Lastenausgleich – Kommt er 2024?
The Coming LIQUIDITY Crisis
Marty, You were named hedge fund manager of the year in 1998 for producing the highest return during the Long Term Capital Management collapse over the Russian bond crisis. At ………………
Did Pfizer Commit Huge Fraud in Its COVID Vaccine Research?
By Dr. Joseph Mercola May 18, 2022
In November 2021, Brook Jackson, a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer’s Phase 3 COVID jab trial in the fall of 2020, warned she’d seen evidence of fraud in the trial.
NY Times Blasted For Writing Ukrainian Fighters ‘Evacuated’, Didn’t Surrender At Azovstal
By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge May 18, 2022
The New York Times is coming under heavy criticism for announcing the end of the lengthy Russian siege of the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol with the below tweet and headline ………………….
WHO’s Grand Play for World Power
By Martin Armstrong Armstrong Economics May 18, 2022
QUESTION: Well Mr. Armstrong, it looks like you will be right on again. This new WHO treaty on pandemic response is their wet dream. I believe you said they will eventually be …………………..
Should the United States Follow Belgium’s Lead?
By Laurence M. Vance May 18, 2022
Belgium has decriminalized prostitution. The only other country I know of that has done this is New Zealand. Although other European countries have legalized and regulated prostitution under specific circumstances, Belgium is the first to fully decriminalize selling sex, paying for ……………………
James O’Keefe Strikes Twitter … Senior Engineer Spills the Beans… Twitter does not believe in free speech
Nickel: How Government Alchemists Turned a Base Money Hard and Now Are Expected to Kill It
By Mark Thornton May 18, 2022
The nickel, the once popular US five-cent coin, is known for its nickel content (25 percent nickel and 75 percent copper). It originated as a type of fiat money in that its intrinsic metal value was far less than the purchasing power stamped on it. The final act in the illustrative ………………..
The Meaning of War in the 21st Century
By Thierry Meyssan May 18, 2022
Interrupting his series of articles on the war in Ukraine, Thierry Meyssan delivers some thoughts on the evolution of the human dimension of war. The end of industrial capitalism and the globalization of exchanges do not only transform our societies and our ways of ………………….
Death by a Thousand Cuts: Where Is the West’s Ukraine Strategy?
The pounding, daily western narratives on ‚Ukrainian wins‘ and ‚Russian losses‘ underpins the lack of an actual, cohesive Grand Strategy against Moscow. By Pepe Escobar The Cradle May 18, 2022
While we are all familiar with Sun Tzu, the Chinese general, military strategist and …………………
Why Erdoğan’s NATO Blackmail Is Subversion
by Burak Bekdil May 18, 2022 President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is trying to turn what appears to be the most strategic move in NATO’s history into carpet-trading at Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar.
Scott Ritter’s Switcheroo: ‘Why I Radically Changed My Overall Assessment’
By Mike Whitney The Unz Review May 18, 2022
On Sunday, the foreign policy blogs were abuzz with the news that Scott Ritter had done “an about-face in his assessment of the war”. It appears that the ex-Marine had examined recent developments in Ukraine and concluded that it’s going to be much harder for Russia to win ………………..
Warum Ungarn so abhängig von Russland ist
Ungarn ist in extrem hohem Maße von russischen Energieexporten abhängig. Das hat teilweise historische Gründe, auch die Streichung sämtlicher EU-Beihilfen für neue AKWs ………………….
California Proposes Gas Stimulus Checks
Free handouts will not combat inflation. The politicians (or their advisors) know this fact but continue to issue free money in exchange for votes. Governor Newsom is proposing spending …………………….
Die Ergebnisse einer Wahlverweigerung
Eine Partei, die Stimmen verliert, bekommt dennoch ein besseres Wahlergebnis und feiert sich als Sieger. Mehr erreichen Nichtwähler leider nicht, aber der Blick in die absoluten Zahlen ist immerhin interessant.
Macrons „Renaissance“, ein radikaler Linksblock – und eine einsame Marine Le Pen
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 18. Mai 2022
Frankreich ist vor den Parlamentswahlen trotz Mehrheitswahlrecht ein Flickenteppich. Während sich eine dezimierte Linke um Mélenchon sammelt, bleibt die wachsende Rechte vielstimmig. Am Ende könnte es eine Mehrheit für Macron geben.
„Die FDP ist in der Ampelregierung bisher ein Totalausfall“
Von Olaf Opitz Mi, 18. Mai 2022
Gerhard Papke, Ex-Fraktionschef der FDP im Düsseldorfer Landtag, sieht seine Partei nach der Wahl-Katastrophe in NRW „in akuter Lebensgefahr“. Das liege an der verheerenden …………………..
Trudeau’s Advice for the Poor – Kill Yourself
I reported that Canada has begun a eugenics program, yet again, to remove the undesirables from society legally. The Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) program was initially intended to provide legal euthanasia for people suffering from terminal illnesses. It was
Elon Musk: Biden Admin Must Do Something on Inflation or Risk Turning Into ‘Venezuela’
By Jack Phillips May 17, 2022
Tech billionaire Elon Musk this week warned that the United States must take steps to address inflation or it will end up like socialist Venezuela.
A Medical Revolt Is Coming
While the Free Market Medical Association [FMMA] is made up of buyers, sellers, and intermediaries, we decided this year to focus primarily on buyers. That decision inspired the ……………….
History and Institutions Matter: The Postslavery Development of Jamaica and Barbados
05/14/2022 Lipton Matthews
The success of Barbados relative to other Caribbean countries has unleashed a welter of studies explaining the ascendancy of Barbados. Frequently, Barbados is compared to Jamaica because they are both former colonies of England that attained independence in the 1960s.
The Fallacy of Collectivism
05/14/2022 Ludwig von Mises
According to the doctrines of universalism, conceptual realism, holism, collectivism, and some representatives of Gestaltpsychologie, society is an entity living its own life, independent of and separate from the lives of the various individuals, acting on its own behalf ……………….
Enorme Gefahr für Atomkrieg: WEF-Welt-Führerinnen durch NATO-Beitritt auf Eskalationskurs
- Mai 2022
Sowohl in der finnischen als auch in der schwedischen Regierung sitzen die Jünger von Klaus Schwabs WEF in Schlüsselpositionen. Diesen kann der Beitritt zur NATO gar nicht schnell genug gehen. Die schwedische Außenministerin Ann Linde hat heute bereits den ………………………
Immunität von Ungeimpften in Gefahr
Impfstoffe gegen Varianten: Unwirksam und gefährlich für die öffentliche Gesundheit
- Mai 2022
Mittlerweile wird immer klarer, dass die Anfang Januar 2020 designten Covid-Impfstoffe sehr ………………..