Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Menschen, die korrupte Politiker wählen, Betrüger, Diebe und Verräter – sind keine Opfer, sondern Komplizen.

— George Orwell

Aktuelle Artikel und Videos

Wir sind Katar: Sigmar Gabriel wieder voll daneben

Von Cora Stephan Di, 1. November 2022

Der frühere Bundesaußenminister Sigmar Gabriel unterstellt Katar, noch vor sich zu haben, was wir so großartig gemeistert haben (mit feministischer Außenpolitik, non-binären Schriftstellern und geschlechtergerechter Sprache). Es wäre ehrlicher, wenn der Deutsche-Bank-Aufsichtsrat Gabriel über Interessen reden würde.




Virtue Signaling for Ukraine Wanes

CNBC reported that Biden and Zelensky exchanged harsh words during a phone call in June 2022. After securing an additional $1 billion in funds from Americans, Zelensky said that the US needs to provide more for Ukraine. Biden losing his temper and Zelensky begging for more money are both believable situations. Similar to a child crying for dessert before dinner, ……………….



No COVID Amnesty

The Atlantic wrote a piece about declaring pandemic amnesty. “We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID,” Emily Oster wrote. I will not forgive what was done and the permanent damage the COVID zealots caused to the global economy. This was not a simple misunderstanding – it was a deliberate plot to ………………..



US-Gynäkologe: Zerstörtes Immunsystem – Babys geimpfter Mütter zeigen dieselben Schäden wie Impflinge

  1. Oktober 2022

Dr. James Thorp ist Facharzt für Gynäkologie und Geburtsmedizin in Florida und




Many People will Starve & Die from Freeze While Fighting Global Warming

Buy Your Food Now – 2023 Will be Devastating, No Diesel = No Food



Can a Free Market Economy Be Trusted to Recover on Its Own?

10/31/2022 Frank Shostak

Following in the footsteps of John Maynard Keynes, most economists hold that one cannot have complete trust in a market economy, which is seen as inherently unstable. If left free, the market economy could lead to self-destruction, hence the need for the government and the …………………



UK Report: Police Use Of Live Facial Recognition Unlawful And Unethical

Posted By: Vikram Dodd via The Guardian November 2, 2022

In the beginning, facial recognition technology was embraced as a tool to promote safety and security; in the end, it has provided neither and civil liberties have been trampled. Now, a few objective studies are …………………..



Pennsylvania Supreme Court Orders Undated, Wrongly Dated Ballots to Not Be Counted

By Mimi Nguyen Ly, November 1, 2022

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered counties to not count any ballots that ………………..



If You Want Forgiveness, Emily, Here’s Your Program

By Karen Kwiatkowski November 3, 2022

Being lectured to, condemned, ridiculed and hated by elitist bullies is bad enough on a single day or for one issue.




German Energy Company Demolishes Wind Turbines to Ramp Up Coal Mining

By Ryan Ledendecker November 01, 2022

President Joe Biden isn’t the only world leader running his country into a dangerous energy ………………



The Petrodollar-Saudi Axis Is Why Washington Hates Iran

11/01/2022 Gary Richied

Kish, since you are wondering, is an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf famed for its tourist and shopping attractions. It is becoming a serious rival to other nearby vacation hubs in Doha ………



How Social Security Increases Could Cause an Inflationary Death Spiral

By Doug Casey International Man November 3, 2022

International Man:The Social Security Administration recently announced an 8.7% cost of ………………..



Russia is on a Roll

Julian Macfarlane Nov 2, 2022

The Empire can’t do anything right recently—NATO, MI6, the CIA, and of course, their Nazi gang in Kiev could turn gold to shit just by looking at it.

One way or another, they are making things easier for the Russians to achieve their various …………….



Die Krisen-Formierung der Bürger

Die Krisen, die sich in diesem Herbst zu einem ganzen Krisenkomplex auftürmen, sind kein Schicksal. Sie beruhen auf falschen Entscheidungen. Die Opfer, die jetzt gefordert werden, …………………..



Let’s First See if They Drown

By Bionic Mosquito November 3, 2022

In April 2020, with nothing else to do, my family took an enormous number of hikes.




Staat nimmt mit einem Schlag 25.000 Dolmetschern die Zulassung

Von Mario Thurnes Do, 3. November 2022

25.000 Dolmetscher könnten in gut vier Jahren ohne Berufserlaubnis dastehen. Der Justiz droht ein Kollaps. Zurück geht diese Situation auf ein Gesetz, das Christine Lambrecht (SPD) …………..



Fanatismus der Apokalypse

Mi, 2. November 2022

Während Menschen in Europa Müll verbrennen, um es weiter warm zu haben, verstärken Klimaaktivisten den Kampf gegen Erdgas. Von Michael Shellenberger




„Trennen Sie sich von den Grünen, Kanzler Scholz“

Mi, 2. November 2022

Deutschland kann und muss ohne die Grünen regiert werden, weil jede Regierung besser ist als eine mit den Grünen. Von Michael W. Alberts




Murray Rothbard versus the Progressives

11/02/2022 Joseph T. Salerno

There has been a radical change in the social and political landscape in this country, and any person who desires the victory of liberty and the defeat of Leviathan must adjust his strategy accordingly. New times require a rethinking of old and possibly obsolete strategies.

Murray N. Rothbard1




Biden Administration Again Plants False Nuclear Scare Stories

Last month I dissected the fear mongering the Biden administration released over alleged Russian nuclear threads:




Sondersitzung entlarvte Sittenbild der Pannen-Regierung

Neuwahl blockiert: Grüne machen ÖVP in Korruptionsaffäre die Mau(r)er

“Realitätsverweigerung, die ein wenig an Ceausescu in der Endphase erinnert”: Mit diesen ………………



Ende der Sanktionen und Politiker-Haftung: Demo am Samstag in Wien

Von wegen, die Bürger würden sich Politik nicht interessieren und seien desinteressiert. Für die Politik dieser Regierung trifft dies vielleicht zu, aber viele Österreicher wissen genau was ………………



Wieder Migranten-Krawalle in Linz: FPÖ fordert Aussetzung des Asylrechts

Die riesigen Migranten-Randale zu Halloween in der Linzer Innenstadt schockieren weiterhin. Jugendliche Asylanten – etwa 200 Syrer und Afghanen – verabredeten sich nach dem Vorbild ……………….



Dear Twitterati – Leave the Road to Serfdom, Learn to Code

By Tom Luongo Gold Goats ’n Guns November 2, 2022

So, Elon Musk completed his purchase of Twitter and the pink slips are flying. From the C-Suite to the CS desk in a few weeks Twitter will cease to be the company we’ve all loved to ………………



10,000 abortions prevented in first two months after Roe v. Wade overturned: report

‘ … in the two months after the Supreme Court decision, there were 10,570 fewer abortions as compared to pre-Dobbs estimates.’ Mon Oct 31, 2022




2 Catastrophic Things Are About to Happen to Our Supply Chain in November

By Daisy Luther The Organic Prepper November 2, 2022

If you think things are bad economically now, hang on to your halo. We are facing a perfect storm for our supply chain within the next month unless several things change dramatically.





The Atlantic is Asking for „Pandemic Amnesty“ and Forgiveness

A new Shift in Public Discourse, Igor Chudov, 31.10.22

Wow. The Atlantic has a front-page article (archive link) by Prof. Emily Oster, asking for “Pandemic Amnesty”.




Another Big CBDC Flop …. Here’s What Really Comex Next (Hint: It’s Not What the Elites Hoped For)

By Nick Giambruno International Man November 2, 2022

Last year, Nigeria launched its much-ballyhooed eNaira, Africa’s first central bank digital currency (CBDC).




Fox station in Arizona accidentally airs election ‘test results’ showing Democrat defeating Kari Lake

Commentators are blasting the incident as a blow to public trust in election integrity. Fri Oct 28, 2022

PHOENIX (LifeSiteNews) – Phoenix’s local news station Fox10 accidentally aired election “test results” declaring Democrat Katie Hobbs the winner over Republican Kari Lake in the …………………



Peter Schiff: The Fed Got Everybody Drunk on Cheap Money But the Party Is Over

SchiffGold.com November 2, 2022

A lot of people seem to think that if the Fed had just started fighting inflation a little earlier, we wouldn’t have seen the rapidly rising prices that continue today. The mistake, they say, …………….



Die Paulskirche bin ich

Von Matthias Trautsch 02.11.2022-

Der Umgang des Frankfurter Oberbürgermeisters mit dem Symbol der Demokratiegeschichte ist typisch für seinen Politikstil. Das Beispiel zeigt, was ihn stark machte und warum ihm jetzt ………………..



The tyranny of a Covid amnesty

Mary Harrington is a contributing editor at UnHerd. A self-righteous cabal has delivered a public that is sicker and poorer, November 2, 2022

I spent the last days of innocence before Trump and Brexit heavily pregnant. Like many first-………………….



Playing at War in Ukraine – Col. Douglas Macgregor



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