Warum die meisten Staaten ein neues Geschäftsmodell brauchen
Inflation, unterbrochene Lieferketten, Ukrainekrieg, Energieknappheit: Die Weltwirtschaft steht vor enormen Problemen. Noch dazu wird ein Teil der Globalisierung der vergangenen 40 Jahre rückabgewickelt. Auf die globale Wirtschaftsordnung kommen erhebliche Veränderungen zu. Fast alle Regierungen müssen jetzt damit beginnen, ihre
Is the Green Energy Climate Cabal Crumbling?
By Stacey Lennox Jun 19, 2022
As President Joe Biden waxes poetic about the amazing “transition” his energy policies will affect, the green fervor in Europe is flailing. Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel led ………………….
Extinction Rebellion, handmaiden of technocracy
There’s nothing natural about the environmentalism of modern eco activists
Artillery Row 21 June, 2022 ByAlexander Adams
No issue in the West has been more pressing for the general public in the last 40 years than an apparent worldwide environmental crisis caused by mankind. Measurements of global …………………
Ukraine-Botschafter: „Putin hat ein neues Spielchen“
Die Ukraine ist ein Land mit vielen Problemen. Botschafter Andrij Melnyk spricht im Interview über die prekäre Lage im Osten des Landes, den Separatisten beherrschen. Er redet über die allgegenwärtige ………………..
Karl Lauterbach: Aussagen zu Impfschäden sorgen für Aufsehen
Der Bundesgesundheitsminister räumt ein, dass die Corona-Impfung schwere Nebenwirkungen haben kann. Die Aussagen von Karl Lauterbach im ungekürzten Wortlaut.
21.6.2022 – Ein neues Video mit Karl Lauterbach sorgt für Aufsehen. Das Video, das auch ………………….
Wut auf Lauterbach – Bernhard Brink rastet bei Auftritt komplett aus
The Changing World Order: the New Paradigm
Ray Dalio
At the risk of boring you by repeating myself, now at this beginning of the new year and with the publication of my book Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order, I want to ………………
Reducing Inflation will come at a great cost: Stagflation
Ray Dalio, 6 22
For me, hearing supposed “experts” talk about what’s now happening in the markets and economy is like listening to nails scratch against a chalkboard because they are typically saying incorrect things in an …………………..
How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio
Judenhass auf der Documenta: Das Antisemitismus-Problem der Claudia Roth
Von Sandro Serafin Di, 21. Juni 2022
Das Antisemitismus-Problem auf der Documenta war monatelang bekannt. Doch die zuständige Kulturstaatsministerin Roth deckte die Ausstellung bis zuletzt – weil dieser postkoloniale Antisemitismus so gar nicht ins woke Weltbild passt. Dieses eklatante Versagen ist ein Rücktrittsgrund.
Vaccination Increases Risk of COVID-19 Infection, But Infection Without Vaccination Gives Immunity: Study
By Marina Zhang June 21, 2022
Having two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine has been linked with negative protection against …………………..
144 Million Americans Now Live in States with Legal Recreational Marijuana
06/20/2022 Ryan McMaken
Advocates of marijuana legalization won another victory last month when Governor Dan McKee signed new legislation legalizing recreational marijuana in Rhode Island. New ……………………..
The Great Crash of 2022
06/18/2022 Kristoffer Mousten Hansen
We are now well past the corona crisis of 2020, and most of the restrictions around the world have been repealed or loosened. However, the long-term consequences of arbitrary and ……………..
Twitter Board Unanimously Approves Elon Musk’s $44 Billion Takeover Bid
Allum Bokhari 21 Jun 20221,001
Twitter’s board of directors has unanimously approved SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s bid to take over the company for $44 billion, recommending that shareholders approve the ……………..
Consumers Spend More on Less
Consumer spending, a main indication of the nation’s economic health, has remained strong despite rising inflation. Personal spending increased 0.9% in April, while March’s figure was revised to 1.4%. Obviously, people have been spending more on less due to sky-high prices. ………………….
Massenschlägerei und sexuelle ÜbergriffeFreibad fürchterlich
Von: Stefan FERRARI, Isabel HERWIG, Sara Orlos Fernandes und Nikolaus HARBUSCH
22.06.2022 –
Europa kann den Winter nicht überleben
Russland kann ein oder zwei Jahre überleben. Europa kann keinen Winter überleben. Die Erdgaskrise in Europa könnte nicht erst im Winter oder im Oktober beginnen, sondern schon im Juli oder August 2022.
Sind Sie ein Regierungsleugner?
Mit dem neuen Phänomenbereich „Verfassungsschutzrelevante Delegitimierung des Staates“ versucht die Regierung mithilfe des Inlandsgeheimdienstes, Oppositionelle zu Staatsfeinden zu stempeln.
Der Bürger soll sparen – Der Staat wächst und wächst
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 22. Juni 2022
Um 125.600 Stellen ist der öffentliche Dienst allein im Jahr 2021 angeschwollen. Die Bundesregierung selbst gibt immer mehr für externe Berater aus (Spitzenreiterin im Kabinett ist Nancy Faeser) – und schafft trotzdem auch noch neue Stellen.
Documenta: Naive Propaganda für kommunistische Phantasien
Von Laszlo Trankovits Mi, 22. Juni 2022 heitere Schamlosigkeit
Diese Documenta spiegelt die Absurdität der Moderne wider, die Verwirrtheit des Westens, den Selbsthass der Deutschen, die Orientierungslosigkeit einer irre gewordenen Zeit – in …………………..
Climate Science Spawns Serfdom
By Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD June 22, 2022
In my writings for LewRockwell.com I first focused on climate change in “Finding Truth in Phoenix,” in 2003 after attending the 21st Annual Meeting of Doctors for Disaster ………………….
All This and World War Too
By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com June 22, 2022
…perhaps, you can see how the dangerous mischief of RussiaGate, Hillary Clinton’s spoofish punkery that Russia “interfered” in the 2016 election, mutated into a foreign policy psychosis….
Princes Kept the View
By Tim Hartnett June 22, 2022
It’s in the name of equity and inclusion that American nobility is reinstituting a caste system. How you gonna’ save the world if you can’t look down on guys who turn wrenches, shift gears in semis, raise roofs and keep everybody from freezing to death?
COVID Vaccine Causes a Decline in Male Fertility
A new Israeli peer-reviewed paper published in “Andrology” shows that the COVID vaccine “temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count.” The study specifically examined the Pfizer vaccination among sperm donors and found that sperm counts declined ………………..
U.S. Govt Funds Violent Opposition Movements in SE Asia to Encircle China
June 22, 2022
If vaccines are safe, how will they explain these Google results?
Don’t you love it when you can harness the high tech companies themselves to destroy the false narrative that they are defending? Steve Kirsch, 21.6.22
AR Derangement Syndrome
By George Hollenback June 22, 2022
In the wake of the Uvalde tragedy—which was committed with an AR-15-type weapon—The Atlantic published an article by Ryan Busse with the title “The Rifle That Ruined America,” …………………..
Caller Drops Massive Truth Bomb on FDA
By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV June 22, 2022
During an open public hearing of the FDA, Sam Dodson, an electrical engineer called them out for doing “nothing” with the “massive safety signals,” colluding with pharmaceutical companies to suppress trial data for 75 years, ignoring fraudulent data, ignoring adverse ………………….
Texans Smell Cover-up as Officials Refuse to Release Uvalde Shooting Footage, Records
By Ilya Tsukanov Sputnik News June 22, 2022
21 people, including 19 children aged nine to eleven, were murdered by a mentally unstable …………………….
Populism Rising: Le Pen’s National Rally Makes Historic Gains as Macron Loses Parliamentary Majority
Kurt Zindulka 20 Jun 2022
Roundly rebuking his neo-liberal globalist political philosophy, the French public has refused to grant President Emmanuel Macron a parliamentary majority as Marine Le Pen’s populists …………………..
Tour de Rehoboth Beach
Some may miss the “mean tweets” and lower prices of, well, everything under the former administration. Former President Trump commented on Biden’s latest tumble after he fell off …………….
Powell’s „Soft Landing“ Is Impossible
06/20/2022 Daniel Lacalle
After more than a decade of chained stimulus packages and extremely low rates, with trillions of dollars of monetary stimulus fueling elevated asset valuations and incentivizing an enormous leveraged bet on risk, the idea of a controlled explosion or a “soft landing” is ……………………..
Ukraine War Blows Up EU’s Superpower Delusion
by Soeren Kern June 21, 2022 As the war has dragged on, European unity has collapsed and efforts to transform the European Union into a European superstate — a United States of Europe — have been exposed for what they are: delusions of grandeur.
The EU’s largest member states — France and Germany — have sought to appease Putin at ………………..
EU-Gebäudesanierungsinitative: Ärmeren Haushalten drohen „Renovictions“
Von: Nikolaus J. Kurmayer | EURACTIV.com | übersetzt von Thomas Lehnen
Angesichts der Energiekrise und der Notwendigkeit, den Gebäudesektor rasch zu dekarbonisieren, sieht sich die EU nun mit einer weiteren Herausforderung konfrontiert: „Renovictions“, wobei die Mieter aufgrund von Mieterhöhungen nach der Sanierung aus ………………….
Ukraine War Blows Up EU’s Superpower Delusion
by Soeren Kern June 21, 2022 As the war has dragged on, European unity has collapsed and efforts to transform the European Union into a European superstate — a United States of ………………..
Ukraine SitRep – Lysichansk Cauldron – Sinking Morale – More Provocations
The former CIA and intelligence bigwig Graham Fuller predicts a gloomy outcome of the U.S-Russia proxy war in Ukraine. Gloomy for Ukraine, the U.S. and Europe:
Contrary to Washington’s triumphalist pronouncements, Russia is winning the war, Ukraine has lost the ………………