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Eine zynische, käufliche, demagogische Presse wird mit der Zeit ein Volk erzeugen, das genauso niederträchtig ist, wie sie selbst.

— Joseph Pulitzer

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Politische Narrenfreiheit

Die Ampel macht weiter wie Schwarzrotgelb

Peter Hahne, Mo, 13. Juni 2022

Nichts funktioniert. Wer einen Handwerker braucht, kann lang warten. Die Bildungspolitik produziert Studenten, natürlich korrekt „Studierende“ genannt, aber nicht, was es wirklich …………………..



Whitehead: U.S. Government Is Waging Psychological Warfare On The Nation, Weaponizing Everything

Posted By: John and Nisha Whitehead June 13, 2022

A certain marker of war is the presence and use of psychological warfare to confuse and dominate the enemy. It is unfortunate that we have been declared the enemy and rampant ………………………






EXCLUSIVE: Shocking microscopy photos of blood clots extracted from those who “suddenly died” – crystalline structures, nanowires, chalky particles and fibrous structures

Sunday, June 12, 2022 by: Mike Adams



Schlechter Scherz: Luisa Neubauer will Pipeline „in die Luft jagen“

Mo, 13. Juni 2022

In einem Instagram-Video flachst die deutsche Ikone der Klimabewegten über mögliche Terroranschläge auf die afrikanische Öl-Pipeline EACOP herum. Das Projekt soll Ostafrika mit Energie versorgen.




Johnny, Amber und #MeToo: Jetzt mal die Wahrheit

Bernhard Lassahn schrieb, wer den Depp-Heard-Prozess verfolgte, habe wertvolle Lebenszeit vergeudet. Ich bekenne mich schuldig. Aber dafür kann ich den ganzen Quatsch aufklären, der über Verfahren und Urteil geschrieben wurde.




„Sammelbeobachtungs-Objekt“ sind wir alle

Während eines äußeren Krieges schafft die Bundesregierung neue innere Feinde. In einem Augenblick zunehmender Gereiztheit und Verzweiflung wäre es Aufgabe des Staates, sich als Mediator zwischen die verfeindeten Gruppen zu stellen. Doch er hat offenbar wenig Interesse …………………



Media Tune Down Ukraine Hysteria – Continue To Print Falsehoods

The Ukraine war has fallen below the fold of the New York Times and the Washington Post. It is not the only sign that the ‚western‘ war rage and cheer leading for Ukraine has ended. When one scrolls down though there are still Ukraine headlines on the NYT front page.




Ein Herr und viele Hunde

Der Sicherheitsrat der Russischen Föderation ist eines der wichtigsten Gremien in Putins Staat. Wer sind die Männer aus dem engsten Machtzirkel des Präsidenten, die entweder Angst vor ihrem Chef haben oder dessen bedingungslose Vasallen sind?




Trudeau Contracts COVID Again – Thanks Vaccines

Justin Trudeau contracted COVID for the second time this year. He is using his new diagnosis as a marketing campaign for Canadians to become human pushpin cushions. So he allegedly took numerous shots and boosters and still contracted the rarely deadly virus.




Another Strike Against Cryptos

I’ve said it before and will say it again – cryptocurrencies are not a safe investment. I know it is not a popular opinion; people have had success with trading. The problems with cryptocurrencies: (1) they depend entirely upon the government; with the stroke of a pen, they can all be seized; (2) they depend upon a power grid; (3) they also become dependent upon …………………..



Credit Card Debt on the Rise

The various handouts and moratoriums during the pandemic drove the personal savings rate down to World War II levels. Everything was closed – there weren’t many opportunities to spend. US consumers paid off a record $83 billion in credit card debt during the pandemic, …………………….



The Dollar Crisis is Far Greater than Anyone Imagines

Marty, Socrates is worth its weight in something far more valuable than gold. I want to congratulate you for you are the ONLY adviser who nailed not just the cryptocurrency bloodbath, but that the dollar would rise when everyone else kept predicting it would crumble …………………….



Largest US Pork Packer Closing California Plant, Citing High Costs and Red Tape

By Allen Zhong June 11, 2022

Smithfields Inc., the largest pork packer in the United States, is leaving California due to high …………………



Market Success Is about Giving People What They Want

06/11/2022 Lipton Matthews

Economists are often examining the variables that lead to prosperity, but surprisingly, intelligence is rarely featured in this literature, despite its high replicability in research. …………………



Wood, Mercola: It’s Crucial To Understand What We’re Up Against

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola June 13, 2022

My interview with Dr. Joseph Mercola is the most comprehensive coverage of the problems we face with Technocracy, Transhumanism and scientism. If you want to get up to speed in a ………………



The Broken Window Fallacy Reapplied

06/11/2022 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.

The claim of the Austrian School that has scandalized members of other schools for 150 years is the following. The propositions of economics are universal. The principles apply in all ……………..



Interest Rates Are Rising, but the Fed Continues to Be Reckless

06/10/2022 Thorsten Polleit

The crushing issue of high inflation caused by central banks can no longer be downplayed. Public displeasure at the increasing currency devaluation has now forced monetary policy makers to act.




Nuclear Strategy: The War on Expertise

by Peter Vincent Pry June 13, 2022 Prager and Kaptanoglu apparently think the „U.S. defense establishment“ is less qualified than „Those who promote arms control and disarmament“ like themselves.




FBI FUMING! Mutant Ninja Idaho Cops Arrest Undercover Feds… These same guys…

FBI’s fake terror group known as Patriot Front… all FBI plants or agents… as NO ONE in AMerica knows who they are.  We are 100% confident that the FBI will make sure all ID and all records of this arrest will be hidden from the public as they do not want their fake group …………………..



Deutscher Sonderweg beim Tankrabatt – Warum einfach, wenn’s auch kompliziert geht?

Frankreich, Italien, Spanien machen vor, wie es effektiv und transparent geht. Warum kopiert Deutschland erfolgreiche Vorbilder in Europa nicht? Ein Kommentar.

Christoph von Marschall




Klimamassnahmen: Verletzung elementarer Rechtsprinzipien

  1. Juni 2022 – Olivier Kessler

Die Klimapolitik basiert nicht auf solider Wissenschaft und bricht mit elementaren juristischen Grundsätzen.

Weltweit greifen Staaten immer massiver in Freiheitsrechte ein, um den Klimawandel zu ………………………



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