„Gepard ist kein Panzer“ – Lambrecht blamiert sich bei Auftritt im Bundestag
Hillary’s Fangs Out for Clarence Thomas
By Tom Woods June 29, 2022, From the Tom Woods Letter:
Well, Hillary Clinton — or, as I like to call her, Mrs. Sunshine — sure isn’t happy about ………………….
Freedom’s Only Chance Is to Eliminate Constitution Worship From the Mindes of All Thinking Individuals
By Gary D. Barnett June 29, 2022
“The ostensible supporters of the Constitution, like the ostensible supporters of most other governments, are made up of three classes, viz.: 1. Knaves, a numerous and active class, who …………………
British ‘Watchdog’ Journalists Unmasked as Lap Dogs for the Security State
By Jonathan Cook MintPress News June 29, 2022
LONDON – Events of the past few days suggest British journalism – the so-called Fourth Estate – is not what it purports to be: a watchdog monitoring the centers of state power. It is ………………
Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship
Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation, Margaret Anna Alice, 24.6.22
Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship
Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships, Margaret Anna Alice Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships Jun 24
Democide & Dictatorship
Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?
Wrecking Ukraine: The cost of Winning the War with Geopolitics Expert John Mearsheimer
Christine Lambrecht: Gepard hat ein Rohr und schießt in die Luft, deswegen ist es kein Panzer
Oversaturated Retail
Smartphones were in short supply at the end of 2021. I mentioned that
Christian Persecutions in the US
The Roe v. Wade repeal has led to a widespread string of attacks on Christians across the United States. Sadly, these people do not realize that blue states will remain largely unaffected by this verdict. The decision will simply be made at the state level. Persecutions ………………..
Defaults & Stupidity
The West has forced Russia into its first foreign debt default since 1918. You really have to wonder exactly how our world leaders rationalize their reasoning. Strangely, this was actually cyclically on target. It was two groups of 6 waves of 8.6 years making it 104 years, It is interesting how Socrates had targeted ………………….
Fighting to the last Ukrainian: Biden’s proxy war of attrition has become an unmitigated disaster
Just enough hopium to continue the madness. Jordan Schachtel, 28.6.22
Russian forces are, to put it bluntly, mopping the floor with the Ukrainian military. Moscow is methodically sweeping up vast amounts of territory in the country’s east, as the Ukrainians ……………………
Economic Winter Has Arrived
06/28/2022 Doug French
The average card-carrying Austrian would say that the Federal Reserve is creating money by the bale, with evidence being Consumer Price Index prints of 8.6 percent per the Bureau of ……………………..
Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison
By Dave Paone June 28, 2022
NEW YORK—Ghislaine Maxwell, who was once an international, jet-setting socialite, was sentenced to 20 years in prison on June 28 for trafficking young women to be used for the ………………….
Survey: More Than 750,000 Dead, 30 Million Injured Because of Covid Vax
by Veronika Kyrylenko June 27, 2022
The United States federal bodies responsible for the nation’s healthcare policies keep turning a blind eye to the devastating number of deaths and injuries associated with experimental ……………………
Bank Data: Disability Rates Soar During mRNA Injection Rollout
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola June 28, 2022
Taking disability data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and overlaying it on the timeline of mRNA shot rollout, a striking pattern is revealed, namely, permanent disability ………………….
Und vom Anfang einer üblen Affäre
Von Henryk M. Broder, Dirk Maxeiner und Fabian Nicolay.
Der Volkswagenkonzern will Achgut.com plattmachen. Und bedient sich gegenüber Herausgeber Henryk M. Broder dabei auch noch eines einschlägig bekannten Jargons.
Wie viele Affären, so kommt auch diese mit einer scheinbaren Petitesse ins Rollen. Ein ………………….
Die G7 überhöhen die „Zivilgesellschaft“ der NGOs – und vernachlässigen zentrale Partner
Von Tomas Spahn Mi, 29. Juni 2022
Der Elmauer G7-Gipfel hatte neben den erwartbaren Ansagen gegen Russlands Aggressionskrieg noch ein beachtliches Ergebnis: die Erhebung der
„Putin“ als Ausrede für deutsches Politikversagen
Von Cora Stephan 28. Juni 2022
Es war ja nicht weiter schwer, das vorherzusagen: Im Zweifelsfall ist jetzt alles, was in Deutschland schief gelaufen ist und immer schiefer laufen wird, auf Putins Schuldkonto …………………..
Skandalchronik einer deutschen Industrieperle
Auf die von ihm postulierten ethischen Grundsätze pflegt der Wolfsburger Konzern immer wieder zu pfeifen. Eine kleine Auswahl aus der Skandal-Chronik.
Lord Keynes and Say’s Law
06/27/2022 Ludwig von Mises
Lord Keynes’s main contribution did not lie in the development of new ideas but „in escaping from the old ones,“ as he himself declared at the end of the Preface to his „General Theory.“ ………………….
Contra Ben Bernanke, the Gold Standard Promotes Economic Stability
06/27/2022 Frank Shostak
Currently the world is on a fiat money standard—a government-issued currency that is not backed by a commodity such as gold. The fiat standard is the primary cause behind the present economic instability, and is tempted to suggest that a gold standard would reduce …………………..
Fuel Shipping Costs Soar
The cost of shipping has added another variable to the complicated global inflation and energy crisis. According to the Baltic Exchange data as reported by Bloomberg, hauling rates have reached a high not seen since April 2020.
The Inconsistency of Drug Warriors
By Laurence M. Vance June 29, 2022
Drug warriors are so inconsistent.
According to a recent study conducted by researchers at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association:
Two Doctors Are Finding Treatments for the Millions of Covid Vaccine Injured
By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org June 29, 2022
Officially, there are no vaccine injured. The corrupt authorities in Big Pharma’s pocket say …………………
Russia Humbles Experts Who Forgot the Economy Is Global
By John Tamny June 28, 2022 Sharon McCutcheon
It’s too easily forgotten by the deep and not-so-deep in thought that production is all about the getting. Goods and services always flow. Everywhere. Without regard to embargoes and …………………..
The Most Evil Government in History
By James Sellars June 29, 2022
The final straw that breaks the camels back must surely have been piled on this week. Lithuania has announced that it will close the treaty travel corridor between Belarus and ………………..
On Losing „Roe“
How Could this Possibly have Happened? Easy. Pro-Choice Movement, Look in the Mirror
Dr Naomi Wolf Jun 27, 2022
Last Friday, in a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court struck down the ruling Roe v Wade via its decision on Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Across the country, ……………………
Iran’s Plan to Foil Israeli-Arab Normalization and to Keep Expanding the Revolution
by Khaled Abu Toameh June 28, 2022 When Hamas and Hezbollah talk about „develop[ing] the program and axis of resistance,“ they are referring to terrorist attacks against Israel. The two terrorist groups have tens of thousands of rockets and missiles that are ready to be fired ………………….
Newsbits on Ukraine – Lysichansk Cauldron, Civilian Damage, Reserve Troops, Russian ‚Default‘
The distance between the red fronts above and below has shrunk to 8 kilometer (~5 miles). According to Russian source there are some 8,000 soldiers and militia left in Lysichansk.
The area between the Russian fronts is under full Russian artillery control with drones flying ………………
G7-Gipfel in Elmau – der Westen gegen den Rest der Welt
- Juni 2022 Jens Berger
Während die Führer der G7-Staaten im bayerischen Elmau Einigkeit demonstrierten, steht der von ihnen repräsentierte Westen mittlerweile im globalen Maßstab isoliert da. Kecke Fotos in …………………
Russian Gas Cuts Threaten World’s Largest Chemicals Hub
Chemical sector’s reliance on natural gas makes it particularly vulnerable to further shortfalls
Historic Gas Prices Could Stay High for a While. Here’s Why.
U.S. gas prices have hit a record high and are showing no signs of going down. That’s largely because oil companies are no longer incentivized to drill more as oil prices rise. WSJ’s Dion Rabouin explains.
By Georgi Kantchev June 27, 2022