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The only security of all is in a free press.

— Thomas Jefferson

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Nacktes Niveau – Folge 43 – Eingepreister Aufstand

Die Journalisten Robert Fleischer (exomagazin.tv) und Henning Rosenbusch (t.me/rosenbusch) diskutieren mit Milena Preradovic (t.me/punktpreradovic) und Paul Brandenburg (t.me/paulbrandenburg) die Versuche des Politik, die Nebenwirkungen ihrer „Impfungen“ zu verschleiern, wie die Ampel unsere Energieversorgung unbezahlbar macht, wo genau die berühmteste Turbine des Landes sein mag und ob am Ende doch noch jemand auf die Straße geht (Erstveröffentlichung: 23.7.2022).



Der Weg zum Sieg – von Llewellyn H Rockwell Jr.

25.07.2022 –Llewllyn H. Rockwell Jr.

Das Mises Institut (in Auburn, Alabama, USA, a.d.V.) wurde als Forschungszentrum für ………………..



Will 2022 be the High in Temperatures?

I seem to recall that you said 2022 on your computer was a Directional change in temperature and a retest of the 1930s was likely. Could you elaborate on that again since we have high …………….




Consumer price gains hit their highest level since January 1983 in Canada. The news comes one week after the Canadian central bank surprised the markets by implementing a 100 basis point rate hike. June’s 8.1% inflation rate acted as another indicator that the Canadian …………………



Germany to Bail Out Uniper

Germany and Finnish parent company Fortum signed a $15.24 billion deal to save energy company Uniper. In return, Germany will take a 30% stake in the company. Uniper reported ………….



Gold and the Upcoming Recession

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney July 25, 2022

We are now seeing the initial stages of a currency, credit, and banking crisis develop. Driving it are an inflation of prices, contraction of bank credit and a pathological fear of ………..



Former Russian Leader Medvedev Calls Joe Biden a ‚Strange Grandfather with Dementia‘ who Can#t Find His Way Out of a Room

By Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit July 25, 2022

Former Russian President Medvedev warned the West that any attack on Crimea will result in …………….



The Mark of the Beast Slayer

By Bionic Mosquito July 25, 2022

You want this mark….




The Solution to this Insanity

Hi Martin, thank you as always for your incisive explanations of what’s going on in the ever-roving mind’s eye of SOCRATES.



Monkeypox or Moneypox?

Tedros overrules his panel and declares Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. Robert W Malone MD, MS Jul 24 2022




The Ultimate Goal: Perpetual Dumbing Down of All Society in Order to Create a Slave State Ruled by the Few

By Gary D. Barnett, July 25, 2022

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.”

Henry David Thoreau




The Real Story of January 6 | Documentary

We’ve decided to make this documentary free for our subscribers. While production costs on documentaries are high, we believe that the importance of the topic outweighs ……………..



Interview: 2023 Will Be the Year from Hell




The Year from Hell Interview Links

Interview: 2023 Will Be the Year from Hell | (39 minutes)




Trump, Allies Planning Massive New Assault on DC ‘Swamp’ If He Wins in ’24

Jon DoughertyJuly 23, 2022

Donald Trump is already making plans for his first day back in office should he win the 2024 ……………….



Wind Turbine Collapses: ‘Leaking Oil Everywhere!’

By Craig Bannister | July 18, 2022

“Wait, these ‘green’ wind turbines use oil???” an astonished Swedish journalist asked, …………………






Der Martin: Und ich bleibe dabei (Ich lieb‘ CO2)



Why Nord Stream II Must Be Opened Immediately

Next winter Germany, and other European countries, will have an energy crisis. This crisis, we are told, is caused by the proxy war between the U.S. and Russia in Europe. They say that Russia has cut us off from its natural gas deliveries.




IMF says Russian gas embargo could heavily impact central Europe

A Russian gas embargo would cause deep recessions in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Italy, the IMF says.




With wavering sanctions, time for EU to see the situation and untie with US

By Global Times




Ukraine Grain Exports – Myths And Reality

A deal between Ukraine and Russia aims to ease the global food crisis.New York Times – Jul 23, 2022

BRUSSELS — Russia and Ukraine signed an agreement in Istanbul on Friday to free more than 20 million metric tons of grain stuck in blockaded Black Sea ports in Ukraine, a deal ………………



Status anxiety and the war in Ukraine

States seek status, and those who have risen to the top feel a need to put anyone who might challenge them firmly in their place. Paul Robinson / July 21, 2022




A short ethnic history of Ukraine…

…courtesy of the U.S. Bureau of the Census. Yasha Levine Jul 20

This is a note from the The Soviet Jew: A Weaponized Immigrant’s Tale.

I was working on something about the muddy and shifting nature of Ukrainian identity …………….



In The Multipolar World Iran Will No Longer Fear U.S. Sanctions

When U.S. president Joe Biden recently held a number of talks in the Middle East Iran was one point on his agenda. The U.S. has made it clear that it does not want to reenter into the ………………



50 Sick Headlines About Vladimir Putin’s Health

Over the last months the British MI-6 disinformation service had fun with strewing rumors over Vladimir Putin’s health, mostly via British tabloids. It used its usual tools – a former MI-………………



Sinking Germany

Marco D’Eramo 19 July 2022Politics

Whoever the victor may be, it’s become increasingly unclear what winning the war in Ukraine ……………



Who Are Our Rulers? Whom Do They Serve?

Filthy, anti-family QChat site promoted by CDC shows we are governed by groomers

Jul 18, 2022




Former Louisiana Police Chief, City Councilmember Plead Guilty in Federal Vote-Buying Case

Martin Walsh July 22, 2022

Two Democrat officials in Louisiana pleaded guilty to criminally violating federal election laws in a vote-buying case.




Das ABC von Energiewende und Grünsprech 105 – „Terrestrial Stilling“

Von Frank Hennig Fr, 22. Juli 2022 Einfluss von Windkraftanlagen aufs Klima

In hoher Zahl werden Wind- und Solaranlagen gebaut. Haltungsgerecht wird in den Medien ………………..



Lee Zeldin attack suspect arrested on federal assault charge

David Jakubonis was arrested Saturday afternoon, US Attorney’s Office announces

By Maria Paronich , Paul Conner | Fox News




Farewell to the United States; Welcome to  New World Order!

By Alireza Hojjati Press TVJuly 23, 2022




Is the WEF Going To Turn Space Into a Penal Colony?

By Southern Catholic Mom July 23, 2022

WEF propaganda videos are always slimy and condescending.

In this latest video the WEF proposes “GEOengineering“. Is that made-up word related to ………………



Russian Oil and Gas

By Patrick Foy July 23, 2022

It’s the second-raters that stir up hell; first-rate people wouldn’t.—Dorothy Parker




Servant of the Corrupt

July 22, 2022




Study: Pfizer Lied, mRNA Shot Can Change Your DNA After All

Posted By: Newsroom via themanews July 22, 2022

The biomedical cartel continues to peddle the narrative that mRNA shots stay local where ……………



Blackstone Prepares A Record $50 Billion To Snap Up Real Estate During The Coming Crash

by Tyler Durden Friday, Jul 22, 2022 –




Pushing the Envelope for Civil Unrest

Marty, It appears the January 6th committee has prevented Stephen K. Bannon from showing his evidence and the right to defend himself including his protection of the executive privilege from the President.




The LEFT is Violating the Foundation of Law

There have been some bad decisions by the Supreme Court, such as Dread Scott and allowing the Japanese imprisonment during WWII. But never in the history of the nation has what is unfolding over abortion ever taken place, which is in itself, a confirmation that our computer ………………




EXCLUSIVE: Self-assembling vaccine clot biostructures harvest conductive metals from your blood – preliminary ICP-MS analysis results released

Friday, July 22, 2022 by: Mike Adams



Former First Lady Melania Trump Breaks Silence on Jan. 6

By Jack Phillips July 21, 2022

Former First Lady Melania Trump said Thursday that she was not aware of the events taking place during the U.S. Capitol breach on Jan. 6, 2021.




WEF Minions wollen Trizonesien aus Holland, Teilen Deutschlands und Belgiens

  1. 07. 2022 https://www.tristatecity.nl

Von JÖRG WOLLSCHLÄGER | Die Hintergründe für die Enteignungen der ………………



Pläneschmieden beim WEF: Nach der Covid-Kontrolle kommt die totale Überwachung per CO2-Tracking

  1. Juni 2022




Leistet Widerstand – ZENSIERTE Fassung für Youtube



The Federal Reserve Now Is between the Proverbial Rock and a Hard Place

07/21/2022 Chris LeRoux

The Federal Reserve has sabotaged the economy since 1913 with its socialistic interventions. ……………….



Did Capitalism Cause the Great Depression?

07/21/2022 Murray N. Rothbard

Lionel Robbins’s The Great Depression (Macmillan, 1934) is one of the great economic works of our time. Its greatness lies not so much in originality of economic thought, as in the …………………



Don’t Let Them Claim Uvalde’s Police Failure Was Just a Local Problem

07/21/2022 Ryan McMaken

One remarkable aspect of the coverage of the Uvalde shooting is how quickly the narrative has gone praising police heroics to exposing the law enforcement agents‘ complete, total, and ……………..



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