Sächsisches Netzwerk deckt Impfnebenwirkungen auf
In Sachsen hat ein gut organisiertes Netzwerk aus Pflegekräften im ambulanten und stationären Bereich, Physio- und Ergotherapeuten, Psychologen, Psychotherapeuten, Osteopathen, Logopäden, Podologen, Diätassistenten, Labormitarbeitern, Feuerwehren, ………………………
Nach Habecks Totalausfall: Wie werden die deutschen Amtsblätter das erklären?
Von Roland Tichy Mi, 7. September 2022 Habecks Wahrheiten
Robert Habeck empfiehlt Handwerkern, Händlern und produzierenden Unternehmen einfach aufzuhören, damit sie nicht in die Pleite rutschen. Das ist also die grüne Wirtschaft – Stillstand. Das ist Habecks Programm. Jetzt warten wir freudig auf die Rechtfertigung seiner Presse-Freunde.
Bei Maischberger rät Habeck Unternehmen: Vor Insolvenz einfach aufhören zu arbeiten
Von Mario Thurnes Mi, 7. September 2022 Wirre Theorien
Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Grüne) hat bei Maischberger seinen „Marie-Antoinette“-Moment. Die Unternehmen müssten im Winter nicht in Insolvenz gehen, sie müssten einfach ……………………..
Den Wohlstand spielerisch in die Tonne treten
Alexander Wendt, Skepsis als wertvolle Ressource in Krisen
Aus vier Gründen ist die aktuelle Krise vor allem eine Krise der Westdeutschen. Ältere ……………………..
Robert Habeck
Dieses absurde Geschwätz von #Habeck schlägt dem Fass den Boden aus! Das ist kein Wirtschaftsminister, das ist eine intellektuelle Zumutung! Der zerstört vorsätzlich und aus Dummheit! Es reicht! #Maischberger
John Podesta Returns to White House, Will Help Biden Admin Spend $370 Billion on ‘Green Energy’
Charlie Spiering 2 Sep 2022
President Joe Biden plans to bring in one of Washington’s biggest swamp creatures to help him allocate funds for climate change and green energy.
CDC Gave Facebook Misinformation About COVID-19 Vaccines, Emails Show
By Zachary Stieber September 6, 2022
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) passed misinformation to Facebook as the partners worked to combat misinformation, according to newly released ……………………
Antiwar Criticism and the Formation of Collective Opinion
There are themes in the West that are difficult to question without running the risk of receiving sharp criticism. For the following themes, for example, there is a position ………………….
Everything You Wanted to Know about Money but Were Afraid to Ask
09/05/2022 Thorsten Polleit
With my talk, I would like to accomplish three goals:
First, I want to explain some sound and time-tested basics of monetary theory.
Second, I would like to point out why it is important to have a free market in money; that the ……………………
Europe’s Nightmare Scenario Comes True: Energy Bills To Rise By €2 Trillion, Will Reach 20% Of Disposable Income
by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Sep 06, 2022 – What is the scale of the energy challenge?
Millions of Chinese on Lockdown
At least 65 people are dead after a 6.8 magnitude earthquake rocked the province of Sichuan. This comes as 21 million people in Chengdu are confined to their homes as China has placed yet another city on a strict lockdown to adhere to its zero COVID policy. In fact, ………………..
Nancy Pelosi: Inside Trader of the Year
Pelosi knew when to sell! Paul Pelosi, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, sold off 25,000 shares of Nvidia. A month later, the US government banned Nvidia from selling chips to ………………..
Ukrainian Parliament Lines Pockets with Western Aid
The pro-war People’s Deputies of Ukraine Party are using Western funding to line their ……………………..
Obedience is a killer: 91% of Biden voters took the DEATH jab… huge demographic and ELECTORAL changes coming for America as vax clots kill Democrats and liberal women the most
Tuesday, September 06, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) A new poll from The Economist and covered by Breitbart News has found ……………………
Inflation: State-Sponsored Terrorism
Jeff Deist
- Introduction
Remember the quaint old days of 2019? We were told the US economy was in great shape. Inflation was low, jobs were plentiful, GDP was growing. And frankly, if covid had not come …………………….
Saudi Arabians are using a widely available Google and Apple store app to report activists who speak out against the government. Some have received harsh sentences while others are self-censoring.
Peter Guest, 2.9.22
Russia Cuts Off All Gas to Germany
Russia has closed the major Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline to Germany claiming it is off for 3 days for maintenance due to turbine issues. Europe and the U.S. dispute those claims and have accused Putin of “weaponizing” energy. I fail to understand the logic of what is going through ………………..
Arabs to Biden: Do Not Sign the Iran Deal, It Will Start a War
by Khaled Abu Toameh September 6, 2022 „A few days ago, US officials announced that it was Iran, not America, that had given up core demands. They lie. Iran has not given up on anything essential. On the contrary, Iran has obtained the essential demands it wants.“ — ……………..