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Der Reichtum der Reichen ist nicht die Ursache der Armut der anderen Leute

— Ludwig von Mises

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Deutschland gerät ins Abseits – Energiekrise ordnet Weltwirtschaft neu

So, 31. Juli 2022

Von verheerenden Folgen der Energiekrise warnt ein internes Schreiben des Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammertags: Der Wohlstand steht auf dem Spiel, wir stehen “am ……………………



Die Grünen stellen sich ihr eigenes Gutachten gegen den Weiterbetrieb der Atomkraft aus

Von Marco Gallina So, 31. Juli 2022 Zukunft der Kernenergie

Das Gutachten einer Hamburger Kanzlei soll ein Gutachten des TÜV als „befangen“ und …………..



Verfassungsrichter nutzten vielfach die Flugbereitschaft der Bundeswehr

Sa, 30. Juli 2022

Auch die Richter des Bundesverfassungsgerichts machten großzügigen Gebrauch von der Luftwaffe – häufig ging es von Karlsruhe nach Berlin. Das Gericht begründet dies mit einem niedrigeren Infektionsrisiko in Corona-Zeiten.




Are We in a Recession?

They will never learn. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell apologized for calling …………………



Capital Controls in Europe Have Arrived

Dear Marty,

I was trying to wire money from my bank account in Italy to the one in the UK, just to realise that I can no longer transfer more than 6,000 EUR per month.




Abschiedstournee beginnt in Ungarn

Wasser predigen, Wein trinken: Grüner Heuchler Vettel sagt Verbrenner-Motor Adieu

Am Donnerstag kündigte der vierfache Formel-Weltmeister Sebastian Vettel heute seinen ……………….



Biden Thinks Americans Received $8K Stimulus Checks

There are slips of the tongue, but President Biden cannot speak freely without a teleprompter. Every time he goes off script, he embarrasses his country. The president of the free world has ……………..



„Technik hat sich entwickelt“ – Gesamtmetall-Chef denkt über Bau neuer AKWs nach


Bald wieder in Betrieb? das 2021 abgeschaltete Atomkraftwerk Brokdorf.

Die Forderungen nach einer Laufzeitverlängerung von Atomkraftwerken werden lauter. Gesamtmetall-Präsident Wolf geht sogar einen Schritt weiter. Die Grüne Jugend schließt ………………….



Handwerkspräsident befürchtet Insolvenz-Welle


Materialknappheit, Preissteigerungen, Energiepreiserhöhungen und Inflation: Die Handwerksbranche steht derzeit stark unter Druck. Vor allem kleine und mittlere ………………….



Die größten 100 Querdenker: Friedrich Nietzsche

Von Okko tom Brok.

Von Querdenkern wie Nietzsche könnten wir lernen, die geistigen und moralischen Dogmen der eigenen Gegenwart als Denkblockaden wahrzunehmen. Sie lehren uns den Mut, sich des eigenen Denkens zu bedienen und nicht aus Furcht oder Bequemlichkeit der Masse in den ……………..



Der Letzte sitzt im Dunkeln

Ohne Kursänderung wird uns die Bundesregierung sicher wie die Titanic auf den Eisberg steuern. Bei solchen Aussichten hieß es früher im DDR-Volksmund: „Der Letzte macht das ………………



DeSantis instructs Florida schools not to follow Biden’s ‘gender identity’ rules

July 30, 2022

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and his administration are continuing his fight against the …………………..



The Antidote to Tyranny is Liberty, Not Democracy or International Government

by J.B. Shurk July 31, 2022 When presidents and prime ministers make and enforce their own laws under the pretext of „emergency powers,“ then citizens should not be surprised when ………………..



What Presidents Say Does Not Matter. It Is The Execution Of Policies That Counts

Yesterday, on July 28/29 2022 three independent entities stated the obvious fact that the president of the United States is just a front puppet who has no power to fulfill the promises he makes during various interactions with foreign leaders. The dangers evolving from this ……………….



Uncensored: Martin Armstrong – Hell in 2023, Recession, Civil Unrest but Schwab Will Fail!

World-renowned Economist Martin Armstrong joins Maria Zeee to discuss what he describes as “Hell” in 2023, the recession we are already in, the rise of civil unrest, and more – but he says Schwab WILL fail!



January 6th – a Fair Investigation



San Francisco declared public emergency over monkeypox

July 29, 2022

As the number of instances of the viral illness continues to climb in the United States, the City ………………..



Folge 44 – Krimsekt zum Systemwechsel

Nacktes Niveau – Die Journalisten Sarah Kaßner (Epoch Times) und Flavio von Witzleben (Rubikon) sprechen mit Milena Preradovic (t.me/punktpreradovic) und Paul Brandenburg ………………



The EU’s Shameful Total Appeasement of Iran’s Mullahs

by Majid Rafizadeh July 30, 2022 In 2015, the European powers — France, Germany and the United Kingdom — changed their Iran policy from imposing pressure to adopting diplomacy. The diplomatic route included lifting oil and gas sanctions on Iran as well as removing some ………………



Was World War II the „Necessary War“?

07/29/2022 David Gordon

Robert Kagan is one of the most vigorous supporters of an “ideological” American foreign policy. America, in his view, should extend the blessings of liberal democracy worldwide, and ……………..



“Teuflischer Plan” ging auf: Cum-Ex-Steuerbetrug könnte Scholz doch noch einholen

Nach einem seit Jahren anhaltenden Verwirrspiel mit angeblichen Gedächtnislücken und dem Abstreiten jeder persönlichen Verantwortung, könnte Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz seine ……………….



IS-Terror in Tirol: Türkin überfährt Cobra-Mann

Anschlag vereitelt – Horror-Tat in Tirol: Im beschaulichen 1.300-Seelen-Bergdorf Sellrain fuhr eine türkischstämmige Frau am heutigen Samstag einen Polizisten der Elite-Einheit “Cobra” nieder. Auslöser dafür war wohl ein Zugriff, der sich gegen ihren Sohn richtete. ………………



The Best Week of the Year Has Never Been More Important


The world today is in crisis. Military aggression in Ukraine has escalated into global economic war, with nations forced to choose between following the lead of an increasingly ………………..



GDP Shrinks Again as Biden Quibbles over the Definition of „Recession“

07/28/2022 Ryan McMaken

The U.S. economy contracted for the second straight quarter during the second quarter this year, the Bureau of Economic Analysis reported Thursday. With that, economic growth has hit a widely accepted benchmark for defining an economy as being in recession: two ………………….



Warum die FAZ die NZZ als „rechts“ diffamiert

25.5.22 FRANKFURT AM MAIN. Die Frankfurter Allgemeine hat der Neuen Zürcher Zeitung einen „Rechtsruck“ unterstellt, für den deren Chefredakteur Eric Gujer verantwortlich ………………



Difficult Times Ahead – How to Break Free From the System

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com July 30, 2022

In the video above, I’m interviewed by Maria Zeee of “The Shift.” As some of you know, I went through conventional medical training and started out as an allopathic osteopath, ………………..



Too Secret? The Secret Service’s Long, Troubling History of Omerta

Before the text messages’ convenient disappearance, the agency also trashed records related to the JFK assassination. Russ, 28.7.22




Interview: The World According to Martin Armstrong

By Kerry Lutz:

“We’re seeing oil price shocks, commodity booms and busts, and various factors that are threatening to de-throne the US dollar. Why is this happening, and what does this mean for ……………



Shakira: Prosecutor seeks eight-year sentence for star over tax evasion

By Elsa Maishman BBC News

Spanish prosecutors are seeking eight years in prison and a €24m (£20m) fine for Shakira ………………..



Cometh the Horsemen: Pandemic, Famine, War | Michael Yon and Dr Jordan B Peterson



Trump Warns Something Worse Than Recession Is Coming

By Tom Ozimek July 29, 2022

Former President Donald Trump has warned that America’s economy is on track for a bigger disaster than a recession, with his remarks coming shortly before government statistics ……………..



Pandora Papers Reveal Offshore Holdings of Ukrainian President and his Inner Circle

James O’Brien/OCCRP , by Elena Loginova (OCCRP/Slidstvo.Info) 3 October 2021

Also published by our partner Slidstvo.Info (Ukraine, in Ukrainian).




Is the Federal Reserve at the End of Its Rope?

July 28, 2022 by Michael Maharrey

The Federal Reserve delivered another 75 basis point interest rate hike at its July FOMC meeting. This pushes the federal funds rate over the 2% threshold to between 2.25% and 2.5%.




Ships Sit Afar: Disrupting The Enemy’s Supply Chain Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

Posted By: Greg Miller via Freight Waves July 29, 2022

The nation’s critical supply chain consists of ships, trucks, rail and air, all of which are ……………….



Climate Madness: Destroying The Enemy’s Food Supply Is An Age-Old Military Tactic

Posted By: Dale Hurd via CBN News July 29, 2022

Farmers have been declared to be the scapegoats of the mass formation of global warming ………………..



WHO verlangt globale Zensur gegen unerwünschte Informationen über Affenpocken

  1. Juli 2022 von Dr. Peter F. Mayer

Die nächste Pandemie sollen offenbar die Affenpocken werden. Zumindest wurde es so geplant in einem in einem Strategiepapier, das von Stiftungen der US-Oligarchen und der …………….



The Government Runs the Ultimate Racket

07/28/2022 Gary Galles

„Seniors hurt in Ponzi scam“ headlined the story of elderly Southern Californians bilked in a pyramid scheme. While sad, the story reminded me of Social Security, since it is also a Ponzi scheme involving those older, with high payoffs to early recipients coming from pockets of ………….



The Fed Is Making It Up as It Goes, So It Ditched Forward Guidance

07/27/2022 Ryan McMaken

The Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee announced Wednesday it is raising its …………..



Argentina’s Economy Collapses

Argentina’s economy has collapsed.




If you want to fix the economy, separate the money from the state

The Federal Reserve and politicians shouldn’t have control over the economy, Jordan Schachtel, 28.7.22




Quick Hitter: UCLA and the War

By Jon Rappoport Jon Rappoport’s blog July 30, 2022

During the last few years of the Vietnam War, I lived near the UCLA campus in Westwood. ……………



Attorney Exposes the Weaponization of the Justice System To Serve the Political Agenda of the Left

July 30, 2022



How Much Did the FBI Spend to Entrap Citizens in the Whitmer Plot

July 30, 2022



How Our East-Germany-like Widespread Shortages can be Fixed

Walter Block, 29.7.22

All sorts of shortages are now popping up in our economy.




‘Greenhouse Gas Effect Does Not Exist,’ a Swiss Physicist Challenges Global Warming Climate Orthodoxy

An article by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

By: AdminClimate DepotJuly 26, 2022 2:49 PM with 0 comments



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