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Wenn Plündern für eine Gruppe in der Gesellschaft zur Lebensart wird, schafft sie im Laufe der Zeit ein Rechtssystem, das dies legalisiert, und einen Moralkodex, der es glorifiziert.

— Frédéric Bastiat

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Ukrainisches Parlament schmeißt Menschenrechtskommissarin raus: Behauptete „Vergewaltigungen“ waren offenbar erfunden

Von Ukrainischer Seite behauptete „Massenvergewaltigungen“ durch russische Soldaten waren offenbar erfunden, zumindest fehlen die Belege. Wer die schrillen Töne von Frau Baerbock noch im Ohr hat, mit der sich die Grünen-Partei den Kriegswaffenlieferungen ………………………..



Ein wankendes Kartenhaus

Von Marco Gallina Fr, 17. Juni 2022 Katholische Kirche in Deutschland

Der Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche schien abgehakt. In Wirklichkeit beginnt die Aufklärung erst. Aus der Missbrauchskrise wird eine Bischofskrise.

Für die katholische Kirche in Deutschland neigt sich eine weitere unangenehme Woche dem …………………



Österreichischer Innenminister: Im Irak und in Pakistan heißt es, die EU-Grenzen seien wieder offen

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Fr, 17. Juni 2022 Dank Faesers fatalen Signalen

Im Gegensatz zur deutschen Ergebungspolitik besitzen in Österreich noch einige den Willen, das eigene Recht gegenüber den Zumutungen der interkontinentalen Migrationsströme zu behaupten. Innenminister Gerhard Karner ist strikt gegen EU-Quoten für Asylbewerber und befürwortet EU-Asylzentren in Drittstaaten.




Kinderimpfung macht Kinder krank

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Die modRNA-Injektionen verringern laut der eigenen Daten in der Zulassungsstudie nicht etwa, sondern sie erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Kinder schwer an Covid-19 erkranken. Sie machen also Kinder krank. Dennoch wurden sie jetzt von der US-Behörde FDA zugelassen.




Putin: They Even Named Inflation After Me

Vladimir Putin is not suffering from sanctions. The West has shot itself in the foot by banning essential Russian imports without an alternative in place. “They even named inflation after me,” he joked, hinting at the “Putin price hike” western politicians have been declaring.




Hundreds Of Millions Of mRNA Doses Headed For The Landfill

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola June 16, 2022

Big Pharma mRNA manufacturers hoovered up billions in profits as governments dump …………………..



The Great Reset: Turning Back the Clock on Civilization

06/15/2022 Birsen Filip

The covid-19 pandemic featured an unprecedented fusion of the interests of large and powerful corporations with the power of the state. Democratically elected politicians in many countries failed to represent the interests of their own citizens and uphold their own ………………….



The Federal Reserve Cannot Combat Inflation Alone

Fed Chair Jerome Powell was notably frustrated when pressured about the Fed’s role in inflation. During his Q&A session this Wednesday, Powell plainly stated that the Federal …………………..



The Heat Wave is Right on Target into Peak 2024

Mr. Armstrong, your forecast for 2022 to be hot and dry has come true. It was 86 years from the Dust Bowl. Do you try to get those in government to listen? Obviously, all the dead cattle would have survived if people would just follow your model.




Russia Gas to Europe to Stop

The Russian EU Ambassador has informed the EU that gas will stop through Nordstream because a turbine that was needed was stuck in Canada because of the sanctions. Then the …………………



The Fed Is Winging It: A 75 Basis Point Hike „Seemed like the Right Thing“

06/15/2022 Ryan McMaken

The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) today announced an increase of 75 basis points to the target federal funds rate, raising the rate to 1.75 percent from …………………



Barr’s Jan. 6 Committee Testimony Provokes Pushback From Election Watchdog Group

By Steven Kovac June 15, 2022

Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr bolstered the Jan. 6 House committee’s case that the 2020 presidential election was the “most secure in history.”




Why H.G. Wells’ ‘The Shape of Things to Come’ Has Arrived Today

By Cynthia Chung Strategic Culture June 17, 2022

It is no coincidence that our entertainment industry today, so heavily saturated with the influence of Wells’ propaganda, is obsessed with the theme of a post-apocalyptic world, Cynthia Chung writes.




FDA Advisors Unanimously Endorse Pfizer, Moderna COVID Shots for Infants and Youn Kids, Ignore Please to ‘First Do No Harm”

“All the risks are to the innocent children and all of the billion-dollar rewards go to the government-protected pharmaceuticals,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), after advisors to the U.S. Food and …………………



Why Did 49 Governors Pre-Order Deadly Covid Jabs for Kids Under 5?

While a few are asking why DeSantis won’t get with the program to jab every man, woman, and child in America, the real question is why the 49 other governors have, especially Republicans. JD Rucker

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis may be the only sane governor in the country. All of the ………………………



Oil Companies Unload On Biden After His Thinly-Veiled Threats

Thomas Catenacci Energy & Environment ReporterJune 16, 2022

Oil companies responded in force after President Joe Biden threatened executive action over U.S. refinery ………………….



Trudeau Is Lying – Canadian Air Patrols Near Chine Are Not On ‘UN Mission’

Moon of Alabama June 17, 2022

Canada falsely claims that it is implementing international law when its airplanes are in fact spying on China.




War in Europe and the Rise of Raw Propaganda

By John Pilger JohnPilger.com June 17, 2022

Marshall McLuhan’s prophecy that “the successor to politics will be propaganda” has happened.  Raw propaganda is now the rule in Western democracies, especially the US and …………………..



China’s New Way of War

by Judith Bergman June 17, 2022

„Chinese thinkers have clearly stated that the core operational concept of intelligentized warfare is to directly control the enemy’s will. The idea is to use AI to directly control the will …………………



Judicial Watch Lawsuit Forces Release of DOJ Memo Declining Criminal Prosecution for Ashli Babbitt’s Shooter

Shooter U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd Did Not Create a Police Report on Killing, ……………………



Dr. Naomi Wolf Discusses the FDA Approval of the Moderna Vaccine for Kids

June 17, 2022



A Perfect Storm in Banking Is Brewing

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney June 17, 2022

Now that interest rates are rising with much further to go, the global banking system faces a crisis on a scale like no other in history. Central banks loaded with financial securities ……………………..



Even after Admitting She Underestimated Inflation, Janet Yellen Still Doesn’t Understand What It Is

06/15/2022 Frank Shostak

According to the June 1, 2022, Financial Times, Janet Yellen, the US Treasury secretary conceded she was wrong last year about the path inflation would take. Yellen told CNN:




Taxpayers Fund Drag Shows In Public Schools

Certain schools in New York City do not have the funds for basic supplies. There are children who take the subway to school as the bus will not pick them up if they live too far. Some schools cannot afford basic supplies, and children must share. Teachers frequently pay for ……………………



What the January 6 Committee Might Have Been

A real committee would also investigate the other, far larger and more lethal riots on iconic federal property months earlier. By Victor Davis Hanson  June 15, 2022

Congress should investigate fully the January 6 riot at the Capitol—and similar recent riots at iconic federal sites. But unfortunately, it never will. Why not?




Capitol Police Chief Debunks J6 Committee Conspiracy Theory

by Tyler Durden Wednesday, Jun 15, 2022

As the Democrat-run January 6th Committee goes to great lengths to present their unifying …………………..



Middle-aged women don’t want sex

Wouldn’t she rather be gardening? There are other ways to have a happy ending.

Mary Harrington is a contributing editor at UnHerd. June 16, 2022

“When I am an old woman I shall wear purple,” wrote Jenny Joseph in her poem, “Warning”. ……………..




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