Diese Szene aus „Die Anstalt“ wurde nach Ausstrahlung am 29.04.2014 zensiert..
Bevormundung durch die Regierung: „Die Ampel spaltet das Volk“ | Jan Schäfer bei Viertel nach Acht
Two Charged for Revealing Ashley Biden’s Diary
People are worried that they will be harassed by the law if they view the disturbing contents of Hunter’s laptop. Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley, also had a secret that the establishment wanted to hide from the public. The individuals who released Ashley’s diary recently pleaded ……………………..
Unusual Toxic Components Found in COVID Vaccines, ‘Without Exception’: German Scientists
By Enrico Trigoso August 22, 2022
A group of independent German scientists found toxic components—mostly metallic—in all ……………………..
Ukrainische Wirtschaft vor Kollaps – vier Maßnahmen sollen sie retten
Katharina Müller, 13.8.22
Die Ukraine wird diesen Krieg verlieren, wenn sie ihre wirtschaftliche Lage nicht verbessern kann, warnen Forschende. Daher schlagen sie zahlreiche Reformen vor, die den ………………………
Übersterblichkeit und Impfkampagne in Deutschland
Von Andreas Zimmermann.
Eine Mitte August veröffentlichte Studie ist die bisher methodisch beste zum Thema allgemeine Sterblichkeit während der „Pandemie“. Der Inhalt ist absolut beunruhigend.
Ein irrlichtender Minister erteilt sich großzügig selbst Absolution
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Fr, 26. August 2022 Habeck fliegt die Habeck-Umlage um die Ohren
Nicht alle Unternehmen, die Anspruch auf die Gasumlage erheben, befinden sich in …………………….
Die herrschende Ökobourgeoisie beutet die untere Mittelschicht aus
Von Klaus-Jürgen Gadamer Mo, 29. August 2022
Die grüne Inflation gesellt sich zu der Corona-Inflation, der Inflation, die aufgrund des Russland-Boykotts hervorgerufen wurde, und der Mutter der Inflation, die von der EZB durch …………………….
Grundgesetz: Wer hat noch nicht, wer kriegt noch mal?
So, 28. August 2022
In Zeiten wie diesen unterliegen auch Grundrechte großem Verschleiß. Je mehr von bestimmten Gruppierungen darauf sozusagen ‚herumgeritten‘ wird, desto eher nutzen sie sich ab. Daher hat Marco Buschmann eine Methode ersonnen, wie man Grundrechte nur noch im ………………..
Die zehn größten Lebenslügen der Grünen
Von Mario Thurnes So, 28. August 2022
Die Grünen haben die besten politischen Ideen. Zumindest bis sie umgesetzt werden. Ganz besonders, wenn das die Grünen selbst übernehmen. Dann entpuppen sich diese Ideen schnell ………………….
Winnetou oder die stille Wiederkehr der DDR
Karl Mays Winnetou ist mal wieder ein Politikum. Zensiert wurde er zuletzt in der DDR. Im Westen war das bislang unvorstellbar – das ist jetzt vorbei. Eine Erinnerung.
Zuckerberg Admits FBI Manipulated the Election
Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook aided the FBI in manipulating the 2020 Presidential Election. This is huge news that proves the FBI had direct involvement in helping Joe Biden ………………..
Ukrainians Forbidden From Accepting Russian Aid
Ukrainians are not permitted to accept any humanitarian relief from Russian agencies. Civilians in a war zone could face life imprisonment for accepting relief, including food. ………………..
Europe’s Twilight: Christianity Declines, Islam Rises
by Giulio Meotti August 28, 2022 Comparing only the weekly frequency of Friday prayers in the mosque and Sunday Mass in the church, the future is clear: 65% of practicing Catholics [in France] are over 50 years old. By contrast, 73% of practicing Muslims are under the age of ……………….
Wie ein Schweizer Start-up die Fussballwelt revolutionieren will
Die neue Plattform MeCarreira will mittels Blockchain-Technologie den Fussball umkrempeln. Jeder Spieler soll seine eigene Kryptowährung lancieren können. Doch wie ……………………….
EU: Controlled Demolition
As I read through the multitude of daily news articles about Russia, Ukraine, NATO and EU, it’s getting ever harder to escape the idea that there is a controlled demolition of the continent happening. And that neither its “leaders”, and certainly not its people, have any say in this. ……………………
CDC Flip-Flop Creates Plausible Deniability For Crimes Against Humanity
Posted By: Dr. Joseph Mercola August 26, 2022
The CDC has vindicated “misinformation spreaders” by the wholesale reversing of society-killing policies that plagued us since early 2020. The pivot provides plausible deniability of ………………….
Review: How the West Brought War to Ukraine
08/26/2022 David Gordon
The Ukraine war has generated great controversy, but of one point there can be no doubt, and Benjamin Abelow, a physician with a longstanding interest in public affairs, has properly emphasized this in his brief and excellent book. The policy of the United States toward the …………………
Ukraine-Krieg führt zu drei Großpleiten – wie es mit den Insolvenzen weitergeht
FOCUS-online-Autor Christoph Sackmann Freitag, 26.08.2022,
Im zweiten Quartal gingen in Deutschland nur 19 Großunternehmen mit einem Umsatz von mehr als 20 Millionen Euro in die Insolvenz. Das sind nur etwas mehr als halb so viele wie im ……………………….
Taking Stock of the Assets We Have (and We Have a Lot of Them)
08/27/2022 George Ford Smith
No one knows what the future will bring because the future doesn’t bring anything. People do. You and I and the rest of the world make the future, some more so than others—some a lot ………………….
Why the Mirage of Lowflation Era Is Coming to an End
By David Stockman International Man August 27, 2022
To paraphrase Milton Friedman, everywhere and always deflationary commodity outages and …………………..
Taxes and Death
By Ira Katz August 27, 2022
Everybody knows the old idiom about death and taxes being always with us but it could not be more true than today. I put taxes before death here simply for the organization of my post, ………………………
PETA Smacks Anthony Fauci
By Tom Woods August 27, 2022
From the Tom Woods Letter:
Today’s is a bit of a potpourri issue, because I couldn’t decide which of these items to …………………….
China: A Bulwark Against U.S. Empire Savagery and Financial Predation
By Richard Solomon August 27, 2022
Once again China finds itself a target of the international bankers. The American writer Mark Twain said, “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.” In the 19th century, the ……………………….
Chinese Firm Defies US Sanctions, Ships Venezuelan Oil To Offset Debt
Press TV August 27, 2022
Defying US sanctions against Caracas, China has assigned a defense firm to ship millions of barrels of Venezuelan oil as part of a deal to offset the sanctions-battered Latin American …………………….
Xinhua Commentary: Self-serving Washington and its „decoupling from China“ fallacies
Editor: huaxia 2022-08-26 by Xinhua writer Wang Xinyi
While it has been seeking to divide and re-devise the global supply chains, the United States is in fact ……………..
No. Russia’s Iran Relations Do Not Change With The Nuclear Deal
Moon of Alabama August 27, 2022
Indirect negotiations between the U.S. and Iran about the re-entry of the U.S. into the nuclear ………………….
Globalists are terrorizing humanity with artificial SCARCITY of everything: Food, energy, fertilizer and more… When we defeat the controllers, we unleash ABUNDANCE for all
Friday, August 26, 2022 by: Mike Adams
The African Slave Trade Wouldn’t Have Been Possible without African Elites
08/26/2022 Lipton Matthews
There is a revival in the study of the transatlantic slave trade. Several studies pinpoint the slave trade as the genesis of defects in African societies. Continuing in the intellectual ………………………
Lessons from a Massacre Committed 450 Years Ago
08/25/2022 James Bovard
On this day in 1572, French Catholics slaughtered thirty thousand Protestants (known as Huguenots) in the streets of Paris. The French king and the pope helped organize the the ………………..
Leftists and Nationalists: A Brotherly Conflict in India
08/24/2022 Yash Dubey
Currently, the brawl between the so-called left wing and right wing has taken places in India. Nationalism is on the rise, as the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) is in power, and those who oppose them are generally called leftists or liberals, these two terms are very often used ………………..
‘Someone Wanted to Get Me Killed’: Rep. Greene Responds to Being ‘Swatted’ 2 Nights in a Row
By Eva Fu and Steve Lance August 25, 2022
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) was sound asleep in her Floyd County home when the doorbell and knocks on her front door woke her up. There were flashlights and people outside ………………………
Whistleblower Disputes Data Glitch Explanation Behind Drastic Increase in Non-Infectious Diseases in Military
Whistleblower faces involuntary separation from Army, By Ella Kietlinska and Joshua Philipp
August 23, 2022
The Real IRS Hunt
There is NOTHING that the politicians EVER say that is the truth. Hiring 87,000 new IRS …………………..
A Man Has 4 Options in Today’s World
By Robert Slye Man and War August 26, 2022
Six Months Into Ukraine’s Collapse, The World Has Changed Forever
By Pepe Escobar The Cradle August 26, 2022
Six months after the start of the Special Military Operation (SMO) by Russia in Ukraine, the geopolitical tectonic plates of the 21st century have been dislocated at astonishing speed and ……………………
Western Companies Suffer $70 Billion Losses After Exiting Russian Market
By Evgeny Mikhaylov
Sanctions imposed on Russia by the US, Britain and the EU resulted in a fresh wave of …………………..
Eurozone Already in Recession – UBS
The energy crisis has led to the economic downturn, bank economists say, RT News
August 26, 2022
The euro area has already entered a “shallow” recession that will last through the end of the year, economists at UBS Group said on Thursday, in a report seen by Bloomberg. They ……………………
Gerichtsurteil: Über Katrin Göring-Eckardt darf gelacht werden
Fr, 26. August 2022
Das Landgericht Hamburg hat eine Klage von Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Katrin Göring-Eckardt gegen TE in Bausch und Bogen abgewiesen. Sie hatte versucht, TE eine satirische und kritische Kommentierung einer ihrer Forderungen zu untersagen. Es darf weiter über sie gelacht werden – über ihre originalen wie gut erfundene Sätze.
Wegen Russland-Politik: Bürgermeister schreibt Wut-Appell an Olaf Scholz
Frieden statt frieren.
Mit einem eindringlichen Appell zur Beendigung der Russland-Sanktionen hat sich der ………………..
Peter Schiff: Washington D.C. Goes Full Orwellian
August 25, 2022 by Peter Schiff
An audacious communications campaign from Democrats in Washington is currently underway that is attempting to convince the public that:
The FBI’s Gestapo Tactics: Hallmarks of an Authoritarian Regime
By John & Nisha Whitehead The Rutherford Institute August 26, 2022
“We want no Gestapo or Secret Police. FBI is tending in that direction.”—Harry Truman
With every passing day, the United States government borrows yet another leaf from Nazi …………………….
The „Great Reset“: A Blueprint for Destroying Freedom, Innovation, and Prosperity
by J.B. Shurk August 26, 2022 Notice that no nation has managed merely to print money and tax its citizens on the path to prosperity. Real wealth cannot simply be conjured from thin air. …………………..