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Der beste Platz für Politiker ist das Wahlplakat. Dort ist er tragbar, geräuschlos und leicht zu entfernen.

— Loriot

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Oligarch sieht Rechte verletztAbramowitsch klagt gegen EU-Sanktionen


Das Gericht der Europäischen Union muss sich mit Klagen von vier russischen Oligarchen befassen. Die Unternehmer bestreiten, den Ukraine-Krieg wirtschaftlich zu stützen und fordern die Aufhebung der gegen sie verhängten EU-Sanktionen.




Vier Tote in US-EinkaufszentrumBewaffneter Zivilist erschießt Amokläufer


In einem Einkaufszentrum im US-Bundesstaat Indiana eröffnet ein Mann das Feuer. Innerhalb weniger Minuten sterben drei Menschen, unter ihnen der Schütze. Er wird von einem weiteren bewaffneten Mann erschossen.




Inflation Even Hurts the Penguins

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute July 19, 2022

A recent video shows penguins at a Japanese aquarium rejecting the cheap fish the aquarium has substituted for the higher quality fish the penguins are used to receiving. The reason the aquarium switched fish is because rampant inflation has made it impossible for the aquarium ………………..



Faeser „vorbereitet“, Proteste gegen steigende Preise als rechtsextrem einzustufen

Mo, 18. Juli 2022

Die Inflations- und Energiekrise wird immer dramatischer. Jetzt reagiert die Regierung: mit unterschwelliger Androhung von Staatsgewalt gegen Proteste. Mit Verweis auf die Corona-……………………



MBS’s $500 Billion Desert Dream Just Keeps Getting Weirder

Neom, the Saudi crown prince’s urban megaproject, is supposed to have a ski resort, swim lanes for commuters, and “smart” everything. It’s going great—for the consultants.

By Vivian Nereim 14. Juli 2022




The Last Days of ‘Joe Biden’

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com July 19, 2022

Whose idea was it to send the wind-up doll president called “Joe Biden” to Saudi Arabia…?

It’s like our country is trapped on one of those swirling carnival rides beloved of the county ……………………



Fauci Set to Retire

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Mr. COVID himself, announced that he would retire at the end of Joe Biden’s term. Fauci hinted in an interview that he fears an investigation into his personal ………………..



Biden Begs Saudi Arabia for Oil

Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia did not go as planned. Saudi Arabia will temporarily increase oil production in July and August in exchange for a slew of removed restrictions. Civilian …………………



Acting Uvalde Police Chief During School Shooting Placed on Leave After Report Details ‘Systemic’ Failures

By Katabella Roberts July 18, 2022

The lieutenant who was the acting police chief on duty the day of the mass shooting at Robb ………………..



If Government Can Take from One Group, It Can and Will Take from Everyone

07/18/2022 Claudio Grass

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to argue that private property rights, as understood by classic liberal thinkers, by those who embrace Austrian economic theory, and by all members of an …………………



College Conference Switching as Secession? A Case Study in „Nations by Consent“

07/16/2022 Connor Mortell

In „Nations by Consent,“ Murray Rothbard explains that because libertarians tend to view the world through either the lens of the state or of the individual, they miss out on one of the most …………………….



The Folly of Scientism

Why scientists shouldn’t trespass on philosophy’s domain. Austin L. Hughes

When I decided on a scientific career, one of the things that appealed to me about science was the modesty of its practitioners. The typical scientist seemed to be a person who knew one …………………..



Facing the Beast

Dr Naomi Wolf Jul 18 2022 Can We Really Confront the Biggest Crime in Human History?

I was relaxing in our screened porch in our little cottage in the forest, feeling rather pleased with myself. It had been an arduous week of the usual combat for liberty, but there had been …………………….



Jordan Peterson’s Russia-Ukraine Do-Over

By Bionic Mosquito July 19, 2022

Early on in Russia’s Special Military Operation in Ukraine, Jordan Peterson decided to get educated, and chose as his teacher the perpetual warmonger Frederick Kagan.  The video of …………………..



Why global warming is good for us

Climate change is creating a greener, safer planet. Matt Ridley, 15.2.2022

Global warming is real. It is also – so far – mostly beneficial. This startling fact is kept from the public by a determined effort on the part of alarmists and their media allies who are …………………



A State That Went Deep in the Night

By George F. Smith Barbarous Relic July 19, 2022

The Deep State is an outgrowth of the democratic State, without which it could neither expand nor exist.  In a totalitarian regime there is no distinction between the two; there is just ………………….



Jamal Khashoggi was a jihadist, not a journalist

Jamal Khashoggi is best understood not as a man, but a foreign information operation purposed with undermining Saudi Arabia and realigning American relations in the Middle East. Jordan Schachtel, Jul 15 2022.




Deutschland, ein Lügenmärchen (1)

Von Andreas Zimmermann.

Wie konnte es so weit kommen? Das fragen viele angesichts der Lage Deutschlands. Antwort: Die deutsche Politik ist auf Lügen gebaut. Und zwar mittlerweile praktisch vollständig. Die „Corona-Krise“ hat dies wie mit einem Vergrößerungsglas sichtbar gemacht. Aber lesen Sie …………………



Wie das Kalifat im Knast herrscht

Großbritanniens Gefängnisse haben die Gefahren islamistischer „bandenartiger Aktivitäten“ nicht erkannt; der Einfluss islamistischer Gruppen wurde von den Behörden zu lange unterschätzt. Das ist das Ergebnis eines offiziellen Berichts, der im Auftrag der britischen ………………….



Die deutsche Regierung hat bei Atomkraft gelogen

Mo, 18. Juli 2022

Der deutsche Wirtschafts- und Klimaminister, ein Spitzenpolitiker der Grünen, hat über Kernbrennstäbe gelogen. Ein Beitrag von Michael Shellenberger

Die deutsche Regierung hält an ihren Plänen fest, die letzten drei Kernkraftwerke im …………………..



In Deutschland ein Zeitgeistblock, in der Welt eine autoritäre Internationale

Von Fritz Goergen Di, 19. Juli 2022

Die gesellschaftliche Zeitenwende der Ampel richtet sich gegen die Mehrheit der Normalbürger. Nicht nur die der Ampel, sondern die des ganzen Zeitgeistblocks, dessen Bild …………………….



Mercola: Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole On Post-Jab Cancer Explosion And Excess Mortality

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola July 18, 2022

Technocracy’s was on humanity continues to be seen “on the ground” by pathologists who deal with disease in the lab every day. The mRNA injections are causing damage in ……………………..



Libertarian Law by Democratic Means: A Method for Conflict Resolution

07/16/2022 Fabricio Terán

A maybe somewhat neglected aspect of libertarian theory as understood by Ludwig von Mises is the theory of internal peace in a society and how it can shed light on how to deal with cases ………………….



Coming Soon: Climate Change v Animal Activists

Two groups that usually overlap are about to come into direct confrontation due to the net-zero carbon culture. Both climate and animal rights activists have been known to make their ………………….



Media – The Fed (and the World) Have Declared Independence

July 15, 2022: Tom Luongo

As we aren’t allowed to watch the Dutch farmers revolt against the seizure of their land it condenses so many ideas into one stark non-image. The powers that be, The Davos Crowd, are losing but they will never admit it, nor will they stop trying to win… until they are either ………………….



Another Hot CPI Read Backs the Fed Deeper into a Corner

July 14, 2022  by Michael Maharrey

Fed Chair Jerome Powell and other members of the central bank have continued to talk tough about fighting inflation. But I’m pretty certain that in private, they were desperately hoping to ……………………..



Peter Schiff: This Won’t Be a Short Shallow Recession

July 11, 2022  by SchiffGold

The mainstream seems to have conceded that the economy is heading toward a recession. But most people aren’t too worried. They seem to think the downturn will turn out short and …………………..



Steuergeld landet im Müll: Vier Millionen abgelaufene Impfdosen wurden entsorgt

Je mehr die Covid-Impfstoffe berechtigter- und überfälligerweise in Verruf geraten und je mehr Deutsche, auch geimpfte, angesichts der bisherigen aberwitzigen Nebenwirkungsbilanz …………………….



Wieder Wirbel um Drosten-Dissertation: Chemiker Kühbacher richtet heikle Fragen an Charité

Wurde es bei Corona-„Medienstar” mit akademischen Standards nicht so genau genommen?

Der seit über zwei Jahren schwelende Streit darüber, ob der durch Corona zu deutschlandweiter Bekanntheit gelangte Virologe Christian Drosten seinen Doktortitel zu ……………………..



BREAKING NOW: Steve Bannon’s Contempt of Congress Show Trial Starts Today

By Jim Hoft  Published July 18, 2022

The trial of Steve Bannon begins today.

Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist for President Donald Trump, faces two contempt of ………………..



Great Reset: SPD-Wohnministerin will kleinere Wohnungen für Deutsche

Die Absicht der Ampel-Regierung, in Deutschland mit passiver Unterstützung der FDP realsozialistische Verhältnisse einzuführen, tritt täglich deutlicher zutage. Nachdem die Deutschen Strom sparen, kalt und seltener duschen und weniger Reisen sollen, mault SPD-………………………



Davos Loses Big Time — Draghi On the Way Out In Italy

July 14, 2022 Tom Luongo

Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi is out. He tendered his resignation to President Sergio Mattarella. Mattarella is refusing for now. There will be another confidence vote. It shouldn’t ……………………



The return of Covid fearmongering

Toby Green is a Professor of History at King’s College, London. The updated edition of his book, The Covid Consensus, co-authored with Thomas Fazi, will be published in November ……………………



Why Dutch farmers are revolting

Senay Boztas is a journalist living in Amsterdam. July 18, 2022

“For many farmers it’s the end of their business and they will fight until the last. Sometimes these farms go back generations, they were built by hand, and people feel farmers heart and …………………..



Cancel Culture im Universitätsbetrieb – jetzt auch in Osteuropa, von Karl-Friedrich Israel

  1. Juli 2022 –Karl-Friedrich Israel

Cancel Culture ist ein Phänomen, das viele für eine merkwürdige Besonderheit der akademischen Welt der Anglosphäre hielten. Hin und wieder treibt sie Wurzeln auch in ………………



Power in chaos

Steve Bannon is disrupting democracy. This is how

By Rob Kuznia, Bob Ortega and Audrey Ash

As a single mom with a full-time job, Wendy Ahrenkiel had little time for politics. But after the 2020 election, when Joe Biden was declared President, she felt cheated — and found the time.




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