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Eine Finanzkrise ist nicht ein Marktversagen, sondern ein Versagen des Staates, seiner Gesetze, seiner Verordnungen und seiner Aufsichtsaufgaben.

— Fürst Hans-Adam II. von Liechtenstein

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Die Gemeinwirtschaft: Jahrhundertfeier einer Kritik des Sozialismus – Hayek Juniorenkreis Wissenschaft

  1. Oktober 2022 –Karl-Friedrich Israel

Vor einhundert Jahren publizierte Ludwig von Mises sein zweites Hauptwerk




„Deutschland ist in Gefahr!“ Gloria von Thurn und Taxis | Viertel nach Acht, Morgenthauplan



Rothbard on Gold

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. October 31, 2022

What would people use for money in a genuine free market? A lot of people answer the question in this way. We really don’t know the answer for sure. It would be up to the people ……………..



Black Hole or Shock Absorber: How Does a Free-Market Economy Respont to Crises?

By Mark Thornton Mises.org October 31, 2022

Mainstream economists view the economy as fickle, unstable, and always in danger of utter collapse. They see the outlook as very bleak if not for the enormous existing superstructure of ……………….



The American ‘War for Righteousness’ Is a War for Evil

By Boyd D. Cathey My Corner October 31, 2022

Back on October 25, 2022 Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin (D-Maryland) celebrated …………………….



Ukraine: Will US Back Off as Russia Did on Cuba?

By Ray McGovern AntiWar.com October 31, 2022

Sixty years ago today (October 28) the U.S. and Russia stepped back from the brink of nuclear war by making a deal. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev would yield to President John …………………..



Headlines Without History

How the Democrats‘ War on „Executive Privilege“ will Harm Our Country

Dr Naomi Wolf Oct 23

Stephen K Bannon, the former chief strategist of President Trump’s White House — also a ………………..



What’s Behind the Seth Rich Coverup?

By Clarice Feldman

The Epoch Times reports on the continuing efforts by the FBI to hide the contents of Seth Rich’s computer, and while I am not sure why, the reasonable assumption is that to disclose …………………



EU Opens Probe Into Vaccine Deals

Prosecutors said the case is a matter of “extremely high public interest”

RT News October 31, 2022

The European Union prosecutor’s office has launched an investigation into the bloc’s procurement of billions of Covid-19 vaccine doses, amid allegations of corruption and secret ……………



High Level International Bankers Simulate The Collapse Of Global Financial System

January 15, 2022

A simulation of a theory based catastrophe of global bankers collapsing the financial system was conducted fairly recently. There was a striking similarity between this event and the infamous “Event 201” that was held in late 2019.




A Nation Divided Cannot Stand

What do you think about the attack on Pelosi’s husband? GH



Washington Downplays Poor Relations with Saudi Arabia

The Davos in the Desert meeting has humiliated Washington. The president himself was unable to secure a deal with Saudi Arabia, and now America’s elite are congregating in …………………



Das Kopftuch-Paradox

Auch in der global vernetzten social-media-Twitter-Echtzeit-Welt gibt es merkwürdige Ungleichzeitigkeiten. Während im Iran zehntausende Frauen die ihnen aufgezwungenen …………..



Finnische Polizei berichtet – Waffen für Ukraine tauchen in Nordeuropa auf


Statt nur in der Ukraine landen zahlreiche Waffen in den Händen Krimineller in Europa.




Wer ist eher weg – Benziner, Diesel oder die EU?

Holger Douglas, Mo, 31. Oktober 2022, Deindustrialisierung

Verbrennermotoren haben sich als Prinzip, Wärme in Kraft umzusetzen, bisher als am effektivsten bewährt. Ihre Energieversorgung ist mit Kohlenwasserstoffen deutlich effektiver …………………..



Deutschland ist so hilflos wie sein Präsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier

Von Mario Thurnes So, 30. Oktober 2022

Die Rede von Präsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier war ein Armutszeugnis. Aber weniger für ihn, als für das Land, dessen Oberhaupt er ist. So bitter das ist: Die Deutschen haben den Präsidenten, den sie verdienen.




Atomlaufzeitverlängerung: Es gab keine ergebnisoffene Prüfung

Sa, 29. Oktober 2022

Laut Informationen von „Welt“ und „Cicero“ deuten 166 Dokumente darauf hin, dass die Ablehnung der Laufzeitverlängerung bereits vorformuliert war. Bundeswirtschaftsminister …………………



Achtung Reichelt: „Meloni würde jede Wahl in Deutschland fulminant gewinnen“ – Gloria von Thurn und Taxis



Mystery Drone Boat Washes Up Near Home Of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet (Updated)

The unidentifiable unmanned surface vessel, which has features that could point to it being an explosive-laden suicide drone boat, appeared after a nearby blast. byJoseph Trevithick| PUBLISHED Sep 21,




Chronik des Irrsinns – der Oktober 2022

Der zehnte Monat des Jahres 2022 geht zu Ende, also das zehnte Zwölftel eines Irrsinns. Die mit dem Klammerbeutel Gepuderten erhöhen die Schlagzahl, der Chronist kommt kaum hinterher. Lesen Sie, staunen Sie!




Covid Reset: The Day of Reckoning Is Coming

By Dr. Joseph Mercola Mercola.com October 31, 2022

As noted in an October 10, 2022, GB News article1 by British presenter Mark Dolan, we have a long list of challenges facing us at the moment. There’s the global economic crisis, the …………………



Putin: ‘The Situation Is, to a Certain Extent, Revolutionary’

By Pepe Escobar Strategic Culture October 31, 2022

Putin in fact did nail where we are: on the edge of a Revolution.

In an all-encompassing address to the plenary session of the 19th annual meeting of the Valdai …………………



Talk im Hanger – Gloria Thurn & Taxis sagt was viele Menschen denken



US Sends Fewer Arms to Ukraine as Russia Prepares its Next Big Move






„Abscheuliche“ U-Boot-Flotte„Vergewaltigungslisten“ schockieren britische Marine


Es sind unglaubliche Vorwürfe: An Bord britischer U-Boote führen Offiziere anscheinend „Vergewaltigungslisten“ für den Fall einer Katastrophe. Auch Beleidigungen, Schläge und mehr sollen zum Alltag weiblicher Crewmitglieder gehören. Eine frühere Leutnantin packt ………………..



Zelensky Wants WWIII Bringing Death & Destruction to the Entire World

With most con artists, you need to count your fingers after shaking hands. With the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, you have to make sure you still have your arm. He wears …………………



The Realistic Market for Private Governance

10/28/2022 Jeff Deist

At this conference and others like it, dealing with alternative legal and monetary structures, I’ve noticed in recent years a strong bias in favor of action over argument, for building over ………………….



Latest Recession Alarm: Money-Supply Growth Fell in September to a 37-Month Low

10/28/2022 Ryan McMaken

Money supply growth fell again in September, dropping to a 37-month low. August’s drop continues a steep downward trend from the unprecedented highs experienced during much of ………………….



Did Alex Jones Get What He Deserved?

10/27/2022 Ryan McMaken Tho Bishop

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop look at the Alex Jones verdict and the weaponization of defamation law. Now that Twitter is under Elon Musk’s



„Planung, Lieferung, Ausführung“Russland gibt britischer Marine Mitschuld an Nord-Stream-Explosionen

29.10.2022, Moskau erneuert seine Vorwürfe gegen London, an den mutmaßlichen Anschlägen auf die Nord-Stream-Pipelines in der Ostsee maßgeblich beteiligt gewesen zu sein. Marineeinheiten hätten an allen wichtigen Schritten mitgewirkt.




Our Civil Liberties Are Under Attack – With Ron Paul / The Tulsi Gabbard Show

By Charles Burris October 29, 2022

Tulsi Gabbard connects the dots between American wars and our loss of liberty. The 2020 ……………………..



An Election, If You Can Hold It

By James Howard Kunstler Kunstler.com October 29, 2022

The death of the faithless state is as natural and lovely as a melting snowflake…All the broken things will start to be fixed. And all the crazy things will go away, immediately. —……………………



What History Tells Us About Taming Inflation

By David Stockman International Man October 29, 2022

In the spring of 1980, Paul Volcker did engineer a mini-recession but it didn’t put a dent in …………………..



High Society – A Service Economy Without Service

Theodore Dalrymple October 28, 2022

Recently, I had the doubtful pleasure of flying aboard British Airways back to London. No doubt the airline is safe, its pilots well-trained and its maintenance staff competent; and these ………………….



Washington’s Plan To Break Up Russia

By Mike Whitney The Unz Review October 29, 2022

“The Western goal is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy our nation. They are openly stating that, since they managed to break up the Soviet Union in 1991, now it’s time to split ………………..



Putin Warns of Unpredictable Decade Ahead

The Russian president has predicted greater uncertainty as the era of unipolar Western dominance comes to an end. RT News October 29, 2022




A Face Mask Holocaust

By Dr. Daniel Șterbuleac October 29, 2022

Human beings have co-evolved with a myriad of pathogens. Gladly. We co-exist and live ……………..



Corona Investigative Committee – Session 128: Orchestration of a Crisis



Heftiger Corona-Zoff bei „Viertel nach Acht“ | Dr. Gunter Frank – In der Corona Krise wurden meiner Ansicht nach Verbrechen begangen



Judicial Watch: FDA Records Detail Pressure on COVID Booster Use and Approval

(Washington, DC)–Judicial Watch announced today it received 43 pages of heavily redacted ……………….



New Atlas LIVE: Ukraine, China, Iran & More



Impf-Bombe: Lügen und Milliarden-Geschäfte

Covid-Lügen müssen parlamentarisch untersucht werden. Selenskyj will 500 Millionen monatlich von Berlin. Wie der Westen den Krieg in die Ukraine brachte. Wagenknecht und Weidel: Dream-Team der deutschen Politik



Kritiker zu Unrecht vernadert: Neues Buch entlarvt „Rechtsextremismus“-Keule

Einschlägige Netzwerke brandmarken alle Dissidenten

“Rechtsextremismus” ist ein Kampfbegriff, mit dem das System auf Kritiker losgeht. …………………….



Economist Nouriel Roubini: The Fed Is Going to Wimp Out in the Inflation Fight

October 26, 2022  SchiffGold

Economist Nouriel Roubini says Federal Reserve is going to “wimp out” on the inflation fight and that will lead to a dollar crash.




The Pentagon Brought on Both Nuclear Crises

By Jacob G. Hornberger The Future of Freedom Foundation October 28, 2022

I fully realize that when it comes to Ukraine, one is supposed to focus exclusively on Russia’s invasion and not on what the Pentagon did to gin up the crisis, a crisis that has gotten us ……………….



Why Did the West Learn to Embrace Fascism…  Again?

By Matthew J.L. Ehret Strategic Culture October 28, 2022

During the Cold War and especially after 1991, too few asked the question: Upon whose blood did such abundance and “freedom” arise?

We have often heard World War II described as “the war to end all wars”.




UPenn Professor Jeffrey Morris just sent us a major gift

Professor Morris wrote an article that has two tables showing that the death rate after vaccination is not flat. More confirmation that the vaccines are causing huge numbers of excess deaths.

Steve Kirsch Oct 27




The Mafia contra the Other Mafia

By eric October 26, 2022

I have been reading Sammy “The Bull” Gravano’s book, Underboss.

Gravano was just that – underboss – second-in-command of the Gambino “family” of Cosa ……………..



‘Oath Keepers’, American Justice and ‘the Secret American Army

By Brett Redmayne-Titley Global Research October 28, 2022

“Speaking of contempt of Congress, the real contempt is the existence of the January 6th Committee in the first place. It has been a partisan show trial from the beginning, where the only two “Republican” Members were not chosen by Republicans but by Nancy Pelosi.” ……………….



Malthusian Dogma and Circumlocution

By Alasdair Macleod Goldmoney October 28, 2022

The Cato Institute recently published a new book, Superabundance, which tries to prove that Malthus, the nineteenth century clergyman and economist, was wrong with respect to his ……………….



Silver’s Many Uses and What It Means for Its Future

By Doug Casey International Man October 28, 2022

International Man: Doug, let’s start with the basics. What makes silver useful and valuable?




The Creator and the Destroyer

By Bionic Mosquito October 28, 2022

Continuing with this series, reviewing the conversation between Jordan Peterson (JP) and ………………….



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