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The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants.

— Albert Camus

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Dieser Kanzler ist nicht mehr glaubwürdig

Ein Kommentar von Thomas Schmoll 19.08.2022,

Der kleinste Anschein von Kungelei zwischen einer Bank und Politikern schadet der Demokratie. Olaf Scholz nimmt das in Kauf, ist von Fragen nach Cum-Ex genervt und ……………………



Military Incompetence



Angesichts des verbrecherischen Impf-Experiments
Aktueller denn je: Großkundgebung erinnert an 75 Jahre Nürnberger Kodex




Schweiz wappnet sich für Plünderungen beim Blackout

Bei einem Strom-Blackout geht nichts mehr: weder die Bancomaten noch die Bezahl- und Sicherheitssysteme in den Läden.

Bund und Kantone stellen sich angesichts der Energiekrise auf extreme Szenarien ein. Möglich sind bei einem Blackout etwa soziale Unruhen.20.08.2022




Unvaccinated Mothers Forced to Pay Back Maternity Leave in BC

Mothers (also known as “birthing people” to the woke) in BC are no longer entitled to maternity leave unless they cave and take the vaccine. This is the very vaccine that has ……………………..



American Schools are Liberal Brainwashing Centers

American schools are predominately liberal. I mentioned how the largest teachers’ unions in the country routinely donate millions of dollars to Democrats. They may not have money for ………………………



Millions of iPhone Users Warned by Federal Agency to Change Settings Immediately

US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency says users, admins should update software as soon as possible, By Jack Phillips August 19, 2022




Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump

The general view is that Trump has turned the Republican Party into his Party – Trumpism. You seem to support Trump. Would would respectfully explain why? DH




„The Telegraph“ berichtet: Mehr Menschen könnten durch Maßnahmen versterben als am Virus

Von Matthias Nikolaidis So, 21. August 2022

Neue Lockdown- und Isolierungsmaßnahmen, die nicht nur in Deutschland für den Winter diskutiert werden oder schon eingeplant sind, könnten mehr Menschen das Leben kosten als ………………….



Brennt wirklich mehr Wald als früher?

Es ist Sommer. Es ist immer wieder heiß. Es ist trocken. Und der Wald brennt. Alles klar: Wir bekommen die Folgen des Klimawandels zu spüren.




Bleibt die Atomkraft, droht den Grünen die Kernschmelze

Von Frank Hennig Sa, 20. August 2022

Den Realitäten einer sich gewandelten Welt lässt sich mit reaktionärer Achtziger-Jahre-Ideologie nicht mehr begegnen. Die bei den Grünen über Jahrzehnte angesammelte ………………………



Die Grünen für Streckbetrieb, weil Weiterbetrieb die ideologische Pleite eingestehen würde

Von Frank Hennig So, 21. August 2022

Die Angst vor dem Winter ist so groß, dass man ganz vorsichtig grünes Klientel darauf vorbereitet, vielleicht eventuell möglicherweise einen Streckbetrieb der drei noch laufenden ……………………



Übergewinn, für wen?

Die Energiewende ist komplett gescheitert. Schluss damit. Bis dahin müssen die „Übergewinne“ der Wind- und Sonnenbarone vollständig eingezogen und zur Senkung der Endverbraucherpreise eingesetzt werden. Sie dürfen keinen Cent mehr als die vereinbarten ………………………



Will the US Dollar Weaken against Other Currencies?

08/19/2022 Frank Shostak

In the July 26 Financial Times article entitled “Is the Dollar about to Take a Turn?,” Barry Eichengreen writes that the US dollar has had a spectacular run, having risen more than 10 …………………….



Biden Admin’s Appeasement of Iran Mullahs Risking American Lives

by Majid Rafizadeh August 20, 2022 Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was reportedly the second target of the Iranian regime. The IRGC member reportedly offered $1 million for his murder.




The Great Million Man Swim

By Eric S. Margolis August 20, 2022

They used to call it `the million-man swim.’  That was the US Navy’s sneering dismissal of any Chinese attempt to seize the island of Taiwan by a massive amphibious invasion.




TRUMP May Release Surveillance Footage of the FBI Raid

Newsmax TV August 20, 2022




USA has 3rd highest murder rate in the world, unless you subtract the five biggest Democrat-run metropolitan cities, and then we’re 189th out of 1930

Friday, August 19, 2022 by: S.D. Wells
Tags: antifa, BLM, canceldemocrats, Democrat cities, democrat violence, Liberty, Libtards,

(Natural News) Democrat politicians celebrate crime, abortion, racial divides and riots in ……………………



Zaporizhzhia: The new Chernobyl

By Scott Ritter August 20, 2022




Apple security flaw threatens ‚everything we hold dear‘:

BILLIONS across globe scramble to update iPhones and Macs as tech giant reveals cyber crooks can take control of devices and access bank accounts, photos and more




Mike Pompeo & CIA Sued for Spying on Americans Who Visited Julian Assange in Embassy in U.K.



Who Is Behind the Trusted News Initiative?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com August 20, 2022

What is the Trusted News Initiative (TNI)? As you may have discovered, Orwellian doublespeak is rampant these days, and many organizations are named in complete opposition …………………..



Biden Admin officials scramble to escape blame for unlawful Pentagon order mandating mRNA for troops

Former Pentagon official Terry Adirim says she was directed by the Secretary of Defense to justify the mandate. Jordan Schachtel, Aug 19 2022




Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries: Still a Work in Progress

08/18/2022 Lipton Matthews

Entrepreneurial advocacy has surged in recent years. Quite frequently, policy makers pen articles elaborating the case for entrepreneurial activities. Rightly, the entrepreneur is ……………………..



Should Libertarians Get behind States Waging „Humanitarian“ Wars?

08/19/2022 David Gordon

In his valuable article “War and Humanitarian Intervention,” in The Routledge Companion to Libertarianism (pp. 441–56), Fernando R. Tesón raises some interesting criticisms of Murray ……………….



14 FBI Whistleblowers Have Come Forward: Rep. Jordan

By Jack Phillips August 15, 2022

Fourteen FBI whistleblowers have come forward to provide information to Republican congressional investigations, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said on Aug. 14, about a week after ……………………



Quality Of Ukraine Reporting Continues To Deteriorate

The news about the war in Ukraine is getting so fake that even an amateur can debunk it no time.




Dr. Blockchain



Interview: An Introspective Look At The Collapsing Republic & Push For Global Totalitarianism

“Massive civil unrest in the US starting in 2023, Word War 3 on the horizon, inflation to only get progressively worse, and the elites going all out to push their Great Reset on humanity. ……………….



The Globalist WAR on the Elements of Life – watch the bombshell new mini-documentary HERE

Friday, August 19, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) We’ve just released a bombshell new mini-documentary that reveals the ……………………..



Is College Worth It?

Jeff Deist, 19.8.22

Should young people go to college? Should parents, grandparents, and teachers urge them to go to college? These are now open questions.




How the Public Lost Trust in the Federal Reserve (Which Should Never Have Been Trusted in the First Place)

08/17/2022 Matthew Pan

In a presentation last month, St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank president James Bullard remarked, “The current U.S. macroeconomic situation is straining the Fed’s credibility with ……………………



A Tale of Two Liberties

08/18/2022 Oliver Adamson

The twenty-gun HMS Buffalo departed Quebec on September 28, 1839, bound for Australia. Commanded by James Wood, the transport carried 150 crewmembers and 140 exiled ………………………



New Document Confirms FBI Authored Request for Trump Search Warrant

By Zachary Stieber August 18, 2022

A document made public on Aug. 18 for the first time shows that an FBI agent authored the ………………….



Creepy AI asked to predict what a ‘metaverse future’ looks like and it’s not good news for Mark Zuckerberg

CLOSE YOUR EYES  Charlotte Edwards, Assistant Technology and Science Reporter Aug 18 2022




Trusted News Initiative: Orwellian Global Ministry of Truth

Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola August 19, 2022

To Orwell’s litany of doublethink, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”, we must add “Lies are true.” The Trusted News Initiative is the master global propaganda ………………………



Lindner nennt Kubickis Vorschlag abwegig


Kubickis Ruf nach Öffnung von Nord Stream 2 kommt gar nicht gut an – weder in Deutschland noch in der Ukraine.

Um die Chance auf mehr russisches Gas zu erhöhen, will FDP-Vize Kubicki Nord Stream 2 …………………….



Reichelt: So will der Verfassungsschutz bald normale Bürger überwachen, die Politiker kritisieren !!



Mises über den Faschismus – schon wieder …

  1. August 2022 – von Jeffrey A. Tucker

In einem Artikel, der Ende Juli 2022 in einem deutschen Online-Medium erschien, behauptete ein nicht unbekannter amerikanischer „Intellektueller“ und Antikapitalist, dass Ludwig von ……………………



Faucis dunkle Geschichte | Interview mit Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

13.08.2022 | www.kla.tv/23337

Blicken wir über den Zaun in die USA, so wird nachfolgendes Interview mit dem bekannten Vorsitzenden und leitenden Rechtsbeistand von Children`s Health Defense, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., schockierende Wahrheiten ans Tageslicht bringen. In einer Folge von „Conversations That Matter“ ……………………..



The left is making it impossible for Trump to find a lawyer

By Andrea Widburg

Leftists seem pleased that no lawyers will represent Trump. This is a terrible thing that, as much as anything else, represents the downfall of America under the left’s aegis. The aggressive leftist purge of conservative or just brave attorneys is destroying one of America’s ……………………



The Military Entitlement Complex

By Doug Hague August 19, 2022

Since the founding of our nation the American Soldier has valiantly stood on the battlefield facing evil to protect and defend the American way of life. He is willing to sacrifice everything, even lay down his life for this great nation. In the meantime, hard working ……………………



Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act ‘Secretly’ Brought To You By Bill Gates

By Tyler Durden Zero Hedge August 19, 2022

The Democrats’ “Inflation Reduction Act” – which according to the Congressional Budget …………………..



A Eurasian Jigsaw: BRI and INSTC Interconnectivity Will Complete the Puzzle

Shrugging off western obstacles, Eurasia’s ambitious connectivity projects helmed by China and Russia are now progressing deep into Asia’s Heartland By Pepe Escobar  The Cradle August 19, 2022

SAMARKAND – Interconnecting Inner Eurasia is an exercise in Taoist equilibrium: adding ……………………..



Weaponizing the Bureaucracy: Who Will Protect US from the Government’s Standing Army?

By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute August 19, 2022

“A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty.”—James Madison




Geopolitics: The World Is Splitting Into Two

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney August 19, 2022

While we are being distracted by Ukraine, President Putin has advanced his geopolitical goals materially. Aided and abetted by President Xi, Putin is taking the Asian continent into his control. That mission is well on its way to being achieved. He now awaits the winter months …………….



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