Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wenn Plündern für eine Gruppe in der Gesellschaft zur Lebensart wird, schafft sie im Laufe der Zeit ein Rechtssystem, das dies legalisiert, und einen Moralkodex, der es glorifiziert.

— Frédéric Bastiat

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

SCOTT RITTER: Russia’s ‘Dirty Bomb’ Scare

October 25, 2022

Russia appears to be legitimately concerned about the possibility of Ukraine building and using a “dirty bomb,” so much so that it has taken the unprecedented step of reaching out to …………………..



Critical Cartoons




New Study: COVID Vaccine Effectiveness Turns Negative Over Time

By now, we all know multiple people who have been tripe vaccinated but still caught the virus numerous times. CDC director Rochelle Walensky even came down with COVID last week …………………



Putin Traps the West as NATO Burns Through Ammo Reserves

October 26, 2022



Alberta Premier Danielle Smith Fighting Back Against WEF

This is big news. Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is the first government leader to apologize for vaccine mandates. Taking it a step further, she directly criticizes the World ……………….



Media Continue To Push ‚U.S. Officials Said‘ Claims Even When Those Are Obvious Lies

Back in April it was widely reported that the U.S. government is intentionally lying about the war in Ukraine:




Peace Was Never an Option – Romanian Defense Minister Resigns

Romanian Defence [sic] Minister Vasile Dincu said during an interview that re-negotiating terms with Russia was the only way to end the war. He has been forced to resign due to these ……………………….



The Fed’s Current Monetary Stance Will Lead to Stagflation, Not Deflation

10/24/2022 Mihai Macovei

Mainstream analysts seem convinced that global central banks are moving aggressively to tackle inflation, maybe even going too far. After having believed until recently that the spike ……………………



Can We Have Scarcity but Reject the „Scarcity Mindset?“ In a Word, No

10/22/2022 Gary Galles

Since I am an economist and my school year is not too far along, my classroom discussion of how all of economics traces back to the fact of scarcity (the combination of limited resources, ………………….



Globalisten lassen die Maske fallen

Sie geben es schamlos zu: WEF will weltweit am menschlichen Genom rumpfuschen

Nein, die Rede ist diesmal nicht von den experimentellen Corona-Impfstoffen, sondern von Behandlungsmethoden, bei denen es ganz offen darum geht, das Genom der Patienten zu ……………………



Betrügerischer Philanthro-Kapitalismus

Enthüllungs-Doku: Genlabor Afrika – Die Geschäfte des Bill Gates

Bereits 2018 begab sich der französische Doku-Journalist Jean-Baptiste Renaud nach Afrika, um Bill Gates’ Gen-Experimente aufzudecken. Seine Spurensuche fördert beunruhigendes zutage: Mit dem Versprechen, den Welthunger zu stillen, haben Bill Gates und Co. ………………………



Stiko-Chef Mertens: Impfungen bieten keinen längerfristigen Schutz vor Corona-Infektion

Von Matthias Nikolaidis Di, 25. Oktober 2022 Die Aussagen von Pharma-Vertretern vor dem EU-Covid-Ausschuss machten den Anfang. Zentrale Teile des Corona- und Impfnarrativs brechen derzeit weg. Nun ……………………..



The Political History of Money

10/24/2022 Alex J. Pollock

Those who fail to study the intellectual debates of the past are condemned to repeat them,” is a variation on Santayana’s famous dictum particularly applicable to economics and monetary ………………..



War, Propaganda, and Blindness

By Thierry Meyssan Voltairenet.org October 26, 2022

Propaganda makes you stupid. We know that the Ukrainian integral nationalists committed abominable massacres, particularly during the Second World War. But we don’t know what ……………….



New data transmission record

Using only a single light source, scientists have set a world record by transmitting 1.8 petabits per second. Their data transmission method uses significantly less power and can help reduce the Internet’s climate footprint. Thursday 20 October 2022.




Neom: Sci-Fi City Of The Future Breaks Ground In Saudi Arabia

Posted By: Emma Proctor via CNBC October 25, 2022

The first order of business was to forcibly evict and displace over 1 million Saudis from Jeddah, none of whom will ever actually live in Neom. This extraordinary, high-tech smart ………………



Flying taxis, robotic avatars and holograms — Saudi Arabia pushes ahead with its sci-fi city vision

Published Tue, Oct 25 2022




Technocrat Eric Schmidt: Helping To Write AI Laws In Washington Without Disclosing Massive Investments In AI Startups

Posted By: Eamon Javers via CNBC October 25, 2022

Schmidt is a member of the Trilateral Commission.  While at Google, he pioneered secretive “surveillance capitalism” using AI that skirted and defied legal control while making ……………….



The Many Interwoven ‘Wars’ – A Rough Guide Through the Fog

By Alastair Crooke Strategic Culture October 26, 2022


We now have an embarrassment of ‘wars’ of which paradoxically, Ukraine is perhaps of lesser strategic import, Alastair Crooke writes.




Thank You, Mr. President, for Lengthening My Leash

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation October 26, 2022

Three weeks ago, President Biden issued a mass pardon for people convicted of federal marijuana possession. His leftist supporters praised and glorified him for his act of extreme …………………..



Iranian Auto Industry Moves Ahead Despite U.S. Sanctions

Xinhua News October 26, 2022

Major Iranian car manufacturers have seen sales growth over the past months despite U.S. sanctions, which is considered by local media a “positive” indicator reflecting an improved ………………



How an Illiquid Dollar Ruins the World

By Matthew Piepenburg October 19, 2022

One can’t emphasize enough how dangerous the current macro setting is in the wake of a deliberately strong and illiquid Dollar.




Salzburg ohne Mateschitz ist wie Mozart ohne Kugeln

Von Roland Tichy Di, 25. Oktober 2022 Österreichs größtem Unternehmer zum Gedenken

Der legendäre Red-Bull-Gründer ist mit 78 Jahren gestorben und hinterlässt einen Konzern …………………



Peter Schiff: When the Sucker’s Rally Ends, the Dollar Will Crash

SchiffGold.com October 26, 2022

The world loves dollars. Whenever there is a problem, people flock to the dollar as a safe haven. But the US has problems of its own. In a podcast, Peter Schiff said America’s ………………..



US Recruits Elon Musk’s SpaceX for Iran Regime Change Op



Amid Energy Crisis, the Green Delusion Collides With Reality … Here’s What Happens Next

By Nick Giambruno International Man October 26, 2022

25 refrigerators.

That’s how much the additional electricity consumption per household would be if the average US home adopted electric vehicles.




Massen-Elend droht: Horror-Inflation belastet 90 Prozent der Deutschen

Verzicht, weil das Leben unleistbar ist.

Die Selbstmord-Sanktionen und die unverantwortliche Geldpolitik der Europäischen …………………



The Dark Origins of the Davos Great Reset

By F. William Engdahl Global Research October 26, 2022

Important to understand is that there is not one single new or original idea in Klaus Schwab’s so-called Great Reset agenda for the world. Nor is his Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda his or his claim to having invented the notion of Stakeholder Capitalism a product of ………………



The Putin Pawns in the NATO Alliance? How the West Emboldens Erdoğan’s Aggression

by Burak Bekdil October 25, 2022 Turkey’s Islamist President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has been militarily threatening a fellow NATO ally, Greece, using increasingly threatening …………………



Political ‘Justice’ in America

By Ron Paul, MD Ron Paul Institute October 25, 2022

Josef Stalin’s top henchman famously said, “show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.” What it meant was that Soviet justice was about politics, not the rule of law. First decide who, ……………………



“Speed of Science’ – A Scandal Beyond Your Wildest Nightmare

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com October 25, 2022

February 9, 2021, I published an article that clarified the medical and legal definitions of a “vaccine.” In the article, I noted that mRNA COVID-19 jabs did not meet those definitions, in …………………



Chaos Is as Chaos Does

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com October 25, 2022

When this future becomes the present, that present will look obvious. It always does. And from that present, this past we are living in will look ridiculous…. — Curtis Yarvin




Pfizer Whistleblower Brooke Jackson Tells Her Story

By Alexandra Bruce Forbidden Knowledge TV October 25, 2022

The CDC’s vote last week to add COVID-19 vaxxines to the Child Immunization Schedule ………………..



Science for Hire: The Scientific Industrial Complex & Its Betrayal of America

By Gary Null October 25, 2022



Dr. Drew Intervies Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

By Dr. Drew October 25, 2022



China: Xi Gets Ready for the Final Countdown

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture October 25, 2022

What drives China and Russia is that sooner rather than later they will be ruling the Heartland.




Come Back, Groucho

October 22, 2022

Rodney Dangerfield was the American Benny Hill, lewd, funny, and not exactly politically correct where the weaker sex was concerned. In America today there is no room for Rodney’s …….




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