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Wenn Wahlen etwas ändern würden, wären sie verboten.

— Kurt Tucholsky

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Tausende wieder aufgetauchte Dateien erhärten Vorwürfe gegen Biden-Familie

Von Sebastian Thormann Di, 14. Juni 2022 Machtmissbrauch und windige Geschäfte

Joe Bidens Sohn ist in zwielichtige Geschäfte vor allem mit chinesischen Konzernen ………………….



Injecting 6 mo. olds to 5yo’s? – NO!

Jun 14, 2022 Coquindechien

The United States Government, at the behest of Pharma oligarchs and government employees who own stock in the Pharma companies, hopes to approve an amendment to the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) to inject babies 6-months-old to toddlers 4-years-old with the ……………………



Fearing Looming Bubble, State Treasurers Square Up Against ESG’s ‘Invisible Fist’

Environmental, social, and governance ratings batter states, choke off capital from fossil fuel industry

By Nathan Worcester June 8, 2022

State treasurers spoke out against the imposition of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scoring on public money in a June 8 press conference, with one official comparing it to ……………………



Die New York Times stellt fest: Hunter Bidens E-Mailskandal war echt

Von Sebastian Thormann Sa, 19. März 2022 Korruption in der Präsidentenfamilie

Es ist ein großer Skandal: E-Mails belegen, dass der Sohn von US-Präsident Biden Geld dafür angenommen hat, einen „Kontakt“ zu seinem Vater herzustellen. Lange wurde dies als …………………….



Merkel-Äußerung hat Rechte der AfD verletzt

Stand: 15.06.2022

Mit ihren Äußerungen zur Ministerpräsidenten-Wahl in Thüringen 2020 hat die damalige Bundeskanzlerin Merkel Rechte der AfD verletzt. Das stellte das Bundesverfassungsgericht in Karlsruhe ……………………



Make America Florida: The Case for DeSantis

By Cherie Zaslawsky|June 14th, 2022 By Cherie Zaslawsky

Many people I know have left California for what they consider greener—I mean redder—pastures: red states free of most of the lunacy in the “woke” Golden State.

Some moved to Texas, some to Idaho, but most have fled to Florida, leaving us stay-at-homes ………………….



Ukraine – Killing Surrendering Soldiers, Shelling Civilians

At 8:30 UTC today I checked the priorities of the day on major U.S. news websites.




Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

High-precision long-range Kalibr missiles near Priluki, Chernigov region, have destroyed AFU arsenal of artillery weapons and ammunition.




URGENT ALERT: Virologists issue urgent new Monkeypox warning about …. racism

eugyppius, 14.6.22

African and European virologists have posted a gravely stupid Monkeypox screed to the ……………………



Here’s What They Want Censored Now

By Tom Woods June 15, 2022 From the Tom Woods Letter:

So what’s the next big thing?

Throughout the worst of the craziness since 2020, astute observers have warned that next will …………………



Is There Life After Death?

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com June 15, 2022

A review essay of James and Whitehead on Life after Death by David Ray Griffin

Life is entwined with death from the start, for death is the price we must pay for being born, ……………………



‘If We Don’t End the War, War will End Us’

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture June 15, 2022

Europe now is stuck ‘up to the gills’ with wide-ranging economic sanctions on Russia, and unable to confront the consequences.

Emmanuel Macron irritated many people (just as Kissinger did at the WEF), when he said, ……………………



Verfassungsschutz bekommt erstmals Vizepräsidentin

Die neue Führungsspitze beim Verfassungsschutz ist komplett: Die bisherige Leiterin der Rechtsextremismus- und Terrorabwehr wird Vizechefin des Inlandsgeheimdienstes.

  1. Juni 2022,




Dates That Helped Destroy America

By Chris Sullivan ChrisSullivan.com June 15, 2022

APRIL 9, 1865

This is the date when General Robert E. Lee surrendered the Army of Northern Virginia to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. Regardless of where one comes down on the subject of the War Between the States, one fact is undeniable: Abraham Lincoln ……………….



Die „Impfstoffe” sind Gift

Hier wird der Stand des Wissens über die „Impfstoffe“ beschrieben. Er kündet von einem medizinischen und menschlichen Desaster, das schon jetzt nicht mehr bestritten werden kann. Dimension und Auswirkungen des Skandals sind schwer erträglich.




Die verlorene Würde der Bärbel B.

Von Alexander Wendt Di, 14. Juni 2022 Renaissance eines DDR-Strafrechtsbegriffs

Der Verfassungsschutz entdeckt eine neue Demokratiebedrohung: die „Verächtlichmachung“ von Politikern. Damit holt der Geheimdienst einen alten DDR-Strafrechtsbegriff aus dem Keller. Politiker sollen vor Kritik geschützt, die Bürger delegitimiert werden.




Das Menetekel aus dem Osten

Di, 14. Juni 2022

Aus Verzweiflung über die Woke-Ideologie flüchten sich manche – besonders im Osten – in einen merkwürdigen Putinismus. Das ist ein Symptom der gesellschaftlichen Brüche. …………………



Russian Oil Boycott Fails

The West thought they’d cripple Russia’s economy when they stopped buying Russian oil. Gas prices in the West are on the rise and at unsustainable levels. Meanwhile, Putin is having ………………



AI & the Future

Klaus Schwab’s view of the future and Artificial Intelligence is seriously flawed. He argues that the fusing of the political, physical, digital, and biological worlds will have a transformative impact on every facet of human existence. He insists that this will range from …………………..



Rep. Jordan Says House Jan. 6 Committee Altered Evidence, Showing Nothing New

By Jack Phillips June 13, 2022

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said members of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol breach altered a text message exchange between him and former White House chief …………………….



Even When There Is Inflation, the Fed STILL Fights Falling Prices

06/13/2022 Brendan Brown

Under any remotely sound money regime the aftermath of war and/or pandemic is highly likely to feature a sharp decline in the prices of goods and services on average. Even under unsound money regimes there are powerful forces operating towards lower prices once the ………………….



The Libertarian Party at Fifty Years

06/13/2022 Mark Thornton

The Libertarian Party needs people to chronicle its history, and this book is an accessible source of information beginning with its founding days. As one institution in the perennial …………………….



Environmental, Social and Governance Ratings (ESG) Batter States, Choke Off Capital

Posted By: Nathan Worcester via The Epoch Times June 14, 2022

ESG is institutionalized at the highest level of global finance and is being used as “Silent Fist” …………………



Maske oder nicht? Sei wie Cem, Justin, Markus und Co!

Von Cora Stephan Di, 14. Juni 2022

Unsere Politiker wissen augenscheinlich längst, was von den „Maßnahmen“ zu halten ist. Während Reisende in der Bahn mit Verweisen rechnen müssen, wenn sie die Maske …………………



Causa Gardasee: Die Kapitulation des deutschen Auslandsjournalismus

Von Marco Gallina Mi, 15. Juni 2022

Mehr als eine Woche brauchten die deutschen Medien, um von den Krawallen in Peschiera zu berichten. Der Vorfall ist symptomatisch für die Auslandsberichterstattung, die nicht informieren, sondern Ereignisse im Ausland nur einordnen will, wenn es der Sache dient. Am …………………



The Inverted Yield Curve and Recession

06/13/2022 Robert P. Murphy

The “yield curve” refers to a graph showing the relationship between the maturity length of bonds—such as one month, three months, one year, five years, twenty years, etc.—plotted on the x axis, and the yield (or interest rate) plotted on the y axis.1 In the postwar era, a “normal” ……………………



Crypto CONTAGION spreads as Ponzi-like elements of the crypto ecosystem start unwinding uncontrollably

Tuesday, June 14, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Crypto carnage is spreading quickly, with the LUNA token demonstrating a near collapse a few weeks ago, and now the Celsius crypto lending platform declaring what is essentially a “bail-in” freeze of all customer assets.




Democrats May Not Endorse Biden in 2024

The Democrats may not back Biden for reelection in 2024. They do not particularly care that he is destroying the country, but his record-low approval rating is bad for the party at large. Over the weekend, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) all but admitted that the Democrats ……………………



Solar Panels: Biden’s ‚Buy China‘ Plan

by Gordon G. Chang June 14, 2022 Beijing set out to destroy the American solar panel industry with subsidies that allowed Chinese companies to sell below the cost of manufacture — and, with the help of a series of neglectful American presidents, it largely succeeded.




Monetary Madness

A half century ago, President Richard Nixon closed the gold window. American citizens had been prohibited from owning gold since the early 1930s, but foreign governments could exchange their extra dollars for gold. France tried to make a run on the US gold supply so the ……………………



Here’s 96 Examples of Food Shortages Being CREATED in Past Year

Keely Compson June 7, 2022

Have you heard about all of the farms, distribution centers, and food plants that have been mysteriously burned down or destroyed?

The government is not predicting a food shortage. They are creating it! Open your eyes! There are WAY too many incidents in the past year for it to be a coincidence.




The Truth About January 6th

By Alexandra Bruce  Forbidden Knowledge TV June 14, 2022

Narrated by 27-year-old Jake Lang from his prison cell in solitary confinement at the DC Central Detention Facility, ‘The Truth About January 6th’ gathers never-before-seen ………………………..



Edward Snowden’s Wrong About Gold

By Karen Selick June 14, 2022

I saw an article a few days ago about a speech given by famed whistleblower Edward Snowden at a recent cryptocurrency conference. Reportedly, Snowden said “Gold is great, but gold is not portable. Gold is not transmissible beyond borders at the tap of a button. But ………………….



Schweizer Notenbankchef entlarvt das EZB-Versagen

Von Wolfram Weimer 14.06.2022,

Die Inflation schockiert Deutschland. Nicht so die Schweiz. Dort steigen die Preise kaum. Denn das Hauptproblem der Inflation hierzulande liegt weder in der Pandemie noch im ……………………



Lagarde Capitulates As the Euro-Zone Divides

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns June 14, 2022

I know you probably get tired of me saying this but the Euro-zone is headed for a massive crisis.  On Thursday, June 9th, the ECB came out with its policy statement, less than one week before the next FOMC meeting statement (June 14th).




The new war on Islamism

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an UnHerd columnist. She is also a research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, Founder of the AHA Foundation, and host of The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast. Her new book is Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women’s Rights. The West has been terrorised into silence.  June 14, 2022

Art and Islam often seem like oil and water. Other times, they behave like matches and gasoline.




Out of Desperation, Democrats Resurrect ‘Insurrection’ Theater

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute June 14, 2022

This week, US gasoline prices hit an average of $5.00 per gallon, an all-time record. Officially, consumer price inflation hit 8.6 percent last month compared to last May. That is a four-decade high. In reality, though, inflation is much higher than that, as anyone who works ………………



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