«Shit happens»: Wer behauptet, für den Klimaschutz zu kämpfen, kann im Ampel-Deutschland auch Menschenleben gefährden
Menschen, die sich auf der Strasse festkleben, sind keine Aktivisten, sondern Straftäter. Doch Deutschlands Regierungsparteien schicken ihnen höchstens liebevolle Mahnungen. Eine Farce. Marc Felix Serrao 01.11.2022,
China’s „Social Credit Score System“ – Fact or Fiction?
Tell Vlad I’ll Have more Flexibility after the Election
“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.” – President Barack Obama
About That Nobel: Deconstructing Banking Theories of Diamond and Dybvig
10/29/2022 Kristoffer Mousten Hansen
Since the awarding of the Nobel Prize in economics to Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond, and Philip H. Dybvig, most of the media interest has, understandably, concentrated ……………….
Biden Says There are 54 States – not 50 – Get with it folks!
President Joe Biden has once again raised the question if he is mentally competent to lead the nation as he pushes us into World War III. At a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, Biden …………………….
Now It’s UK: Why Are Labs Racing To See Who Can Create The Most Deadly Virus?
Posted By: Steve Watson via Summit News November 1, 2022
Any lab experimenting with the creation of or gain-of-function of human pathogens should be summarily terminated and its researchers banned from further activities. The depth and scope …………………
Alberta’s New Premier Under Attack For Refusing To Associate With WEF
by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Nov 01, 2022
Recently noted as an opponent of vaccine and mask mandates, new Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is breaking previously established ties with the World Economic Forum, which has ………………….
Baden Württemberg: Wir können alles, außer die Verfassung achten
Doppel-Wumms: Wiederholte Verfassungsverstöße des antisemitischen Antisemitismusbeauftragten und Rechtsbruch nach Württemberger Art. Eine kleine unterhaltsame Chronologie unserer bisherigen juristischen Auseinandersetzung mit dem ………………………
Dienstleister für Zensur und Boykott
Am 1. November startete die selbsternannte Faktencheck-Allianz GADMO in Deutschland und Österreich ihren Kampf gegen Desinformation. Damit schließt sie an Vorgänger-……………….
Laura Kövesi ermittelt: Kann die rumänische Antikorruptions-Ikone der EU eine neue Wendung geben?
Von Matthias Nikolaidis Mi, 2. November 2022
Die EU-Impfdeals, die Ursula von der Leyen sich öffentlich auf die eigenen Fahnen schrieb, könnten zum Wendepunkt in der Geschichte der Union werden. Ließe sich belegen, dass ……………….
Die Kulturstaatsministerin im Kampf gegen die Kultur
Von Klaus-Rüdiger Mai Mi, 2. November 2022
Die Adjektive „grün“ und „kulturlos“ werden von Tag zu Tag austauschbarer. Claudia Roth ist eine Staatsministerin nicht für, sondern gegen Kultur. Das hat sie mit der Documenta ……………….
UN Sides with China Despite Its Own Report Condemning Xinjiang Abuses
by Lawrence A. Franklin November 2, The recent United Nations Human Rights Council vote — rejecting the West’s proposal to debate China’s possible „crimes against humanity“ in its treatment of its Muslim minority in Xinjiang — covered up Beijing’s gruesome treatment of its ………………….
We need to get real about the English Channel crisis
An open and honest debate on migration is long overdue. Tim Black, 1.11.22
Everything that is wrong with the immigration debate in the UK was exposed in parliament ………………..
A Crippling Shortage of Diesel Fuel Threatens To Devastate Western Economies in 2023
By Michael Snyder The Economic Collapse November 2, 2022
In my entire lifetime, global supplies of diesel fuel have never been tighter than they are right now. And that is really bad news, because the entire economy of the western world runs on ………………..
War Without End
What is wrong with the United States of America?
By Philip Giraldi The Unz Review November 2, 2022
Prussian Major General Carl von Clausewitz famously drew on his own experience in the Napoleonic Wars to examine war as a political phenomenon. In his 1832 book “On War” he ………………..
Clarence Thomas Weighs in On Diversity
The Supreme Court is likely to rule that colleges may no longer consider race as a qualification for college applications. This has been a problem in America for many years as colleges aim to admit racially diverse incoming classes and overlook test scores in the ……………..
Eurozone Inflation Reaches New High – Recession Incoming
Inflation in the Eurozone hit a new record in October, according to Eurostat who reported a 10.7% rise. That marks an increase from September’s 9.9% posting and an all-time high since ………………
Rothbard on Gold
11/01/2022 Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr.
What would people use for money in a genuine free market? A lot of people answer the question in this way. We really don’t know the answer for sure. It would be up to the people ………………..
Changing of the Guard: Can Musk Deliver on His Promises for Free Speech and Information?
10/31/2022 Michael Rectenwald
Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter and his immediate firing of top brass represents a potential weakening of the Big Digital woke cartel that controls information, censors content, censures …………………
The Changing World Order Is Approaching Stage 6 (The War Stage)
Published on November 1, 2022, Ray Dalio, Founder, CIO Mentor, and Member of the Bridgewater Board
Some Ukraine Items …
Earlier today these two tweets passed my timeline.
The first lauded UK cybersecurity efforts to protect networks in Ukraine. The next one reported of successful efforts by some group from the Donetsk republic to hack into the U.S. provided military software used to manage the battlefield in Ukraine.
Migranten-Horror für die Polizei
Halloween: Syrer und Afghanen bekämpften Linzer Polizei nach Netflix-Vorbild
Die Polizei schützte sich mit Helmen und Schildern – trotzdem gab es Verletzte
Wir sind Bananenrepublik
Peinlich! Peinlich! Peinlich! Die Geständnisse von Ex-ÖBAG-Chef Thomas Schmid scheinen nur zu bestätigen, was ohnehin schon längst alle Spatzen von den Dächern pfiffen und was ………………..
Turkey: 243 Sleepless Nights for Erdoğan
by Burak Bekdil November 1, 2022 Yöneylem’s poll also found that 63% of respondents say Turkey is being „badly governed,“ and 58.7% say that they „would never vote for Erdoğan.“ Only 33.3% of the respondents said they would vote for Erdoğan while 55.6% said they …………………