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Der Sozialstaat ist der älteste Trickbetrug der Welt. Zuerst nimmst du den Menschen still und heimlich Geld weg und dann gibst du ihnen einen Teil davon mit großem Getöse wieder zurück.

— Thomas Sowell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Lauterbach, der Narkoleptiker spricht immer zuerst; Satire



National Bank of Romania Hires Fortune Teller

The National Bank of Romania (BNR) is turning to ancient rituals to predict future economic movements. Gabriela Dima, 64, often referred to as Minerva, holds two majors in psychology ………………..



South Korea Offers Olive Branch to the North

Russia recently claimed that it had been a close friend of North Korea since World War II, when Japanese forces were expelled from the peninsula. In a celebratory speech, South ……………………..



The Human Action Podcast

08/12/2022 Jeff Deist Robert P. Murphy

The IRS plans to hire 87,000 new armed agents, while an FBI raid on Trump–the administration’s open political rival–draws allegations of corruption. Economists and political scientists, from Mises to Robert Higgs to James Burnham to public choice scholars, explain why mission creep and abuse by state agencies is the rule rather than the exception.



Kommt nun die Cum-Scholz-Affäre?

Am Freitag muss Olaf Scholz erneut vor dem Cum-Ex-Untersuchungsausschuss in Hamburg aussagen. Vorher sagt er nichts, aber das tut er in bemerkenswerter Weise. Wie eng kann es für ihn werden?





Crop failures now at CRISIS LEVELS worldwide as the United Nations declares war on FERTILIZER

Tuesday, August 16, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) The following statement is a fact, not hyperbole: Globalists are currently carrying out a planetary-scale genocide agenda against humanity and all life on Earth as we ……………………..



‚Those Who Pursue Self-interest through Politics‘

by Lawrence Kadish August 16, 2022

„Government is itself an art,“ wrote the late US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, „one of the subtlest of the arts. It is neither business, nor technology, nor applied science. It is the …………………….



Department of Justice Acknowledges FBI Agents Seized Passports From Trump: Email

By Zachary Stieber and Frank Fang August 16, 2022

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is admitting that FBI agents took passports from former ………………………



Inflation Makes People Poorer (And It’s the Government’s Fault)

08/15/2022 André Marques

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) in the US was 9.1 percent in June. Taking into account that the government lies about inflation, it is better to consider Shadow Government Statistics’ ………………………



Is Economic Growth Synonymous with Ecological Destruction? The NYT Gets It Wrong (Again)

08/13/2022 Frank Shostak

According to the New York Times (NYT) article July 17, 2022, “The pioneering economist says our obsession with growth must end,” a major threat to our living standard is the ……………………….



Uniper schreibt Verluste in Milliardenhöhe


Als größter deutscher Gasimporteur spielt Uniper in der Energiekrise eine zentrale Rolle. Um trotz der reduzierten Lieferungen aus Russland laufende Verträge zu erfüllen, ist der Konzern ………………………



„Unfassbarer Vorgang“ – Scholz‘ Schweigen zu Holocaustvorwurf löst heftige Kritik aus


Bei einer Pressekonferenz in Berlin wirft Palästinenserpräsident Abbas Israel vielfachen „Holocaust“ vor. Kanzler Scholz schweigt zunächst – und ruft damit Empörung hervor. Das …………………….



United Nations Penalizes Criticisms Against Technocrat Takeover

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola August 16, 2022

“There’s clear coordination, globally, of censorship. With few exceptions, countries have ……………………



Die Saudis rollen China den roten Teppich aus

Von Marco Gallina Mi, 17. August 2022

Die USA treten im Juli als Bittsteller auf, China wird in Riad als Partner erwartet. Es ist ein Zeichen für den bröckelnden Einfluss der zur Großmacht absteigenden Supermacht – ………………….



Der Meldemob

Es gibt ein grundlegendes Problem bei den sogenannten „sozialen“ Medien. Dort werden Einträge gelöscht, wenn sie von vielen Menschen gemeldet werden. Diese Methode hat einen großen Fehler: Sie stärkt den Mob und schwächt das Individuum.




IRS Agents Training to Raid Homes

The Internal Revenue Service 2021 report contains a bit more information about who the IRS aims to target – you. These special IRS Criminal Investigation agents are armed and ready to prevent a penny from leaving the government’s control. After only six months of training, …………………….



Who Is Most Responsible for the Ongoing War in Ukraine?

08/12/2022 Edward W. Fuller

John Mearsheimer recently gave an important lecture on the Ukrainian war. He warns that “the United States is now effectively at war with Russia.” Mearsheimer argues, “The United ……………………



Patents and Progress

08/12/2022 David Gordon

Murray Rothbard rejected patents, and other writers, following and extending his views, have developed a wide array of arguments against patents in particular and intellectual property ………………….



Supersized IRS Will Shrink Liberty

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute August 16, 2022

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin recently claimed the 15 percent corporate minimum tax contained in the Inflation Reduction Act, which should be called the Inflation Creation Act, is ………………….



Alexander Bidenton’s Standing IRS Army

By Thomas DiLorenzo August 16, 2022

The Biden administration’s “Inflation Reduction Act” will increase inflation with hundreds of billions in additional government spending and money creation by the Fed while making ……………………



How Western Civilization Was Erased

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org August 16, 2022

When I was a student, school principles and university administrations were very supportive of teachers.  It was understood that once teachers could be accused by students, learning …………………



Trump declassified a trove of Russiagate investigation documents on Jan. 19, 2021, the day before he left office—and the Justice Department is still hiding them

By Robert Romano

On Jan. 19, 2021, the day before he left office, former President Donald Trump declassified a …………………….



One year later: How the Biden Admin, Big Tech, and Pfizer fooled Americans into taking „FDA approved“ COVID vaccines that never actually existed

Comirnaty is a ghost shot. Jordan Schachtel, 15.8.22

It has been almost one year since the FDA gave full approval to Pfizer’s mRNA COVID injection. Yet many will be surprised to find out that this particular vaccine, in FDA approved ……………………



Nancy Pelosi’s Son Is Second Largest Investor In Chinese Tech Company Whose Senior Executive Was Arrested In Fraud Investigation

August 15, 2022




American Massacre. Steve Kirsch Claims „Hundreds of Thousands“ of mRNA-Vaccine-related Deaths, „Millions“ of Injuries. Is He Right?

I am inclined to say „Yes.“ Here is why. Dr. Naomi Wolf, 15.8.22

On August 10, 2022, the Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, and the now-Executive Director of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF), appeared on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson ……………….



Yes, Precolonial Africa Had Technology and Economic Life before Colonialism

08/12/2022 Lipton Matthews

Despite the blooming of literature on preindustrial African technology, the centrality of invention in precolonial Africa remains an obscure topic. Updated research has shown that …………………..



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