Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Freiheit kann nicht ohne Moral errichtet werden, und Moral nicht ohne Glauben.

— Alexis de Tocqueville

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Warum Joe Biden auf einen Waffenstillstand in der Ukraine drängen muss

Jack F. Matlock Jr. 20.10.2022

Jack F. Matlock Jr. ist ein amerikanischer Diplomat und Historiker. Er studierte Geschichte an der Duke-Universität und vertrat die Vereinigten Staaten als Botschafter in der …………………..



Ballot Harvesting in Arizona

Biden received more votes than any president in US history, but not legally. There is documented evidence of people voting numerous times, and the documentary “2000 Mules” ………………….



Blinken Falsely Blames China For U.S. Hostility Directed At It

On Monday U.S. Secretary of State Tony Blinken made a curious remark:

China plans to seize Taiwan on ‘much faster timeline,’ Blinken says

Secretary of State Antony Blinken accused China of speeding up plans to seize Taiwan as Chinese …………………..



Biden Releasing Millions in Oil Reserves Ahead of Midterms

The Saudis admitted that Biden asked them to hold off on the next OPEC+ vote until after the midterm elections. Now, Joe Biden is planning to release 15 million barrels of reserve oil to ………………..



Australia to Pay Funeral Expenses of Those Who DIED From Mandatory Vaccine

Australia imposed some of the harshest lockdown laws in the world. They built quarantine camps and forcibly imprisoned citizens. They mandated the “safe and effective” vaccine – …………………..



Biden Has Ensured the Fall of the USA

Marty, do you think that electric cars should be avoided? What do you see for the future? Biden looks like he has undermined Israel all over pleading for low gasoline prices.

thank you FG




The Perils of Higher Education: Institutional Failure

10/18/2022 Chris Calton

I have recently written about the cultural, political, and ideological problems that contribute to the decline in higher education, but colleges also suffer from long-standing institutional shortcomings.




Missouri Yanks $500 Million In Pension Funds From Blackrock

The head of Blackrock, Larry Fink, is a member of the Trilateral Commission and totally dedicated to the Great Reset, Carbon Zero and, Technocracy. Investors are realizing that Blackrock’s policy is not to maximize shareholder value, but to use ESG to force compliance ………………….



China: Xi Gets Ready for the Final Countdown

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture October 20, 2022

What drives China and Russia is that sooner rather than later they will be ruling the Heartland.

President Xi Jinping’s 1h45min speech at the opening of the 20th Congress of the Communist ………………



Who are the “Straussians”?

Oct 18, 2022 by Brion McClanahan

I’ve received several emails over the years asking me to explain what I mean by the “Straussians.”



Alex Jones and the Freedom of Speech

By Andrew P. Napolitano October 20, 2022

“Congress shall make no law abridging … the freedom of speech.”
— First Amendment to the Constitution





Blake Masters and a Family-Focused Liberty Movement

By David Gornoski American Greatness October 20, 2022

Younger voters online are closely watching Blake Masters’ Senate race in Arizona. Masters’ background as a disruptive innovator in technology and his penchant for irreverently …………………..



Are Gold and Silver Money?

By Paul Craig Roberts PaulCraigRoberts.org October 20, 2022

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke answers no.

And so do America’s youth.  Awhile back I posted videos of a podcaster who would offer …………………..




Why Gold Has Stagnated …. And What Investors Can Expect Next

By Doug Casey International Man October 20, 2022

International Man: Doug, you’ve been a strong proponent of gold for many years—specifically physical gold as a savings vehicle.




Mass Monitoring: A Digital Dictatorship on the Horizon?

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com October 20, 2022

A little over a year ago President Biden proposed a plan to set in place a new health agency to drive the U.S. down a futuristic road that would lead to cures for cancer, Alzheimer’s, ………………..



Slavery Did Not Promote Capitalism: The New Economic History of Capitalism Is Simply Wrong

10/18/2022 Lipton Matthews

The “new history of capitalism” (NHC) continues to receive widespread acclaim despite mounting inaccuracies. Although critical reviews have punctured adherents’ arguments many ………………



Why We Need True History and Good Historians

10/18/2022 Ryan McMaken

[This article is adapted from the introduction to the Historical Revisionism panel at the 2022 Supporters Summit at the Arizona Biltmore.]




Kronzeuge belastet ihn schwer Ex-Kanzler Kurz droht ein Albtraum-Szenario

Christian Bartlau, 19.10.2022,

Ehrliche Reue – oder Rache am einstigen Weggefährten Kurz? In einer Art Lebensbeichte dient sich ein Intimus von Österreichs Ex-Kanzler der Justiz als Kronzeuge an. Damit ………………….



Video: Bill Gates Says European Energy Crisis Is “Good”

Says people will be forced to “move to these new approaches more rapidly”

19 October, 2022 Steve Watson




SPD-Generalsekretär Kevin Kühnert „Ich habe einen Partner“

von BUNTE Magazin 19. Oktober 2022

BUNTE stieg mit SPD-Generalsekretär Kevin Kühnert auf den Ochsenkopf (1042 Meter) im Fichtelgebirge bei Bayreuth und sprach mit ihm übers Wandern und sein Privatleben.




Thailand: US-backed Opposition’s Violence Intimidates Critics, Paves Way for Regime Change

The US-backed opposition in Thailand replicates in many ways the violence and intimidation the US sponsored in Ukraine from 2014 onward – just as Ukraine is meant as a proxy against Russia – a US client ……………..



Tulsi Gabbard on Ukraine and the Military Industrial Complex



Oberst a.D. Thiele: Westlichen Ländern gehen die Waffen für die Ukraine aus | ntv



Schock-Prognose: Selbstmord-Sanktionen wirken kaum, Europa droht Ruin

Bisherige Vorhersagen ein Schuss in den Ofen

Die schwarz-grüne Regierung wiederholt ihr Mantra, wonach die Sanktionen “wirken” – doch ………………….



Gaskrise: Jetzt gibt es Stau vor Europas größten LNG-Terminals

35 Tanker warten vor Spaniens Küste

Von wegen die Politik hat alles im Griff. Seit kein Gas mehr aus den Pipelines strömt, muss ……………



Tulsi Gabbard: Our leaders are lying to us



Tucker Carlson: Tulsi Gabbard committed the unforgivable sin to the Democrats



Russian General Surovikin Speaks, Kherson Battle Looms, Drone/Missiles Strikes Continue

Update on Russian military operations against Ukraine for October 19, 2022 – Russian missile and drone strikes continue for over a week, knocking out much of Ukraine’s electric grid; – Ukraine is wasting …………….



„Das Ende von Krieg wird nicht Frieden sein“

Gefragte Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsexpertin: Claudia Major. Sie leitet die Forschungsgruppe Sicherheitspolitik der Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. (Foto: Jürgen Heinrich/imago)

von Claudius Semmann 14. Oktober 2022




Anklage im Mordfall Lola : Ermittlungen wegen Mord und Folter


Zwei Tatverdächtige sind in Untersuchungshaft. Nach Angaben französischer Ermittler wurde das zwölf Jahre alte Mädchen vor ihrem Erstickungstod sexuell misshandelt und gefoltert.




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