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Die Übertretung eines gegebenen Gesetzes ist ein schlechtes Beispiel, zumal wenn der Gesetzgeber sie selbst begeht.

— Niccolò Machiavelli

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Oberst sieht Westen im Nachteil „Aus russischer Sicht läuft es momentan“

Russland setzt die Ukraine durch pausenloses Artilleriefeuer und den Westen durch ausbleibende Energielieferungen unter Druck. Markus Reisner, Oberst der österreichischen Armee und Militärhistoriker, stuft die westliche Sanktionsstrategie als gescheitert ein. Und warnt, der Handelskrieg könne Europa massiv schaden……………



How the Left fell for capitalism

Paul Kingsnorth is a novelist and essayist. Progressives were always part of the corporate elite. July 5, 2022

What may turn out to be the biggest political movement of the 21st century emerged from the rainforest remnants of southern Mexico on 1 January 1994, carried down darkened, cobbled ……………………..



Rothbard: The Free-Market and Anti-Government Roots of the American Revolution

07/04/2022 Murray N. Rothbard

Historians have long debated the precise causes of the American Revolution: Were they constitutional, economic, political, or ideological? We now realize that, being libertarians, the ……………………



Google Spam Filter Cost Republicans $2 Billion In Lost Donors

Posted By: Susan Ferrechio via The Washington Times July 5, 2022

In new evidence revealed by a study from North Carolina State University, Google selectively marks as spam conservative donation email requests, automatically dropping them into …………………….



The Cult of Globalism: The Great Reset and its ‘Final Solution’ for Useless People

June 28, 2022 Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News

The idea of the Great Reset derives from the New World Order which is still alive in the minds of the establishment or who we can call the globalists from people like Henry Kissinger to the current US ………………….



NATO Scribes vs. Russian Artillery and Rockets

By Ray McGovern

July 04, 2022: Information Clearing House Incongruity was the hallmark of the extraordinary NATO summit just concluded in Madrid. NATO offered bluster and promised ……………………



Cold War CIA Experiments On Children Exposed

Kit Klarenberg Jan 31 2022

In a new two-part investigation for The Dissenter, I delve into the murky and disturbing world of CIA experiments conducted on children during the Cold War.




American Secession

By Adam Dick Ron Paul Institute July 6, 2022

On Independence Day, many Americans think about, at least briefly, the American Revolution. One important thing they should consider in this reflection is that the American Revolution is misnamed. A more appropriate name would be the American Secession.




Will Pfizer Be Charged for Mislabeling Vaccine Side Effects?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com July 6, 2022

As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to release Pfizer’s clinical trial documentation,1 we’re finding more and more evidence that very little has been done on the ……………………



The President is Not a Patriot

Joe Biden incited violence on Independence Day by claiming that the country was “moving backward.” Is he not the elected official in control of America? Biden was referencing the Supreme Court decision to remove abortion as a constitutional right. This is his very last ……………………



The Future – Post 2032 – A New Beginning?

Will you explain what Socrates foresees for after 2032 at this year’s WEC in November? I’m more concerned about my grandkids. A lot of people seem to be plagiarizing you these days. But all they have to offer is an opinion and we all have opinions. Socrates has been the only ……………………



Medien: Eine Frage der Berufsethik (2)

Von Olivier Kessler.

Welche Gründe kann es haben, dass die Medien ihrer Rolle als Durchleuchter politischer Macht oftmals nicht gerecht werden? Zwei Faktoren, die wir uns im Folgenden genauer anschauen wollen, dürften hier eine entscheidende Rolle spielen: Die Berufsethik der jeweiligen Journalisten und die Abhängigkeit vom Staat.




Bundesfamilienministerium gab 700.000 Euro für Projekte von Salafistensympathisanten aus

Mi, 6. Juli 2022

Eine Anfrage an die Bundesregierung bestätigt Recherchen von TE. So erhielt das Poetry-Slam-Netzwerk „i,Slam“, das Kontakte zu radikalislamischen Gruppen unterhält, rund 700.000 Euro.




Olaf Scholz hilflos in den Trümmern seiner Politik

Von Max Mannhart Di, 5. Juli 2022

Olaf Scholz konnte als Finanzminister übers Wasser laufen – und ballerte mit seiner Geld-Bazooka der grünen Transformations-Agenda den Weg frei. Politiker wie er haben das Inflationsdilemma angerichtet. Jetzt sitzt er planlos mittendrin. Er gibt dem Abschwung ein ………………..



Senator für Fettleber und Fremdverzicht

Mein Wasserprediger und Weinsäufer des Monats ist schon jetzt der Hamburger Senator für Umwelt und Energie. Er will Flüge, Privatauto und Einfamilienhaus abschaffen und kündigt …………………



Geschlechter-Chaos per Gesetz

Das geplante „Selbstbestimmungsgesetz“ zum einmal im Jahr änderbaren Geschlechtseintrag wirft viele brisante Fragen auf. Das Eckpunktepapier der Bundesregierung mit seiner Ankündigung beantwortet aber keine einzige.

In Erfüllung einer Vereinbarung des Koalitionsvertrags haben das Bundesministerium für ……………..



Every Nine Months

The Canadian government is relentless in pushing vaccinations. Health Minister Duclos just announced that “two doses is no longer enough.” We knew that the Canadian government ordered a massive shipment of vaccines, but those who obeyed whether by force or fear thought they were “fully vaccinated” with two doses. He ominously told the public to “get the ………………….



Who Really Makes US Foreign Policy? Who Benefits and Who Loses?

By Joseph Solis-Mullen  Mises.org July 6, 2022

In a piece of news that shocked the mainstream media, but which shocked no one familiar with the academic industry writ large, retired US Army general John Allen was




Legal Framework for Tyranny

Katherine Watt & Alexandra Bruce

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV July 6, 2022

Katherine Watt is a legal analyst whose penetrating research has uncovered the




Build Back Better 2.0: global elites rebrand to ‘Rules-Based World Order’

More Hubris. Less Freedom. Jordan Schachtel, 6.7.22

The “free world” is a troublesome slogan, as basic freedoms have become a radical concept in the year 2022. The western ruling class, which used to defend the idea of unalienable rights, ………………………



COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis

By Enrico Trigoso July 1, 2022

New disturbing pharmacovigilance signals from VAERS surrounding the use of the COVID vaccines on women of reproductive age prompted a group of doctors to call for a ban on the …………………



Yes, They Were Socialists: How the Nazis Waged War on Private Property

07/05/2022 John Kennedy

When the average person thinks of the Nazis, what often comes to mind is World War II, the Holocaust, and rousing speeches of hate. However, the National Socialists also had economic and political policies, policies many just assume were either free market or New Deal–style …………………..



“TruckPOCALYPSE” begins in California this week as 70,000 truckers forced off the roads due to Democrat idiocracy

Tuesday, July 05, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The California Truckers Association is warning that 70,000 independent truck ………………..



Ideology has poisoned the West

Jacob Howland is Director of the Intellectual Foundations Program at UATX, commonly known as the University of Austin. His latest book is Glaucon’s Fate: History, Myth, and Character in Plato’s Republic (Paul Dry Books, 2018). We are living through a dictatorship of ineptitude. July 2, 2022




The antidote to America’s race wars

Oliver Wiseman is the deputy editor of The Spectator World and author of the DC Diary, a daily email from Washington. He is a 2021-22 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow. The narrative of the 1619 Project has been dismantled. July 5, 2022




‚Western‘ Media Spread Copium To Prolong The War In Ukraine

The war in Ukraine is clearly progressing in Russia’s favor. That is why I am appalled by the incompetent descriptions in ‚western‘ media of past and current operations in that war.

Consider this June 21 map of the Lysichansk cauldron as it was developing. The frontline extended over 125+ kilometers (78 miles).




Hollands Regierung will Great Reset: Doch Mut-Bauern protestieren gegen Enteignung

Die große Enteignung hat begonnen? Nicht mit ihnen! Die Bauernproteste in den




Neuer Inflations-Schock: Strompreise verdreifachen sich

5.7.2022 LEIPZIG. An den Großhandelsbörsen schießen die Preise für Strom und Gas weiter in die Höhe. Für eine Megawatt-Stunde Gas waren zuletzt 148 Euro fällig – weitere 74 Prozent mehr als noch Mitte Juni. Sobald die Energieversorger jene Mengen, die sie vor der …………………..



Abwahl zuvorgekommenFrankfurts OB Feldmann kündigt Rücktritt an


Feldmann ist seit 2012 Stadtoberhaupt von Frankfurt.

Das Frankfurter Stadtparlament plant die Abwahl von Oberbürgermeister Feldmann, dem will ………………



Turkey: Erdoğan Fishing for Trouble in the Aegean Sea – Again

by Burak Bekdil July 5, 2022 Various opinion polls put [Erdoğan’s] popularity at less than 30%, compared to the 52% with which he won re-election in 2018.




Peter Feldmann will im Januar sein Amt niederlegen


Der Frankfurter Oberbürgermeister Peter Feldmann (SPD) will im Januar von sein Amt niederlegen. Feldmann kündigte am Dienstag seinen Rückzug für Ende Januar 2023 an. „Damit möchte ich …………..




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