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— Konfuzius

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Russische Verbände kommen Bachmut immer näher

10.10.2022, Trotz der ukrainischen Erfolge im Osten und Süden treibt Moskau seine Angriffe in der Region Donezk voran. Mittlerweile stehen Einheiten des Kreml vor dem wichtigen Verkehrsknotenpunkt Bachmut. Für britische Experten ist der Vormarsch ein Beleg dafür, wie ……………………



Hoher Beamter Kiews bestätigt gegenüber New York Times: Ukrainischer Geheimdienst steckt hinter Bombenanschlag auf die Krim-Brücke

Die Explosion brachte zwei Brückenteile zum Einsturz. Nach Angaben der russischen Behörden sind mindestens drei Zivilisten ums Leben gekommen.




The Bank of Canada Should Admit QE FAILED

In 2020, Pierre Poilievre, chief Conservative spokesman on finance issues, said Canada’s central bank “should not be an ATM for Trudeau’s insatiable spending appetites.” ………………….



The Ukraine War is Really the Start of World War III

I have close personal friends on all sides of this Ukrainian nightmare — Kyiv, Donetsk, and Moscow. The Russian translation for the film on me, “The Forecaster,” was done by a ………………….



Florida Surgeon General Silenced by Twitter – Young Men are Dying from COVID Vaccine

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo posted a warning on Twitter only to have the platform silence him. It is his responsibility to inform the public of potential health hazards. ………………….



Jeffrey Sachs as Righteous Rogue Elephant

By Ron Unz The Unz Review October 11, 2022

Until just a few months ago, I doubt there were many American academics more solidly situated in the topmost ranks of our elite mainstream establishment than




A call for an independent inquiry into the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

May 19, 2022

Since the identification of theSARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan, China, in January 2020 (1), the origin of the virus ………………..



Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster

July 1, 2022

If Europe has any insight, it will separate itself from these U.S. foreign policy debacles, writes ………………….



Bolton Leads the Way

By Karen Kwiatkowski October 11, 2022

John Bolton is calling for the quick and opportunistic assassination of Vlad Putin, and as many of his friends as possible.




The U.S. Is Leading the World Into the Abyss

By Edward Curtin EdwardCurtin.com October 11, 2022

A few years after WW I, the poet T.S. Eliot opened his famous poem “The Wasteland” with these words: “April is the cruelest month … “  I think he may be wrong, for this October may be the cruelest month of all, followed by November.  Unprecedented.  You can hear the …………………..



Rescuing the Republic

Regis Martin - On hearing the news that Calvin Coolidge had just died, the humorist Dorothy Parker, whose wit could be pitiless, asked in mock surprise, “How could they tell?” Old Silent Cal, 30th President of the United States—the Sphinx of the Potomac, Washington ………………..



Zelensky Profiting from the War

A lot of people say I am wrong and Zelenski has a hell of a lot more than $100 million already stashed offshore. I am fully aware that the number being thrown around is $850 …………….



Crimea was a Neo-Nazi Terrorist Attack

My sources in Crimea have confirmed that this was a Ukrainian Neo-Nazi terrorist attack. The driver of this 18-wheeler died. He picked up a load of fertilizer and was not part of the plot. They were watching and blew up the truck remotely killing the driver and the car next to it …………………



The Madman of Ukraine in High Heels

Hi Martin
It is obvious that Zelensky does not have a brain and is being controlled by outside forces. Is it Schwab or is he just a front also? You probably know more than what is going on than anyone else including intelligence. Thank you All the best MW




Büros interessanter als Wohnungen

Günter Murr 08.10.2022-

Beim Wohnungsbau ist die Immobilienwirtschaft derzeit sehr zurückhaltend. Investitionen in Büros erscheinen plötzlich wieder interessanter zu sein.




‘Waking Up the Sheep’: Texas Siblings Sound Alarm on Hospital COVID Treatment Protocols After Death of Mother

By Matt McGregor October 9, 2022

Though every attempt to petition for their mother’s COVID-19 treatment was met with “strange behaviors and attitudes” by hospital staff, Clover and Jodi Carroll recalled what their …………………



Regime Pseudoscientists Enforce Climate Change Narrative

Michael Rectenwald

Although the field of experimental psychology has a very dubious track record in meeting scientific standards, it is nevertheless continually used to discredit the views of select subjects …………………..



The West Didn’t Become Rich Because of Slavery But in Spite of It

10/08/2022 Lipton Matthews

The blockbuster film The Woman King has resurrected the myth that slavery furnishes wealth. While irate critics argue that the film downplays the fact that the Dahomey Empire derived its …………………



Toby Baxendale on the Coming Financial Repression

10/07/2022 Robert P. MurphyToby Baxendale

UK entrepreneur and founder of the Cobden Centre Toby Baxendale joins Bob to discuss meeting Hayek, the history of economists supporting 100% reserve banking, and the tools central banks and governments will use to enact „financial repression.“



Skepticism, Confusion, Frustration: Inside Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse Struggles

October 9, 2022

Last October, when Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, announced that the company would change its name to Meta and become a “metaverse company,” he sketched a ………………..



John Kerry reveals Biden’s devotion to radical ‘Great Reset’ movement

by Justin Haskins, Opinion Contributor – 12/03/20 11:30 AM ET
In June, elites at important international institutions such as the World Economic Forum and the United ……………………



Fiat-Geld und die Corona- und Klima-Politik: Die real existierende Postmoderne

Michael Esfeld 10. Oktober 2022 –

Was haben das unbegrenzte Gelddrucken und das Corona- und Klima-Regime gemeinsam? Offensichtlich ist Ersteres die Voraussetzung für Letztere: Ohne die Möglichkeit für Regierungen, willkürlich Geld aus dem Nichts zu schaffen, könnte es weder die Corona-…………..



Crossing the Rubicon: How Kiev’s Attack on the Crimean Bridge Changed the Rules of Engagement

By Arnaud Develay October 11, 2022

On the morning of October 10th, 2022, the Russian Federation launched a comprehensive ballistic attack on most of Ukraine’s command and control structure centers.




It’s Time To Tell Biden We Say ‘No!’ To Nuclear War!

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute October 11, 2022

Last week the New York Times ran a shocking article claiming that the US intelligence community believes the Ukrainian government to be responsible for the August attack that killed Darya Dugina, the daughter of a prominent Russian philosopher.




Italien bezieht weiter russisches Gas

Wie man einen Konflikt mit Russland um Gaslieferungen lösen kann, ohne einen politisch-diplomatischen Scherbenhaufen zu hinterlassen, zeigt aktuell Italien: Das Land bezieht weiter Gas aus Russland – über eine österreichische Pipeline, und geht dafür auch findige und ……………….



Russia rains missiles down on Ukraine’s capital and other cities in retaliation for Crimea bridge blast

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Monday people were killed and injured in multiple missile strikes on cities across Ukraine, including the first bombardment of the capital in ………………….



Washington’s Double Legal Standards

by Pete Hoekstra October 10, 2022 Our bureaucrats, it seems, have no boundaries when it comes to a former president of the United States. What a precedent to set. Let us compare that to how they treat themselves.




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