Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Manchmal frage ich mich, ob die Welt von klugen Menschen regiert wird, die uns zum Narren halten, oder von Schwachköpfen, die es ernst meinen.

— Mark Twain

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Pepe Escobar: Terror auf der Krim-Brücke zwingt Russland zur Entfesselung von Shock’n Awe

uncut-news.ch Oktober 11, 2022

Das westliche Narrativ vom „verlierenden Russland“ wurde gerade durch Moskaus Blitzkrieg gegen die Ukraine und seine vom Ausland unterstützten Terroroperationen dezimiert.




Jan. 6 Committee Harassing Targets, Engaging in ‘Fishing Expedition’: Lawyers

By John Ransom October 11, 2022

As the House Jan. 6 committee heads towards its final public hearing, lawyers are criticizing the panel for engaging in overreach and harassing targets through onerous document …………………



We Need Truth and Beauty

10/11/2022 Jeff Deist

The architect Frank Lloyd Wright played an important role in the design of this beautiful desert resort. I’m sure I’m not the only person here tonight who was introduced to his work …………….



Martin Armstrong: New Interview Now Available



Ben Bernanke’s Nobel Prize: The Committee Rewards an Arsonist for Claiming to Fight the Fire He Started

10/10/2022 Mark Thornton

Along with Douglas Diamond and Philip Dybvig, Ben Bernanke was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics today. The three have written extensively on the need to bail out the banks in …………………



Can Tax Cuts Reduce Corruption in Ukraine?

10/10/2022 Karol Mazur

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky recently announced a drastic tax cut. The program, entitled 10-10-10, is designed to lower taxes and encourage residents to pay them in the hopes ………………..



The names & faces of the 150 Bilderbergers who have influenced & controlled the response to COVID-19

By The Exposé on October 12, 2022

Over 150 Bilderbergers (of the 1,861 who are still alive) have played important parts in the Covid-19 event. Many, perhaps most, of the below have been active in various roles; this page attempts to name and ……………………



Macron Reminds Biden to Think Before Speaking

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me – unless you are a world leader! French President Emmanuel Macron has been warning US President Joe Biden to THINK before speaking. At best, Biden causes confusion when he derails from the ……………………….



Noncitizens Encouraged to Vote

This is yet another reason why voter identification is crucial. We show identification at the airport, DMV, and even at the doctor’s office. There is absolutely no reason that we should ……………………



Why the US Won’t Step Back From the Warpath With China

Washington’s policies are guided by threat inflation and a vision of global control

By Dr. Radhika Desai RT News October 13, 2022

The drums of war being beaten in Washington DC are picking up tempo. Nancy Pelosi’s ill-……………………



The Gas Pipeline War: On the Day Nord Stream Was Sabotaged, the ‘Alternative Pipeline’ Was Opened

By Manlio Dinucci Global Research October 13, 2022

When this international press episode had already been recorded, the following news appeared in the New York Times:

“US intelligence agencies believe that parts of the Ukrainian government authorized the car bomb attack near Moscow in August, which killed Daria Dughina, American officials also said they had not been informed in advance of the operation and that they would have opposed the killing if they had been consulted”. For this reason, we added our comment entitled “




The Likelihood of Nuclear War With Russia

By Doug Casey International Man October 13, 2022

International Man: Recently, we’ve seen what appears to be an escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.




Analyst Estimates at Least 20 Million People Have Already Been Killed by the Covid ‘Vaccine’

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV October 13, 2022

American Journal’s Harrison Smith discusses Dr Roger Hodkinson, an esteemed Canadian ……………….



The Golden Rule and the Hunter Biden Scandal: Three Questions Raised by the FBI Leak

Below is my column in the Hill on the noticeably narrow scope of charges referenced in the recent FBI leak from the Delaware investigation. The leak raises a number of intriguing questions in its wake.




Die Welt setzt auf Kernkraft

Im Jahr 2021 befanden sich weltweit 56 Kernreaktoren im Bau. Das deutsche „Vorangehen beim Atomausstieg“ spielt sich offensichtlich nur in den Köpfen unserer „Ökos“ ab.

Die IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) hat in ihrem 42. Bericht einen Ausblick auf …………………..



Gretas Verrat an den deutschen Grünen

Von Christoph Lemmer.

Das nennt man Timing! Ausgerechnet jetzt, wo in Deutschland die Debatte um die Atomkraft mit allen Finten betrieben wird, taucht Greta Thunberg auf und mischt sich ein. Haut ihren grünen Freunden in Deutschland ein böses Brett vor die Stirn und springt der von Grünen eh …………………..



Killing With Near Certainty

By Andrew P. Napolitano October 13, 2022

Last week, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. secretly reaffirmed his own self-willed authority to kill persons in other countries, so long as the CIA and its military counterparts have “near certainty” that the target of the homicide is a member of a terrorist organization. That standard ………………….



The 150 Bilderbergers Who Influenced And Controlled The Response To COVID-19

Posted By: The Expose October 12, 2022

The Bilderberg Meetings are where global narratives are created in private and behind closed doors. This mammoth study of the aftermath of those meetings digs into the subsequent …………………



Misguided Foreign Policies Against Russia And Others Damage The U.S. And Its ‚Allies‘

Political corruption, a lack of knowledge, and irrational foreign policies have brought the U.S. to a point where it is loosing its primacy in the world.




Pfizer bestätigt vor EU-Covid-Ausschuss: Covid-Impfpass beruhte auf großer Lüge

  1. Oktober 2022 Thomas Oysmüller

Im Covid-Hearing des EU-Parlaments bestätigte ein führender Pfizer-Kopf: Es hat nie wissenschaftliche Daten dafür gegeben, wonach die mRNA-Behandlung die Weitergabe des …………………..



Gaspreisbremse: Von Experten beglaubigter Murks

Solange nicht klar ist, wie eine bezahlbare und quantitativ auskömmliche Energieversorgung ab dem Jahr 2024 aussehen soll, bleibt die Gaspreisbremse ein Stück interventionistischer Wirtschaftspolitik aus ideologischer Verblendung, für das viel Geld ohne nachhaltige …………………



Der Staat als Vormund

Die Ampel-Koalition will bis zu 200 Milliarden Schulden machen, damit Bürger und Unternehmen weniger für Strom und Gas zahlen müssen. Zugleich fordern Politiker die Bürger zum Energiesparen auf. Die deutsche Energiepolitik weckt Erinnerungen an ……………..



Literatur-Nobelpreis: Die geistige Öde von gestern

Wie schon manches Mal zuvor verblüfft das schwedische Nobelpreis-Komitee auch in diesem Jahr mit einem Missgriff. Es gibt tausende Schreibende auf dieser Welt, deren Texte bewegend, beredt und bedeutsam sind, doch der Nobelpreis für Literatur ging an die …………………



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