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Ein marxistisches System erkennt man daran, dass es die Kriminellen verschont und den politischen Gegner kriminalisiert.

— Alexander Solschenizyn

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Teen Killed Over Conservative Views – Killer Released on Bail

In Biden’s America, you can walk free after killing people who oppose your liberal political …………………



Interview: The Plot to Seize Russia & Make It a NATO Vassal

A message from Hrvoje Moric:

“Martin Armstrong discusses his new book based on declassified documents where in the 1990s the West, NATO, and Russian oligarchy plotted to seize Moscow, loot Russia, and ……………



The Bank of England All but Admits Recession

The Bank of England (BoE) all but admitted the UK is officially in a recession. Bank Governor Andrew Bailey stated weeks ago that there was nothing the central bank could do to …………….



Russia mobilizes 300,000, promises defensive use of nuclear weapons while psychopathic western leaders beg for annihilation

Thursday, September 22, 2022 by: Mike Adams
(Natural News) Russia’s recent “partial mobilization” will call up 300,000 military reservists ………………..



Mike Lindell’s FBI Phone Seizure Warrant Reveals Why DOJ Investigating MyPillow CEO

By Katabella Roberts September 22, 2022




The Pandemic Is „Over,“ but the Feds Aren’t Giving Up Their Emergency Powers

09/21/2022 Ryan McMaken

On 60 Minutes last Sunday, President Joe Biden declared “the pandemic is over,” but quickly added that “we still have a problem with COVID, we’re still doing a lot of work on it.”




Can National Conservatism Threaten the Regime?

09/21/2022 Tho Bishop

Last week the Edmund Burke Foundation played host to the third annual National Conservative Conference in Miami, Florida, bringing together several of the preeminent ……………………



To Stop the Left, America Needs a Rothbardian Right

03/06/2021 Tho Bishop

The official slogan of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was “America UnCancelled,” and the conference featured a slate of topics confined to such ……………………



Decomposing HUMAN remains can legally be used as compost from 2027 thanks to new California law aimed at tackling climate change

A California law makes it legal to turn human remains into compost

The process involves placing the body inside a reusable container along with wood chips and aerating it to …………………



Brauchen unsere Kinder Ortungschips?

Das World Economic Forum warb kürzlich für Chip-Implantate, die unser aller Gesundheit und Lebensqualität verbessern sollen – ob als Hilfsmittel für Gehörlose und Depressive oder zum Orten von Kindern. Manche Vorschläge klingen vernünftig, andere haarsträubend.




Berlin-Wahl: Wie befangen ist die Verfassungsrichterin Ludgera Selting?

Von Marco Gallina Fr, 23. September 2022

Am 28. September soll das Berliner Verfassungsgericht darüber entscheiden, ob und wie die Berliner Wahl zum Abgeordnetenhaus und zur Bundestagswahl nachgeholt werden soll. An ………………



Ein Kopftuch hat eine Bedeutung

Das Kopftuch lässt, wie jedes andere ideologisch aufgeladene Kleidungsstück, Rückschlüsse auf die Geisteshaltung der Trägerin zu, und diese Geisteshaltung darf zur Disposition gestellt …………………..



Kampagne nach bekanntem Muster gegen Meloni und Salvini

Von Marco Gallina Do, 22. September 2022

Ausgerechnet Giorgia Meloni soll wenige Tage vor der Wahl der Zusammenarbeit mit Russland überführt werden. Schützenhilfe kommt aus den USA, um das Narrativ einer ………………….



Umfallen mit Ankündigung: Der einsame Lindner und die Schuldenbremse

Von Ferdinand Knauss Do, 22. September 2022

Christian Lindner, Markus Söder und Hendrik Wüst bereiten schon ihren Abschied von der Schuldenbremse vor. Sie schwenken auf die Linie derer ein, die das Feuer der Inflation mit ………………….



The „Stunning Success“ of the Green Revolution Is Yet Another Progressive Myth

09/17/2022 Kristoffer Mousten Hansen

One of the key myths of the twentieth century is the benign role played by international, American-led institutions after the Second World War. American liberals/progressives, fresh ………………….



Europe Ditched Russian Energy. Now People Are Sitting in Line For Days to Buy Coal. Is Biden to Blame?

09/21/2022 Alice Salles

When people start freezing to death in Europe this winter, who will be blamed? Regulations, Russia, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization? They all will be, but no one with a ………………..



How the US Squandered Its Strategic Minerals

by Judith Bergman September 22, 2022 While China has been relentlessly pursuing self-reliance when it comes to raw materials — especially strategic ones such as titanium, tungsten ……………….



Russian Anti-War Protests & the 3rd Generation

After many discussions from both sides of the Ukrainian conflict, I believe that my observation of a generational shift is important. The cycle is always driven by a cyclical ………………….



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