Cancel Culture for Serious People
By Jon N. Hall
Today’s America is not a place for subtlety and nuance. Today’s youth seem especially incapable of handling fine distinctions. No interesting heterodox mix of positions will be ……………………
The Peace of God
By Bionic Mosquito June 30, 2022
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
The Birth of the West: Rome, Germany, France, and the Creation of Europe in the Tenth Century, by Paul Collins
Charlemagne’s attempt at consolidation and empire ended in failure and chaos, especially in ………………….
There’s No Such Thing As Congestion. There’s Just Government
By Walter E. Block Real Clear Markets June 30, 2022
I recently took a trip from Brooklyn to Vancouver, Canada via the Newark Airport. Everywhere I went, I was confronted with the Sovietization of our economy; that is, …………………..
Macron Tells Biden to Rethink Energy Plans
French President Emmanuel Macron pulled US President Joe Biden aside at the G7 summit to explain a few basic facts. Biden has been demanding Middle Eastern nations ramp up their oil and gas production to help offset the energy crisis his administration has created. It’s ok to ………………………
Erfolg bei 12.000 Patienten: „Niemand muss an Covid 19 sterben“ EXKLUSIV: Ärzte aus den USA berichten über Frühbehandlungsprotokolle seit 2020
30.6.22 Von Daniel Weinmann …………………..
Hutchinson & the Real Lie Behind this Latest Scam
It is very curious that Cassidy Hutchenson is testifying to what would be considered inadmissible evidence in a court of law. She has said that President Donald Trump was so irate that his Secret Service detail wouldn’t take him to the Capitol on Jan. 6 that he tried to …………………….
Pelosi’s Office Responds After Texas Republican Says She ‘Pushed’ Daughter
By Jack Phillips June 27, 2022
The office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) responded after a newly elected Republican lawmaker accused the speaker of pushing her young daughter.
How Bad Were Recessions before the Fed? Not as Bad as They Are Now
06/28/2022 John Kennedy
With a recession looming over the average American, the group to blame is pretty obvious, this group being the central bankers at the Federal Reserve, who inflate the supply of currency in the system, that currency being the dollar. This is what inflation is, the expansion of the ……………………
What Will It Take to End Rampant Home-Price Inflation?
06/28/2022 Ryan McMaken
Real wages are falling, inflation is at a forty-year high, and the Atlanta Fed predicts we’ll find GDP (gross domestic product) growth at zero for the second quarter. Meanwhile, both the yield curve and money supply growth point to recession.
What Information Overload Can Teach Us
06/28/2022 Gary Galles
Americans are bombarded with so much information that it is hard not to realize how little we know about all that is going on in the world. This awareness is valuable, because it means we can avoid some major mistakes, triggered by the presumption that we know what is necessary …………………..
Münchens Grüne wollen Parteifreundin in Spitzen-Job drücken – trotz Zweifel an Qualifikation
Do, 30. Juni 2022 Laura Dornheim
Die Grünen-Politikerin Laura Dornheim soll IT-Referentin der Stadt München werden – obwohl sie in der Bewerberrunde schlecht abschnitt. Auch in ihrem Lebenslauf gibt es Merkwürdigkeiten.
Energieminister eingemauert im Denk-Iglu
Ein gerade erschienenes Interview mit dem niedersächsischen Energieminister Olaf Lies zeigt, dass wir nicht auf die Kompetenz der Politiker bei der Lösung der aktuellen Energie-Probleme hoffen sollten.
Chronik des Irrsinns – der Juni 2022
Der sechste Monat des Jahres 2022 geht zu Ende, also das sechste Zwölftel eines Irrsinns. Die mit dem Klammerbeutel Gepuderten erhöhen die Schlagzahl, der Chronist kommt kaum hinterher. Lesen Sie, staunen Sie!
EU Signs Deal with Egypt and Israel to Boost Gas Exports to Europe
by Soeren Kern June 30, 2022 Over time the agreement could spur new investment in gas exploration and infrastructure in Cyprus, Egypt, Greece and Israel and potentially transform the Eastern Mediterranean into an energy powerhouse.
Rockefeller Agenda At Work: The Great Reset Of The U.S. Food System
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola June 29, 2022
The Rockefeller Foundation predicted food shortages in 2020 in a major policy paper, Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System. Was this merely …………………..
The Untold War in Syria and Deserted Pipelines
We’ve heard of the refugees and people fleeing Syria for a better life, but the media rarely ………………….
‚Russian Salad‘ Sours Mood at NATO Summit
Attendees were reportedly bewildered to find the dish atop the in-house restaurant menu
RT News June 30, 2022
Forever Prisoners
By Andrew P. Napolitano June 30, 2022
“I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.”
Thomas Jefferson, Jan. 30, 1787
Declare Your Independence from Tyranny, America
By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute June 30, 2022
Imagine living in a country where armed soldiers crash through doors to arrest and imprison citizens merely for criticizing government officials.
Those Nefarious Neocons, and Their Magnificent (F)Lying Machines
By Capt. Randall June 30, 2022
As pro & con Roe v. Wade protests dominate the news cycle, angry Americans are distracted, divided and misdirected yet again. They chase mice like kitty cats while ignoring the gorilla …………………..
Interessante Nebenaktivitäten: Drogenlabor auf NATO-Atomstützpunkt ausgehoben
Belgien als Drogenzentrum für Europa
Auf einem belgischen Militärstützpunkt, auf dem auch Atomwaffen der NATO deponiert sind, wurde ein heimliches Drogenlabor entdeckt, in dem im großen Stil auch die synthetische Droge Ecstasy hergestellt wurde. Wie die Staatsanwaltschaft der Provinz Limburg am …………………..
Sackgasse Impfung: Portugal durchgeimpft – jetzt steigen Totenzahlen wieder
FPÖ-Hauser: Kein positiver Effekt durch Impfungen, Lockdowns und Schulschließungen
Je mehr Corona-Impfungen in einem Land verabreicht wurden, umso mehr steigen auch die …………………..
Gefährliche Putin-Provokation: Grüner Habeck will sich Nord Stream-2 aneignen
Politisches Spiel mit dem Feuer
Laut Medienberichten erwägt der grüne Wirtschaftsminister und Vizekanzler
Biden’s Energy Crisis
by Judith Bergman June 29, 2022 The ongoing world energy crisis… seems to have proven for once and all that energy independence is a matter of national security.
To transition to renewable energy, America would have to transform its energy infrastructure ………………..