Wie Deutschland sich selbst und vielleicht auch die Welt retten kann, indem es vier gescheiterte Politiken beendet
- August 2022 – Patrick Barron
Was folgt, ist ein Appell an Deutschland: Der Krieg ist vorbei, und das schon seit einem …………………….
The coming Civil War
There has been and is increasing talk in all media of a coming ‘civil war’. Your article ‘Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump’ well explains the intentional polarization of the public and clearly states this will only end very badly.
Degussa-Chef Markus Krall: Provokateur mit Kalkül
Der neue Chef des größten bankenunabhängigen Edelmetallhändlers eckt mit drastischen Äußerungen in der Branche an – und er muss interne Abgänge verkraften. Jakob Blume 16.01.2020
The Biden Administration Urges Struggling Families to Buy Solar Panels
Similar to Pete Buttigieg’s braindead suggestion to simply buy an electric vehicle to combat energy inflation, the White House is now offering another solution for Americans crippled by …………………….
Lockdowns 20X Deadlier Than COVID
The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health published a study that found the lockdowns were deadly. In fact, the lockdowns were 20 times more deadly than COVID. The lockdowns were a mass human experiment. There was no evidence that ……………………..
The mass culling of the HUMAN HERD is now under way… here’s exactly how it’s being accomplished to achieve mass extermination
Monday, August 22, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Globalists see humanity as cattle (or sheeple) to be exploited for as long as ……………………
Fauci Announces He’s Stepping Down as NIAID Director, Medical Adviser to Biden
By Zachary Stieber August 22, 2022
Dr. Anthony Fauci is stepping down from three government positions that he currently holds, he announced on Aug. 22.
NATURE journal reveals how graphene can be used to assemble radio frequency electronics in biological systems
Sunday, August 21, 2022 by: Ethan Huff
Star American Professor Masterminded a Surveillance Machine for Chinese Big Tech
A Maryland professor created software that can read people’s personalities and “predict their behavior” for tech giant Alibaba, documents obtained by The Daily Beast show. Yuichiro Kakutani Aug. 22, 2022
China’s Endless COVID Hysteria Is A Dark Experiment In Social Conditioning
by Tyler Durden Saturday, Aug 20, 2022 –
There are many people that will say that Americans “rolled over” in the face of covid restrictions and vaccine pressures despite extensive evidence that neither of these things had ……………………….
Anti-AKW-Bewegung: #ichhabemitgemacht
Der Blackout, auf den Deutschland zusteuert, hat eine lange Vorgeschichte. Sie beginnt mit der Vorstellung von Hippies und nicht wenigen Normalbürgern, der Strom komme aus der Steckdose. Dieser fromme Wunsch befeuerte den jahrzehntelangen Kampf gegen …………………….
Vorsicht – explodierende Windkraft voraus!
Naturwissenschaftliche Zusammenhänge sind dem Laien oft nur mit anschaulichen Vergleichen nahezubringen. Das gilt auch für das Thema Windkraft. Das kann danebengehen, etwa wenn man Atombomben zum Vergleich heranzieht. Andererseits ist es eine Gelegenheit, ………………….
Friederike von Kirchbach will sich selbst entlasten
Von Konrad Adam.
Was über die Raubzüge der ehemaligen RBB-Intendantin und ihrer Entourage bekannt wird, beschäftigt wie sonst nichts die Phantasie des Publikums; zu Recht. Hat aber auch die Aufmerksamkeit von anderen Personen und anderen Missständen abgezogen, und das zu ……………………..
Warum der Wohnungsbaumarkt einbricht
Di, 23. August 2022
Weniger Baugenehmigungen, steigende Kosten, höhere Zinsen. Offenbar lässt dies die Nachfrage nach neuen Bauprojekten nahezu durchgängig einbrechen. Doch die rasant ansteigenden Preise beim Wohnungsbau sind nicht erst seit dem Ukraine-Krieg zu ………………………
Habeck sorgt sich um grüne Dogmen mehr als um die Energieversorgung
Von Ferdinand Knauss Mo, 22. August 2022
Kanzler Scholz und Wirtschaftsminister Habeck sind in Kanada auf der Suche nach einer „Energiepartnerschaft“. Doch vor der Abreise hat Habeck noch in der Atom-Debatte gezeigt, was ihm viel wichtiger als die Energieversorgung ist.
Modern Information Control: State Intervention and Mistakes to Avoid
08/20/2022 Kelly Offield
History: Regulation of Communications
A hundred years of the public interest standard has been applied to radio and television, with the explicit goal of protecting free speech. The very opposite was the case, as John Samples and Paul Matzko have clearly shown.
Money Is Not Wealth, Nor Is Wealth Natural Resources
08/19/2022 Manuel Tacanho
The misconception that money and natural resources are wealth is rampant among intellectuals and other educated individuals, and even economists. Prevailing monetary and ……………………..
Money: What Is It? The More Important Question: Why Is It?
05/10/2022Manuel Tacanho
Money is not the root of evil as many people mistakenly think. Corrupted money (i.e., fiat money and currency debasement), however, is the root of many economic, social and cultural ……………………
Dave Smith on the End of Political Pretense
08/19/2022Jeff DeistRobert P. MurphyDave Smith
Comic Dave Smith joins Jeff and Bob for a compelling look at the poisonous political landscape in post-goodwill America.
The Lynching of an American Hero
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. August 22, 2022
Earlier this month, a jury issued a $49 million judgment against the heroic Alex Jones for defamation. This is a chilling blow to free speech in our country. As John Frahm puts it, “This …………………..
Dienstwagenbesteuerung soll Neun-Euro-Ticket retten
Verbände und Politik diskutieren über Nachfolgelösungen für das 9-Euro-Ticket. Strittig ist vor allem, wer zahlt. Dabei rücken mögliche Zusatzeinnahmen aus einer Reform der Dienstwagenbesteuerung in den Blick. 13.08.2022,
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany
By Mike Whitney The Unz Review August 22, 2022
“The primordial interest of the United States, over which for centuries we have fought wars– the First, the Second and Cold Wars– has been the relationship between Germany and Russia, ……………………
How to Survive A Famine. Economic collapse can lead to a breakdown of society and mass food shortages
Milan Adams Uncategorized August 19, 2022
Economic collapse can lead to a breakdown of society and mass food shortages. Severe drought or weather, natural disasters, or a man-made catastrophe like an EMP can also bring ……………..
All Roads Lead To: ‘Ron Paul Was Right`’
By Allan Stevo August 22, 2022
On this day — August 20 — in 1935, a boychild was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to a German family that owned and operated one of the local dairies. That boy would come to ………………………
Russia Moving Away From ‘Toxic’ Dollar, Euro, and SWIFT
Press TV August 22, 2022
Russia says it will move away from the dollar, euro and SWIFT in commercial, economic, and investment relations with partners, as these currencies have become “toxic,” Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Pankin has said.
Nolte: Majority of Americans Now See FBI as ‘Joe Biden’s Personal Gestapo’
A majority of 53 percent of Americans now see the FBI for what it really is: Joe Biden’s personal Gestapo.
Ukraine – Dugina Killer Identified – War Of Attrition Continues
It seems that Russian authorities have found the killer of Darya Dugina.
The killer, one Natalya Vovk, is associated with the Azov Nazis of Ukraine. So is her brother. ………………..
The Only Thing Keeping US and China From War Is Running Dangerously Thin
Washington’s ambiguous Taiwan policies are edging towards conflict, but Beijing wants to exhaust peaceful options first
By Scott Ritter RT News August 22, 2022
National Divorce: It‘s Time
By Tom Woods August 22, 2022
It’s difficult to know exactly when it happened, but not long ago many Americans suddenly looked around and discovered that they inhabited completely different moral universes from ………………….
Wer hat’s erfunden? — Die Geschichte des Investmentfonds
Heutzutage erfreuen sich Investmentfonds dank Risikostreuung, Anlegerschutz und professionellem Fondsmanagement großer Beliebtheit. Aber wer kam eigentlich auf die Idee, Anleger und Sparer durch ein kleines Investment in einen Fonds am großen Marktgeschehen teilhaben zu lassen? Um die komplette Geschichte des Investmentfonds zu verstehen, muss ……………………