighed in on his thoughts about the 2024 Presidential election, stating that while he firmly believes former President Donald Trump should have his Twitter ……………………
New Interview: Martin Armstrong on The Hrvoje Morić Show
Starving American Babies
The aid to Ukraine has got to stop. Any aid for the people should be through KNOWN charitable organizations. The more aid to Zelensky, the greater the war.
Finnland und Schweden – Türkei knüpft NATO-Aufnahme an Bedingung
14.05.2022, Einer Aufnahme Finnlands und Schwedens in die NATO möchte die Türkei nach eigenen Aussagen nicht im Weg stehen. Jedoch nur unter einer Voraussetzung: Vor einem Beitritt will sie Gespräche über den Umgang der Länder mit der kurdischen Arbeiterpartei PKK führen. Ein Treffen dazu …………………
Angestrebter NATO-Beitritt Finnlands Präsident und Putin sprechen „aufrichtig“
14.05.2022, Die Finnen wollen der NATO beitreten und damit ihre militärisch neutrale Rolle aufgeben. Den Russen ist das ein Dorn im Auge. Der finnische Präsident erklärt Putin am Telefon, warum es zu diesem Bruch gekommen ist. Der spricht von einem „Fehler“.
Putin: „Eliten des Westens sind bereit, den Rest der Welt zu opfern“
Do., 12. Mai 2022, Der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin wirft dem Westen vor, durch die gegen sein Land gerichteten Sanktionen weltweite Gefahren heraufzubeschwören: Darunter wirtschaftliche Schäden …………….
Baby Formula: Thank Protectionists and the FDA for the Shortage
05/13/2022 Ryan McMaken
For parents who rely on baby formula—whether by choice or due to medical necessity—the nationwide baby formula shortage has become increasingly difficult to ignore. According to the Wall Street Journal, Walgreens, Target, CVS, and Kroger have all begun rationing ……………………
The Russo-Ukrainian War: A New Opportunity for Demagogues to Destroy Freedoms at Home
05/14/2022 José Niño
Politicians thoroughly enjoy times of war. Periods of bellicosity are when the most power-hungry members of the political class indulge in their most depraved political fantasies. The …………………..
Africa’s Way Out of Monetary Colonialism
05/12/2022 Manuel Tacanho
Africa has been plagued with rampant inflation and monetary instability over the past fifty years. There have been numerous cases of currency crises and currency resets. Even ………………..
Die WHO plant auf Drängen der USA die Ausrufung der Welt-Gesundheitsregierung. Es ist eine Art globaler Staatsstreich. Stoppt die Machtergreifung der Gesundheits-Bürokraten
Nicolas A. Rimoldi 13.05.2022
Eigentlich hätten erst in zwei Jahren mithilfe des WHO-Pandemiepaktes nationale ………………………….
DANGER: The WHO’s Death Trap for the US
Act Fast: They Vote Next Week
by Pete Hoekstra May 15, 2022 This is a plan that Congress and the public need to fight vigorously.
Eine Schulnote für Karl Lauterbach
Neu-Isenburg. Die ersten Monate mit Karl Lauterbach als Gesundheitsminister sind nun vorbei – genau genommen sind es bereits 157 Tage im Amt. Mit seinem bisherigen Vorgehen ………………….
CRYPTO CARNAGE and market mayhem foreshadowing the “mother of all collapses” to come
Friday, May 13, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The absurd but often-hyped claim that “crypto is digital gold” has collapsed. The LUNA token, part of TerraUSD “stablecoin” ecosystem, turned out to be entirely …………………
The Transgender Debate Should Be about Women’s Freedom and Private Property Rights
05/12/2022 Jess Gill
The hot topic in British politics is whether it is appropriate for transgender-identified males to go into women’s only spaces such as toilets, changing rooms, and prisons. With J.K. Rowling …………………
Powell Says He Can’t Promise a ‘Soft Landing’ and Avoid Recession as Fed Fights Inflation
By Tom Ozimek May 13, 2022
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said Thursday that persistent supply chain disruptions and “huge” geopolitical events happening around the globe could foil the Fed’s attempts at …………………..
That Sinking Feeling
By James Howard Kunstler May 14, 2022
What will avail in the face of these treacheries and hardships? Oppose. Refuse. Resist. This is getting personal….
You might ask yourself: Why is it “important” that we spend thirty, forty, fifty billion dollars pounding sand down the rat hole that is post-Maidan Ukraine, grift central for the sketchy ……………………..
Why Funding Ukraine Is Just Dead Wrong
May 12, 2022
Quietly, thoughtlessly, and ominously, America is sleepwalking towards a nuclear war.
Two weeks ago, the Biden Administration asked Congress for $33 billion to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. But in a divided Washington, the Uniparty has united in agreement ……………………
How 11 Warriors Fought Tuesday
By Allan Stevo May 14, 2022
One of the most influential County Board of Supervisors in California — in the heart of Silicon Valley — is starting to crack on the health mandates.
Where is the $56 billion ‚to Ukraine‘ actually going?
The making of a money laundering operation.
Jordan Schachtel, 13.5.22
The United States has now delegated some $56 billion in new money to debase the currency “for Ukraine,” but hardly any of it is actually going to the Ukrainian people.
Abp. Viganò: Roe v. Wade leak was Deep State ‘propaganda operation’ to ‘radicalize’ abortion debate, influence justices
‘The embarrassing silence of the Hierarchy’ on ‘Catholic’ politicians like Joe Biden who support abortion, said Archbishop Viganò, ‘reveals itself as a confirmation of the sense of inferiority of those who ought to be wisely leading the people entrusted to their care, but who instead are following them off the edge of a …………………
Black slavery in black Africa by black slavers; Henry Louis Gates
Jon Rappaport, 13.5.22
I’m going to print an excerpt from a 2010 opinion piece, published in the NY Times, written by Henry Louis Gates. It’s a stunner. It describes black slavery in black Africa, a “forbidden subject.”
Can Europe Survive Without Russian Coal and Oil? Here’s What It Means for Skyrocketing Prices….
By Chris MacIntosh International Man May 14, 2022
Wait, you mean dirty stinky polluting coal? That coal?
The Real Reason Behind the EU’s Drive to Embargo Russian Oil
By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns May 14, 2022
This week the European Union is expected to announce a complete import ban on Russian oil. Hungary, in its first real act of defiance, is threatening to veto this; Germany, after some …………………..
How a Century of Political Violence in Ukraine Is Linked to the Atrocities of Today
The history of Ukrainian nationalist cruelty is an important factor, barely discussed, or known, in the West, By Olga Sukharevskaya , RT News, May 14, 2022
Troops shot in the legs screaming in pain. Others dying from blood loss and shock. With no …………………
Most Americans Don’t Want Those Shots
Analysis by Dr. Meryl Nass May 13, 2022
The New York Times provides daily updates from the CDC on the numbers vaccinated. While nothing that comes out of CDC’s mouth is necessarily reliable, I am presenting the official numbers below. But it is certainly possible that the numbers of the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated are even higher than presented here. Pay close attention to the numbers.
Major railroad company curtailing shipments of fertilizer ahead of crucial spring planting season
Decision adds to worries about coming food shortages
CF Industries, the nation’s largest manufacturer of fertilizers, is warning its customers that …………………..
Taxation Is Robbery
05/12/2022 Frank Chodorov
The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines taxation as „that part of the revenues of a state which is obtained by the compulsory dues and charges upon its subjects.“ That is about as concise and accurate as a definition can be; it leaves no room for argument as to what taxation is.
Why the Warmongers Are Wrong about China
05/10/2022 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
In an earlier article, “No War with China,” I discussed the plans of braindead Biden and the neocon gang that controls him to start a war with China. This of course would be a disaster, ………………….
Finanzanalytiker Martin Armstrong: „Der Westen braucht den Dritten Weltkrieg!“
05.05.2022 |
Nach dem Einmarsch russischer Truppen in die Ukraine haben westliche Staaten die russische Wirtschaft sowie russische Medien, Politiker und Oligarchen mit beispiellosen Sanktionen belegt. Auch wird die ………………….
Hungary Throws EU Neighbors Under The Bus, Says 10 Nations Technically Buying Gas-For-Rubles From Putin
by Tyler Durden Monday, May 02, 2022 –
The Ruble has ‚mysteriously‘ surged to six-month highs against the dollar (and even stronger relative to the Euro) over the last few weeks since Russian President Putin demanded Rubles-for-Gas…
„A Paradigm Shift Western Media Hasn’t Grasped Yet“ – Russian Ruble Relaunched, Linked To Gold & Commodities
by Tyler Durden Monday, Apr 04, 2022 – By Ronan Manly of
With Russia’s central bank having just profoundly altered the international trade and …………………..
Ein moralisches Angebot
David Stadelmann 13. Mai 2022 –
Die Bürger und politischen Entscheidungsträger der freien, demokratischen Welt sind sich ……………………
Peter Schiff: The Fed Has Already Lost the Inflation Fight
May 8, 2022 by SchiffGold
Last week, the Fed raised interest rates by 0.5%. It was the biggest rate increase since the year 2000. But it was hardly aggressive in light of the current bout of inflation. Not only that, Jerome Powell took a future 75 basis point hike off the table. In his podcast, Peter Schiff …………………
The Race to Break the Russia-China Alliance and the ‘Ukraine of the Asia Pacific’
Matthew Ehret May 12, 2022
There is a window of opportunity open for the west to recognize the total failure of the unipolar model before the point of no return has passed.
It has become commonplace western media and armadas of geopolitical think tankers to paint …………………
Weil Russland-Geschäftsbeziehungen gekappt wurden
Russland-Sanktionen als Bumerang: Bankenpleite trifft deutsche Sparer hart
- Mai 2022
UK: New Plan to Tackle Illegal Immigration
by Soeren Kern May 13, 2022 The plan to outsource the processing of asylum applications overseas — if it survives legal challenges that are certain to come from human rights groups and the European Court of Human Rights — could become a model for other European countries seeking to crack down on illegal immigration.
Rubel-Spekulation – Die Jagd nach dem Erdgas-Rubel
von Frank Doll 29. März 2022
Putin akzeptiert künftig nur Rubel für russische Gaslieferungen. Das soll die Währung stärken. Doch wo bekommt man Rubel her?